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need help........
need help........
Hi Smoky and welcome,
Glad you are here. As for the way it works....start with the book. There are supps and meds that will help with the cravings. A lot to be learned. Stick around and read and post as much as you can. Ask questions, we are here for you.
You are very young and smart to seek help. Don't give up!
You can PM me anytime
Ak:flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.
need help........
Hi there Smoky!
It sounds as if your drinking has got a bit out of hand for you? Do you want to tell us a bit more? This programme is based around supplements, hypnosis, exercise and support from the site. There is medicines that can be taken to help too. Any or all of these things can be incorporated into your plan.
Have you managed to have a look at the My Way Out book? You can download it from this site if you want to. That would be a good start to give you some ideas of where you go from here.
Welcome to you.Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009
need help........
Welcome AK
You have taken the first step to look your problem face to face and that is to reach out for help.
You will find that the people on here have an abundent supply of excellent knowledge.
The most exciting ( although right now it may not seem exciting) is that you are addressing your problem at a very early age, your not waiting untill your an old fogey like myself who had to put up with pain,heartache, and a miserable life to do something about it.
You are young and have a great future ahead of you. It may not look like it right now but you have just started the first day of the rest of a great life ahead.
I can only suggest things I did that helped with my problem and the way I look at this is that there is a lot of good information here, and in other places. What I do is to listen and take from it things that will work for me.
Do not be afraid to ask questons (the only silly question is the one not asked)
There are some great books on here, at the library and also check out Barnes and nobles selection of books designed for alcohol/drug recovery and the great thing these days is that there are a lot of books specificly for teens(something not available when I was young)
but then again when I was young we just carved letters on stone tablets)
So keep checking in here, be open and reach out.
I just want to share something for you and the other great people on here.
When I find myself thinking this is too hard I'm sure I can have a few drinks and all will be ok, I take a trip to the Poverello Centre which is a soup kitchen in Missoula. I volunteer there . I look around at those still suffering from the evil grip of alcohol/drugs and think "There but for the grace of my higher power go I" it really helps to get my head back on its shoulders .
So welcome AK and we will see you around( you may not know this but I get a lot of help from new additions like you)
SeanIt's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice
need help........
Welcome Smoky!
Hi Smoky,
A huge congratulations on having the sense/courage/self-awareness etc to recognise the problem for what it is - something that is screwing up your life - and being prepared to do something about it! - It's tough at 18, and if you're from the UK (sorry, didn't recognise the location), you're fighting against a huge drinking culture which is difficult to break out of with the amount of peer pressure.
So you're already a step ahead! This place is a wonderful resource and you will find all the support, encouragement, advice, 'been there, done that' empathy, that you could want, some fantastic ideas and people to share the problem with. In your own life, without knowing any details, I would suggest one of the first things to do is look for environments/activities that aren't based on how paralytic you can get by the end of the night - finding ways to keep yourself busy when you would otherwise be drinking. It all starts from the head - if you're head's in the right place you will find the motivation to find the way forward - on to a new life of which you are in control. It's a wonderful feeling - and so many here can only wish we had had the wherewithall to get it together at your age and not waste so many years pretending it's not a problem.
So wishing you all the best and look forward to seeing you around!
Best wishes,
Arial:rays: Arial
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