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Need some help finding help...

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    Need some help finding help...

    Neon- I really really sympathise with you as it sounds just what I had.

    I think that was why then I was able to stop drinking because I felt so terrible it was unbelievable. The doc I saw was also a physchiartrist- as well as a regular doc. He told me to STOP taking everything, including the birth pill, and prescribed which I now realise was quite a mild tranquiliser- it did help, but wasn't a solution. I know the reflexology thing sounds silly because it is a really serious problem, and these days reflexology is very mainstream and associated for milder illnesses- BUT, I had tried everything and nothing was working, and it did work.

    I think if you get Valium it won't help you long term- however it might make the symptoms a bit more bearable as my 'tranks' did.

    The working hours probably do have something to do with it- I also was working very long hours at night, 7 days a week- it upsets our body's natural energy patterns- which reflexology can put right.

    Sorry to harp on about it- but believe me- I was very very sick, your symptoms sound just like mine, and it did work.


      Need some help finding help...

      The saga continues...

      Well I went to see a internal medicine doctor for the 2nd time yesterday evening. The first time I saw him he did a blood inflammation test and a lime disease test. He also requested that I obtain a copy of the test result documents from the Neurologist & Hospital and come back to see him. On this visit he reviewed all of my blood, MRI, MRA and EEG tests.

      As before, all my blood tests came back negative. No blood sugar issues, no inflammation, no liver or kidney problems etc. He reviewed what the Neurologist said about that he didn't think I had alcohol withdrawal symptoms and pretty much believed him =(.

      The internal medicine doctor's "professional opinion" is that I'm suffering from some sort of depression & that working 3rd shift (12am to 8am) might be adding to this problem. However he was unable to give any suggestion about my balance problems. I was again denied amoxicillin as there was still "not enough evidence a infection is present".

      Today marks a complete month since I've been having these symptoms and it's probably worse now than it's ever been. I am starting to get "the shakes" more frequently and I've caught myself a few times from throwing up out of no where, although I've never actually done it. The swelling in my head hasn't went down and neither have my balance problems.

      What the internal medicine doctor did do was prescribe me a prozac type of medication (Cymbalta) @30mg - telling me to take 1 per day. He told me that I probably won't see any results for 3 full weeks. The way I feel right now is that I won't make it that long.

      Just to give you an idea on how clueless the Neurologist was, he prescribed me "Fioricet". I'm not sure if i mentioned it before, but every doctor I've went to since I saw him told me I "should not" be taking it, including the internal medicine doctor. But yet, he believes his diagnosis about not going through withdrawal.

      I did accidentally take one Cymbalta yesterday and one Fioricet today *only* to calm myself down. With everything going on I forgot I was taking a new medication. I hope that combining these two medications won't cause any super bad side effects.

      What kind of drugs are used to treat withdrawal? Valium? At this point I'm ready to buy them illegally if I have to before I lose my mind. I read that the main side effect of Cymbalta is suicidal thoughts, not good. Also a bunch of other side effects that sound like what I'm already going through, I hope it doesn't amplify any of them.


        Need some help finding help...


        There are a few people on this site who know lots about physical symptoms, but I kind of feel yours is not all due to alcohol, although probably a lot of it is or most of it is.

        Could you maybe read through the posts and find the ones who know a bit about the physical stuff and PM them? They maybe missing your thread, and from my own experiences I have found nobody minds you asking them for help.


          Need some help finding help...

          Neon - I'm so glad you posted an update. I've been wondering how things were going. I've read your descriptions, and though I'm no expert, I don't think you would continue to have physical withdrawal symptoms from alcohol at this point. From what I understand, those subside within the first week. I'm thinking you might be associating things with alcohol because of the timing when your symptoms appeared. And it's possible that something during that period triggered the symptoms to start. I wholeheartedly agree with Marbella to try to seek out people who have experience or knowledge about alcohol related symptoms. I have read that some people do suffer anxiety when they stop drinking and maybe that's part of what is going on here? I also think, since Marbella has had a very similar problem, that you read up on the reflexology and perhaps give that a try? I sure hope the Cymbalta helps you. if not, you might consider in addition to the above, 1) trying to see a better neurologist, and 2) see a psychiatrist who may be more familiar with your symptoms and what might be related from a psychiatric perspective and can also verify whether Cymbalta is most appropriate. I really feel or you, I know this is a very difficult time. Hang in there, and please keep us posted!


            Need some help finding help...

            To me , this sounds like you have alot more than Alcohol With drawl things going on.Is there a mind/body holistic doctor in your area?A long term plan on how to regain Balance and stay AF is a goal that a holistic doctor could help you with.
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Need some help finding help...

              Just wanted to see if any of you guys knew about "PAW" ? I posted my story on another forum and was directed to the following link:

              Post Acute Withdrawl - Relapse Prevention Specialists - TLC The Living Center

              Is it possible I may have this?

              I really don't seem to have memory problems, at least I don't think =). Maybe my CNS is damaged.

              Anyways, I just scheduled another appointment to another doctor and the soonest I could see them is December 1st. I believe I have found a holistic doctor in my area & I am looking into contacting them.

              Thank you very much everyone for the input.

              Even though I'm still hurting, it is always appreciated & makes me smile.


                Need some help finding help...

                hi Neonapple and welcome to a wonderful community.

                its' safe to say you are not going through withdrawal this many days since your last drink although you may very well have had withdrawals just after you quit. Advanced long term al abusers will indeed have damage to the hippocampus and other regions of the brain but in your case something else is going on.
                honestly this many days after your last drink you should feel fantastic. ( even if you were a 20+ year bad drinker.)
                I would definitely take WIP's advice and seek a GOOD neurologist and take the time to carefully go over your story as you have done here.
                Please don't obtain valium or any other dug without a doctors care...not knowing what you are up against this could really put you in jeopardy and we don't want that. And please keep us up to speed as you work through this.
                congrats on an AF lifestyle choice! it's working very well for a great many of us.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Need some help finding help...

