They are the three things that control/mold my life.
With the chronic pain and alcoholism, it is the old chicken/egg game so we won't go there...the third, I am so tired of juggling the other two it is killing me emotionally and physically. I am not whining, or really not sure why, other than the fact I needed to get it out somewhere, that I m posting.
I guess the third thing, is the why, of why I am posting. I am a shell...I wake up, take my pain meds, and clean as best I can and go to work, and take my pain meds to get through the day, and come home...utterly exhausted and empty....clean if I have the energy (of which there is very little these days), and drink if I can afford to and the kids have no "thing" going numb...the pain, the depression, and the mental agony I seem to be stuck in.
ACK...a huge circle I need to escape. The alcohol is only one (but big) factor. Any one that can relate, I could use a buddy or something...and feel free to give me a kick...I am slipping into "poor me" mode that isn't going to help.
I have a husband who has two ex wives, we have six kids, we both work...and I feel like I am coming to the end of my rope.blah...
thanks for listening,
sorry...I really needed to share,