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Feeling really down...

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    Feeling really down...

    Hi all. Feeling really down, and need some help. I have been a drinker since I was in my teens. It started to ramp up in my early 20's. Not everyday, but one day on the weekend to get hammered. I kept doing that for a number of years. I would be abstinate for the week or so, then LOOK OUT!!!
    I got hired in my mid twenties to work sales for a company where drinking was accepted. Entertaining customers, and even in the office where everyone would party at the end of the day. I am still at the same company after all these years, and have been very sucessful in that regard. It just seems like over the past 2 years, I really get bad. I have NO off switch. My husband is a drinker too, but I am far worse when I get at em'. I have a 3yr. old, and I don't want her to see me when I get totally smashed. I am embarassed, and feel really down about not being able to handle it.
    I have all the vitamins and supps. I tried the Topa. It seemed to take the edge off, but I still drank heavily. ( Itried to mod. ) Obviously I can't.
    I just really need some support.
    Don't know what to do about getting help. I don't think I would like A.A. I'm not the meeting type. I just don't know what to do.... Thanks for reading. :upset:

    Feeling really down...

    Hello Sweetie...whatever helps you, thats wot you doo. We are all affected by alcohol and are here to discuss a way OUT!!!! .... there are so many options to get away from it ....

    it is a process .... a long hard one .... read what is here and what people are saying, you will find something to relate to. If i can change, you can. :l


      Feeling really down...

      We are here to help ...Many of us have been where you are and found a better life,thru this site.Stay close and we can help you get a workable plan to get and stay sober..
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Feeling really down...

        Ah wrong thread
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Feeling really down...

          Welcome Sweet - know what you mean, I was in a job were drinking seemed to be stressed to the point of the ridiculous, on St Patricks Day they gave everyone a can of Guiness first thing in the morning and encouraged them to drink it! I remember having brandy on one occasion in a manager's meeting. If we went out on a company lunch, no question about it I would have as many double vodkas as I could squeeze in an hour and then go back to work.

          I'm another following the AF Army Thread, which you're very welcome to join - we all support one another and have a good laugh at the same time.
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            Feeling really down...

            Hi Sweet -

            I've learned (the hard way) that I can't "mod".

            I'm an all or nottin kinda broad. And even tho' I've admitted it both to myself and here - it still doesn't get thru this head.

            I remember when I was sober (only a week or so ago) - and I wrote how great it was (It WAS!)... yet, now, I can't seem to remember why....

            So, dear, Sad, SWEET - I guess all I can say is GRASP the sobriety with all your might!

            I lost my grasp...
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              Feeling really down...

              We are here for you. It is hard, yes but the benefits rock. This coming from me, a hypocrite, who constaly sings the praises of being sober, but can't seem to stay on the wagon. I will NEVER give up trying though. I am worth being sober, damn it. This place has so many kind and intellegent people - I have learned much in my weeks here. Please stay and join us on this journey. We can always use more company!
              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                Feeling really down...

                Welcome to MWO. Before finding this site and joining I was on the verge of rehab. I have found the help of all these wonderful people to be paramount to me being able to stay AF for 37 days. Read the book and load up on the supplements-they help immensely. I wish you luck on this journey and I look forward to getting to know you better. Kriger
                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                  Feeling really down...

                  Welcome, Sweet ~ stick around - lots of fun, friendship and support here! Any time you are feeling down, there will be many to help pull you up!:l:h
                  You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                    Feeling really down...

                    Hi Sweets - sometimes just knowing you are in good company with people who want what you want is all it takes. It takes .... a community! It's not that everyone has the same goals for their lives here - quite the opposite. There are ppl who want to moderate, ppl who want to abstain, AND ppl who don't know what they want! But you learn a LOT by reading them all. It also helps you discover who you are, what you really want and how to get it! Hang with us here - you will grow stronger day by day!
                    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                    (from the Movie "Once")


                      Feeling really down...

                      Hi Sweetie~

                      Return here to this river that flows non stop.
                      Everyone is in their own current,yet, together, we are all going upstream.

                      The words , the care, the compassion are all ready to take you away in the waves of hope.

                      As we all learn our way to bypass those boulders along the way, there is always dry land to scurry over to for a rest when needed.

                      Thank You for being here.

                      " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                        Feeling really down...

                        Hi Sweet,
                        I know where you are coming from. What has really helped me is changing my routine so that I am at a different place when the cravings start. Even white lies like I have an appointment so am not around drinkers at the time my cravings are worse. When you are feeling alone and it does get too hard, reach out here and I promise you that someone will be able to at least talk and listen to you. You can do this, it is not easy but if you really want can be done.
                        Take Care
                        Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                          Feeling really down...


                          I have been there. The wierd part is that when you don't drink at social functions people look at you like you have two heads. I am so sick of that! I agree that little white lies are okay to get you through. Say that you are on antibiotics, etc. You may find that easier.
                          Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                            Feeling really down...

                            Hi Sweet!

                            Hope you can feel the love and support that is being sent your way.

                            You are not alone:-)
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              Feeling really down...

                              Welcome Sweet. I too cannot STOP once I start. As sick as I get the next day you would think I would have LEARNED MY LESSON! Please stop by the AF Army. Just jump in. We all check in and it keeps us grounded.

                              Best of luck.
                              :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                              AF since 10/11/2008