                  I am glad that you went and got yourself all checked out, we would never want anything medically bad happen.

                  My unprofessional opinion is that you are like me the kind of person that freaks out. I seriously can talk myself into all kinds of stuff.

                  I think your biggest problem is anxiety for real and once you see how hard it can hit you physically you can kind of deal with it.

                  Hope I helped and you are not alone in how you feel, sometimes a good walk or a hot shower to wash all your cares down the drain helps me.


                  You will feel better!!!!!!


                    Need some help finding help...

                    Update - December 1st 2008

                    Well I wish I had good news, but my condition is still as bad as it's ever been. The pain and swollen-ness is still present in the front of my head. The pain in my lower back has however gone away.

                    I've had every test imaginable, and all came back negative except the urine test.

                    Here are the results:

                    Specific Gravity
                    Mine = 1.035 (High)
                    Normal = 1.005 - 1.030

                    Mine = Cloudy (Abnormal)

                    Mine = Trace (Abnormal)

                    Occult Blood
                    Mine = Trace (Abnormal)

                    Mine = 6 - 10

                    Normal = 0 - 5

                    Mine = Present (Abnormal)

                    My doctor also noted that the test shows my vitamin B12 @ 372 as normal, but it should be higher (closer to 400). The test result sheet shows 211 - 911 as normal.

                    I am going tomorrow to re-take the urine test as per my doctors suggestion. She told me to drink lots of water (which I have been, nothing else). I have a feeling the test results will be exactly the same. The only thing that is different now than before is that I stopped taking the anti-depressant medication as per my new doctor.

                    I have another *different* neurologist appointment on December 18th for a second opinion.

                    I've been searching online for a solution and the only thing I can think I may have is Meningitis
                    . I hope not, but I can't match with anything else.

                    If anyone following along with my story knows anyone that has / had Meningitis could you be so kind to see if my symptoms have matched his / hers. Also if you have any friends / family members that are in the medical field their input on my situation / urine tests is always welcome.

                    Thank you very much in advance.

                    EDIT: Not to sway away from this forum, but any external links via PM would also be helpful.


                      Need some help finding help...


                      Definately sounds like a combination of things. I'm wondering about gall bladder function, when I hear your description about the nausea/vomitting within such a short time of injesting alcohol. Many initial gall bladder attacks are mis-diagnosed. My initial problem presented in the summer of 1979. For years, I had episodes that included, nausea, vomiting, headache, trembling, sweats, body aches, and fatigue - which lead to depression. I was misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome and put on anti depressants and anti inflammatories, with little or no improvement. (many of the symptoms that you have described) In the late 1990's I decided to wean myself off of the medication, which I don't suggest to anyone without a dr.'s supervision. I did that and began taking a nutritional suppliment called Reliv. Within 2 mos. I was off of 5 medications and improved greatly, although not 100% better. During those years, I had several gall bladder ultrasounds with no evidence of gall stones. After 24 years of being treated for the wrong conditions, a gall bladder functions test showed that my gall bladder was diseased and it was removed. I improved immediately. I also work very hard to manage a tendency toward anxiety. I use a medication called alprazolam, the generic for Xanax, from time to time, for anxiety, which helped me greatly when I initially stopped drinking alcohol. You might want to look into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as well. This is just some food for thought. I will keep track of your progress. Wishing you well. Best
                      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                        Need some help finding help...

                        The lower back pain bothers me. Did anybody check for a kidney infection? I think another doctor is in order. You are young and have only been drinking 3 years!


                          Need some help finding help...

                          marbella;469598 wrote: Sorry I have only just seen that part of your post, and It did make me smile a little- if you had Wernicke's you wouldn't be able to turn your PC on- never mind write your very informative post!
                          And if you could turn your puter on, you would have typed the same post at least 20 times by now.....Korsakoffs syndrome is the alcoholic's alzheimers, and can be activated with a single drink - it usually happens near the end of chronic alcoholism, and to my knowledge is irreversible.
                          As marby and others have said - keep posting, .... the sleep issue is big. I also agree with marby re the withdrawl time period. In my experience and others who have the degree of alcoholism I suffer (i.e HUGE) one week at the outside is what is normally expected. I will have a permanent slight tremor for life due to nerve damage, and some peripheral neuropathy....but I otherwise lead a happy, joyous and free life of sobriety today. I suggest you see a qualified Alcohol and Drug counsellor. There are also many of these counsellors about who are recovering alcholics - and they have the EXPERIENCE 1st hand as well as the book/degree stuff.

                          All the very very best - the WORST thing you can do is pick up a drink are doing OK mate!
                          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                            Need some help finding help...

                            First off, thank you very much to everyone for your help and support.

                            hoping;488681 wrote: The lower back pain bothers me. Did anybody check for a kidney infection? I think another doctor is in order. You are young and have only been drinking 3 years!
                            Which kind of doctor should I be seeking out? A Cardiologist? I'm going to see one later today. I was also thinking of an Infectious Disease Specialist, but if they won't help I won't bother.

                            I did mention to my current doctor about my lower back / flank pain and she did the urine test. When she got it back with all those positive results she issued me another test to make sure the reading was accurate & to do a microscope test on any positives.

                            Problem is, because I complained about my ear hurting she prescribed me a small dose of amoxicillin. I retook the urine test, but because I was taking amoxicillin when I did I believe it killed any bacteria in my system (please correct me if this isn't possible). So the second test of my urine was all negative - leaving me right back to step 1.

