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Alcohol withdrawal

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    Alcohol withdrawal

    Just few words about myself. Lonely in foreign country, very few friends, no partner. I'm working from home. 30 years old. Male. I have very, very loving family, but they are not here.

    I just would like to ask how long the alcohol withdrawal can last. I just need reasurance that it will go away.
    My last drink was 2 days ago at about 7pm. That night was the night from hell, panic attacks etc. Yesterday, not a single drink, the same story, all night panic attacks. Today i still feel very, very hangover. I really worry about tonight , im not sure if i will be able to take it anymore. (at least i can type now)
    I've been drinking for 10 days straight. As soon as i woke up in the morning i just started drinking.I cannot say how much i drank cos i really just do not know.

    Thanks for attention and sorry for any mistakes

    We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.

    Alcohol withdrawal

    Hello and Welcome Network
    You have found a great place for help and support. I can so feel your pain. I was there in some respects. I was a binge drinker and I would go day after day 24/7 drinking, until the pain was so great that I had to stop. I am also, mainly, alone. I am divorced and my kids are in their 20's. It would definitely be more difficult for me if I worked from home. There are others here who do, so I'm sure that they will offer some help. As far as withdrawal goes: It is different for everyone. My drinking was to the level that I had to go on Ativan to safely withdraw. It sounds to me like your doctor could help you with withdrawal. Everyone in my life knows that I am an alcoholic too. They love me and try to be supportive. It has been common knowledge since the 80's. They don't talk about it much. I am usually the one who brings it up. I am glad that you are here. Keep reading and posting. I highly recommend downloading the book, and formulating a plan. 2009 can be your best year EVER.:l
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Alcohol withdrawal

      Hi Seacailin,

      thank you for reading. You know i went to the doctor, they gave me 5 tablets of Valium, which eased my pain for about 4h. I just cannot go back there, just cannot. Should i go and have 2 beers myself if it comes back? Im really not able to go back to the doctor.
      We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


        Alcohol withdrawal

        Hi there Net. Have you been, can you see a doctor where you are?....You should be feeling better really soon, but can you get some help?....

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Alcohol withdrawal

          Hi Guitarist

          I went twice, to the doctor(5 days ago), once i had to wait for so long that i just left and went straight to the pub, the second time i went 2 days ago and they gave me 5 tablets of Valium. It really helped, but for a very short time.

          Im not able to go there again, please believe me i just cannot.
          We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


            Alcohol withdrawal

            Hi network. Welcome! Congratulations on your effort to quit! Two days down! :goodjob:

            It WILL go away. You WILL feel better. Fear of withdrawal kept me from quitting for a while. Well, actually now that I say that, I realize that it was just another excuse to keep on drinking... but anyway, you'll be OK. The anxiety, sweating, shaking, etc. will let up. You can help yourself by drinking lots of water, LOTS. Fresh lemon in it will help flush the toxins. Eat healthy foods, take some supplements. 20 minute hot bathtub soaks with a cup of epsom salts and baking soda in the water will help with the detox too. Little fresh air and exercise would be good too. I'm sorry you are alone there, but you'll find people here to support you pretty much 24/7 as this is such a global community. We'll help you along.

            Did you read the book? Are you planning to follow the program? Stick tight, you can do this!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Alcohol withdrawal

              im in Australia.
              We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                Alcohol withdrawal

                Net, no. Do not take valium and have beers. I assume the doctor did not think you require supervised detox. Tak e the valium as directed but do not mix with beers. You've made it this far, just hang in there a little longer and the worst will be over.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Alcohol withdrawal

                  2 days down thanks. I am not really able to think about the book now. Maybe later. I did so many baths, drank sooooo much water. Very difficult to eat for me. Thank you
                  We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                    Alcohol withdrawal

                    Hiya Network,
                    I am not sure of the level of your drinking, but I do know that some withdrawals can be dangerous and medical assistance is needed to stop seziures etc. I am not meaning to frighten you but can you call an alcohol helpline if you are not sure that this applies to you?
                    If not, then its a case of toughing it out. For me the first week was the hardest phsycially, I had to stay in bed and was not well at all, nausea, vomiting, shaking, sweats etc..I treated it like the flu with painkillers, water and tried to eat and just rested. It was horrible but it did pass. Then to help me move forward I started taking supplements to help with the cravings. Kudzu and Lglutamine. they really did and do help me.
                    Hope this helps a little, well done for posting.
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Alcohol withdrawal

                      Hi Net - and a great big welcome to you! Whatever you do, try and refrain from the "two beers" to help the withdrawls, mainly as the "two" so often can spark another binge. I have suffered from dreadful alcohol withdrawls in my progressive illness, visual and aural dts. Sleep is often so very elusive in the first few days. I found it very helpful to have extremely "light, frothy" reading material, and chamomile tea. It is a shame you can't get medication - if you can get to a doctor, however, I suggest you ask for Quetiapine. It is a totally non-addictive anti anxiety pill that helps with sleep.. Usually day five is when I start to feel better - buy it is very important to beware of feeling well enough to have another drink! Emotional sobriety comes with physical sobriety - and they do take time, but as you are aware, it is WAY WORTH THE INITIAL PAIN! Look forward to sharing your progress with you, mate!

                      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                        Alcohol withdrawal


                        thank you all for your attention. It really means lots to me. I feel better now. Believe me, i feel better
                        We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                          Alcohol withdrawal

                          Net and everyone - I TRULY believe that by the simple expedient of one sufferer helping another a HUGE inroad is made in each of our wellbeing! Net - by posting to you and reading your post - I am helping me too! Thanks
                          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                            Alcohol withdrawal

                            Net. Also try to keep busy. go for a walk, read through the threads/posts here. One great thread of info and tip's is the 'toolbox' thread. I think you click on 'monthly abstinence' thread. Do you have a medicare card? Are you studying? Where in Australia are you?

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Alcohol withdrawal

                              To all fantastic people here,

                              I took some tablets to lower my blood preassure, had a bath, read a book and im starting to feel myself again!!!!

                              Thank you all, thank you.

                              Would Valerium help me sleep, should i take it?
                              We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.

