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Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia

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    Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia

    I"ve been AF for 9 days after AL withdraw ( mild) . But have since had burning in my arms seems to lessen as time goes on just wondering if it will go away. I see the doc in a week Thanks ahead of time

    Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia

    awesome job on 9 days af..about the arms burning i have no clue.. never happen to me.. so yes see your doc and ask all the questions you can .. stay strong and think positive
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia


      I know I get weird sensations from withdrawal. Daughter told me she gets horrible itching on her feet and head.

      Great job on 9 days!!

      Hope the sensation goes away.

      BTW. :welcome: Hope you stick around!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia

        "paresthesia" is one of those symptoms that can have many different causes, really in a sense it is just a technical term for weird sensory experiences like tingling, usually something very short-lived and one never (usually) knows what causes it, but certainly it can occur during withdrawal from alcohol/drugs AND as a side-effect of medication. Very very rarely is it anything serious. Good that you will be seeing your doc and can talk it over with him/her pretty soon.



          Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia


          Thanks for the info this site and ALL you people are awsome:thanks:


            Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia

            cINDERS: hey i get really terrible itching in my arms. its terrible.. feels like somethings under my skin. keep scratching and it just never goes away.

            I know her pain..


            an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


              Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia

              When coming off AL,I have found one of the hardest feelings to put up with is horrible itching spells that sometimes have lasted for hours then goes and returns again...It has always gone away after a few days AF...
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia

                hi courage,i no when i stopped[drinking the last time] the body broke down,i found it was from many years of abusing this old bod of mine,trigger finger,which i just got a shot of cordazone,which seems to help,and at the end of the month,i go for a CT Scan for my shoulder,as fars the doc is concerned,over many years of sportsand being the athelete i am ,or think i was,hahaha,the bod said no more,i probably will need an operation but if it makes it better ,thts great,as many ive met we can only abuse ourselves so long,by the way there was a documentary,from oneof the posts,i ht i seen it all till i seen some of it,6 minutes i watched,watch it it will give u a better perspective of what the human body will indure,hope this helps GYCO


                  Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia

                  Thanks again for everyones imput:thanks:I have put the beast behind me and i'm not looking back


                    Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia

                    Hi TWC,

                    I love your resolve. "I have put the beast behind me and I'm not looking back" should be put in a frame on your wall (I might actually borrow it - is it copyrighted???).



                      Can anyone tell me about Paresthesia

                      Not that Iknow of I just thought of it as I was posting. Thats whats nice about this site we all have the same problem AL and we all have the same resolve AF good luck fighting the beast:goodjob:

