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wy is it

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    wy is it


    I don't post a lot. However, I must reply.

    Let her go. It will be the most difficult thing you have to do. But you must.

    Put down the bottle. It is the most important thing you have to do. But you must.

    I have 55 days behind me. I struggle every day. I bought this ticket, I have to take the ride. You do as well.

    Let's do the hard work together. Why else are we here?

    Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


      wy is it

      I'm just wondering how you're doing? Can you give us an update?


        wy is it

        Karl, sometimes us dogs need to put on our big boy pants. Ha! Don't use booze for'll only make you weaker in the long run. Drowning yourself in it only makes things worst. Alcohol is a depressent, shit your already depressed. Take care, this too will pass. IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          wy is it

          Hope you heeding what is on offer here for you, Karl. All best...

          IAD - those dogs are AWESOME!!!!! I WANT THEM!!!!
          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


            wy is it

            hi karl, you seem like a very wise young lad,i find the total opposite when i drink now, i become a bumbling idiot,and i dont even drink that much,as Iad said Al is a depressant,it will get you hi,but it will in time bring you to an all time low, i wish you well gyco hang in there freind


              wy is it

              hey all, thankyou for the replys im taking it all into consideration, the acting part may be a lot harder. i a bit stuck in my ways. depressed has become second nature to me now.

              something i will have to work on i guess.
              i feel like im 27 going on to 70, i feel upset with everything that is going on in my life at the moment, the only thing i look foward to is work and spending time by my self, sad really..

              i guess thats what you get when you ruin most friendships, relationships ect. i am my best friend now and im even hurting myself as you all say.

              its like the movie butterfly effect, i might of been better off starting at the end.

              it seems to me that now i talk to myself, as no one else wants to listen.
              i try to look on the bright side, but its blurred, to far out of reach for me at the moment.
              im floating away, on a never ending ocean. where i may drift to, who knows. only time will tell. i can see there might be a happy ending for me, its a small light on the horizin. fair enough, its there but so far away. i keep paddling, but it gets smaller and smaller..

              i guess what im trying to say is, when you spend so much time with yourself, you exclude yourself from the world. you wonder if you really want help, or a life back. or if you would just prefer to be where you are at this moment in time forever.

              i could keep going on and on about the things i think and feel. all i know is
              wake up go to work, come home go quoting for more work, sit in my place, drink watch tv and bore you all to death with my incoherent blabble..

              thanks for the ear to listening.

              an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                wy is it

                karlie, i find your post upsetting. Now you sound just as bad as Ripple!!!

                HUGS to you today!!! Smile, its not that bad!!!

                Love Ripples.. :l

                I like your new perm!! Thanks for the Picture Karl. Attached files [img]/converted_files/786152=4675-attachment.jpg[/img]

