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    Back again...

    im back again. very drunk very unhappy. im sorry to everyone here.
    i dont understand what happened tonight. i dont know. i thought i was better. i thought i was ok. even the cops got called..

    im so un happy, and have no friends...


    an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do

    Back again...

    m so careing and forgivefull. why wont someone forgive me. or help me out..

    an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


      Back again...

      it can be a very hopless feeling at times but keep posting it is helpful to know there others who feel like you feel deperate i am with ya but am not going to let the big al win hang in there maybe today take it minute by minute and reward yourself (not with al) for anything positve youve posted that is positive so you have already started i am cryin as I write this just starting again myself we can do this


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        thank you. why do we hurt the,people we try to help. i dont understand. i think im going to take a few of my tablets, and fingers crossed in the morning my ex will call me and tell me what happened..

        im so sad. sad for myself..

        an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


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          hang in there do what ever you got to to get threw the first couple of days af it hurts but can be done I have personally gone 6 mos af and I am a hardcore drinker when i drink!!!


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            thanks wally good advise hang in there Karl


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              I'm thinking of you. I hope you post and let us know how you're doing. Please take care, ok?
              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


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                Hey Karl
                Hope you are okay today. So sorry to see you struggle hopefully just a minor blip on the horizon? Post later when you can and we will be here to help you.


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                  Hi Karl. I'm very sorry that you are hurting. I'm sure you already know this, but more drinking will not help anything. I hope you come here when you wake up and can find a way to choose not to drink - even if that's one moment at a time. How can we help you?

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


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                    Hi Karl,
                    Hope you feel better when you wake up and I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with this. I think you started posting around the same time as me and I would love to know that things have gotten better for you.
                    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


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                      Hiya Karl,

                      Things sound really tough for you again now..I am sorry to hear that.
                      I hope you feel brighter in the morning and start checking in a bit. You know you always feel better when you are sober. It wasnt so long ago that you were planning your own business, you had bought lots of movie theatre equipment and you were starting to put your life back together again.
                      You can get there again buddy, we are all here to help you do that.
                      Love Startingover
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


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                        Hi Karl ---- how are you doing today? Sorry to hear you had such a rough time.


                          Back again...

                          hi all. well the hang over has worn off. and well i called my ex and she forgave me. HORAY. i have found one thing though in the last little bit. i can drink anything except wine. red or white. sure i shouldnt be drinking at all but if i steer clear of wine, things seem to be ok.. no blackouts, no getting angry.

                          so thats what i shall do.. i dont drink everyday anymore. and normally except last night i only have a drink or two.
                          Last night was a different case. for all of you that dont know my story i have had a ruff road with my ex girlfriend. but now she has filed for an AVO on her current boyfriend a few days ago. (hes very violent, liar, uses sophie for money ect. death threats on her and on me. just all round bad dude.) so last night was the first time i have seen her for ages. and it was beauitful. the best time of my life. so i enjoied myself. and got drunk. when i bought my first glass of wine after having a few beers soph told me that i should be drinking wine as its my 'Bad drink" but i thought id be ok as ive not been stupid for ages and ages.

                          but she was right at the end of the night, it hit me a perusual (stupid me) and got in to a massive arguement over nothing. all my fault.

                          BUT SHE FORGAVE ME. and i promised never to drink wine again. Oh i still love this girl after all that we have been thorugh and even after nearly 3 years of the first time i laid eyes on her. My heart still aches for her.

                          im back in the 'game' just have to be carefull on wheat and how much i drink/.

                          wish me luck


                          p.s thanks Starting over for not loosing total hope for me..

                          love you all and your kind words it is true i do have freinds and there all here. and my heart is open to all of you...

                          thanks im HANGING AROUND

                          an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                            Back again...

                            Hi Karl,

                            So glad that it turned out ok and hope it really works for you and your girl, sounds like you have something special between you so MAKE IT WORK or you will regret it forever. Know what you mean about wine, it has an evil twist for me so best kept away from me.

                            Best Wishes

                            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                              Back again...

                              Hi Karl. Glad you are feeling better, and wow - what a cool love story! I hope you and your girlfriend can build a nice life together. It sure sound like you love her a lot.

                              For whatever it's worth, are you sure that you aren't playing with fire by continuing to drink other things when wine is such a problem? One of my own "last resorts" before finally figuring out that I needed to get totally AF was to ditch the wine and stick to Vodka, as wine seemed to make me an angry drunk where vodka wasn't quite as bad in that regard. But for me, and alcohol problem was an alcohol problem, and it was truly NEVER a situation where wine was bad and everything else was OK like a "normal" drinker.

                              Just wanted to throw that out there in case some hard thinking on that might save you some time and possibly trouble.

                              Best wishes,
                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

