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Alcohol withdrawal

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    Alcohol withdrawal

    wow my heart goes out to you,1st it does not matter what other people think,its how you feel,as far as withdrawl,most say 5 days,i was sober for 4 months b4 treatment and i was still lost,as far as a love of yur life would you want to put her thro the torment,beleive me when i say it , its easy to stop,many on here have,including me,ITS STAYING STOPPED,truthfuly only you,not mwo,aa or any other organisation,somthing i lerned in treatment always struck me and still does,THINK,THINK, is it worth the pain,i again wish you well gyco


      Alcohol withdrawal

      You are so right saying that i wouldn't want to put her through the torment. You know i even had few girlfriends that did not drink at all. They did start drinking because of me. Eventually our lives went separate ways, but from time to time they call me when they are drunk, and i mean they seem very drunk. They did not drink before. Gyco thank you for this words, i realise it much better now
      We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


        Alcohol withdrawal

        stargirl;504938 wrote: I just made it through my first 24 hours, but doing some research and it looks like I have a scary road ahead of me. I'm scared. So far just very jittery and on edge. any help?
        Welcome, stargirl... not sure of your history... whether you have quit before or not; but remember, most people (even very heavy drinkers) do NOT experience difficult symptoms of alcohol withdrawal... just be sure to keep drinking a lot of healthy fluids, soups perhaps... Take it easy, as if you have the flu. Let your body/brain/mind begin to get used to having the alcohol out of your system, and let the healing begin....


          Alcohol withdrawal

          Network, You have definately come to the right place. You are dealing with a disease, no different from diabetes, cancer, etc - expect it does happen to be a beast to tackle and it doesn't matter what others think. Once you get your life back you will find someone that accepts you have a disease.

          I'm a lot older than you but something that has become so clear to me over the years - in every house on every street, every family or individual, no matter how much or how little they have has "issues" of one degree or another. I have 3 alcoholic sons, I'm alcoholic, my husband is alcoholic, my ex-husband drank himself to death at age 49, my brother-in-law is battling a very rare cancer at 41,lost my mother to a brain tumor in 3 months, currently my son and son-in-law have lost their jobs (company restructure -they worked at same company) and I have another son and daughter-in-law that work there and are in fear of losing their jobs, financial troubles myself and the list goes on. If you were to meet me and talk with me and come to my home you would think, wow, she has it all - nice average home, good job, car,appears together, etc. I'm not using this example as a means of belitting your fear of others labeling you "alcoholic" - I'm just saying you are not ALONE - everyone has something and don't let them kid you. I admire and respect people that can admit openly they are alcoholics. I can't do it yet, only here, so I do understand how you feel. You are young and you admit/know you have a problem and as times passes and you become AF you can have the things you want in this life and find someone to share it with.

          The withdrawal will calm down. Don't be afraid to go to your doctor. I am struggling just as your are and we are all in this together. Keep coming here and listen to the advice of the friends here - there is a ton of good advice here. I can't offer you a lot now as I'm on the beginning of my journey. You can do it.:l


            Alcohol withdrawal

            1 month later

            network;504241 wrote: :new:

            I just would like to ask how long the alcohol withdrawal can last. I just need reasurance that it will go away.
            My last drink was 2 days ago at about 7pm. That night was the night from hell, panic attacks etc. Yesterday, not a single drink, the same story, all night panic attacks. Today i still feel very, very hangover. I really worry about tonight , im not sure if i will be able to take it anymore. (at least i can type now)
            I've been drinking for 10 days straight. As soon as i woke up in the morning i just started drinking.I cannot say how much i drank cos i really just do not know.

            Thanks for attention and sorry for any mistakes

            Wow tomorrow will be one month since my last drink. I really don't know how i survived this withdrawals. Thank you MWO!!! It meant so much to me.
            I am so scared of AL now. Some people will jump on me here cos i still like the feeling of being drunk, but im too afraid to drink now. The fear of AL might never go away as my fear of taking drugs is still present in me after 15 years.
            I'm so happy it is one month later now and i feel great. I am learning how to live my life without AL and even managed to quit smokes.

            All the best
            We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


              Alcohol withdrawal

              Oney its sunday morning! Sunrise!!!
              I just came back from a club. I still need to learn how to socialise with opposite sex while i'm sober.
              There was a girl who liked me in the club, but i got scared and ran away. Its funny when you AF one night stands do not seem to be such a good idea anymore. I hope i'm not wasting opportunites, but i am learning completely new life. Sober life.(I really hope so)
              We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                Alcohol withdrawal

                one2many;528385 wrote: Happy Saturday Netty!

                You are by no means wasting opportunities......who wants a drunken fumble that you dont remember and then there is the morning after......God thats a nightmare....

                As your continue on your AF journey, your confidence will grow and you will find it easier to talk to girls and let me tell you from a girl who did the club scene, there is nothing as attractive and refreshing than talking to a man who is not drunk, sloppy and reeking of beer.
                Thank you Oney, i know you're right. You see the problem is when you are drunk, you know exactly what you want(i.e take girl home), but when you are sober you doubt! You are not sure, you think about pros and cons.
                When you drunk you don't have such issues.Anyway since i sober up, there is no sex in my life and if things will not improve i might become gay or something
                Happy Sunday Oney
                We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                  Alcohol withdrawal

                  Netty, you make me laugh!! thank you!
                  Happy Saturday!!
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Alcohol withdrawal

                    Netty. I'm sober and single too. Let's go out clubbing together, and tear it up. Just keep your hands to yourself if you don't meet anyone! Congrat's on 30 day's!...........G.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Alcohol withdrawal

                      LMAO Mr G!!!
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Alcohol withdrawal

                        Hey Net. You may be transitioning from looking for sex to looking for love. It is waaayy much more fulfilling, mature and sincere. Just be yourself, open and honest. Congratulations on making it through the roughest part of your journey.

