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in need of serious help for my roomie. 911

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    in need of serious help for my roomie. 911

    Hi everyone. I know some of you may know about my roomate situation from chat. He is a 53 yr old alcoholic & takes alot of pain meds. I am pretty sure that the pain meds are totally legit, at he has had back surgery and has permanent nerve damage. The main issue is that in addition to lyrica, vicodin, antidepressants, etc. he drinks like a fish. I know he has emotional issues as well, so that may be what is driving him to drink to the point that he cannot even speak. Today was his birthday, and he was supposed to stay at a friends house for the night, but instead he, along w/ his sister and brother in law showed up around 9:30pm. He was totally shitfaced. Could barely walk or talk. Seriously. His sister had almost called the paramedics earlier because he was to bad, and she was worried he would have a seizure.

    Anyway, I am wondering if anyone has any advice on how to help him stop without needing to go into rehab. Out patient detox? And of course the MYO supplements, book, cd's, etc.. The thing is, it is imperative that he does not lose his job. His sister is going to design an agressive plan for him, possibly including hospitalization, but I don't want it to have an impact on his job. So, I am asking if anyone here can offer some good advice as to how to deal with this. He is a very sweet man, and I care for him dearly. I don't want to see him plummet.

    Thank you all for your help and support - Katie

    in need of serious help for my roomie. 911

    Hiya Katie,
    You are obviously a very caring friend to this man, thats lovely to hear.
    I guess my first question is does he want to stop drinking? If he doesnt there is not a lot anyone can say or do to help him.
    For arguments sake, lets say he does want to stop..well, whether he can stop doing an outpatient rehab will depend on how much and for how long hes been drinking. I would say the most important thing is to stop drinking, everything else really takes second place. Because as you probably know, if his drinking continues, he will undoubtedly lose his job anyway.
    Would he be willing to see a doctor or addiction specialist? Would he be willing to come here and tell his own story and get advice and inspiration from others? Stopping drinking without medical intervention can be very dangerous.
    Its very difficult to give advice without knowing the full situation.
    But for him, knowing you are there and will support his decisions is a major plus for him.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      in need of serious help for my roomie. 911


      Is he abe to go into a hospital to detox without interfering with his job? That would be my first step, then go from there. They will probably advise you what to do next. He's got to want to do it though. Does he? Let us know how he's doing.
      Starting over again


        in need of serious help for my roomie. 911

        Mary Ann is right. short term detox and outpatient therapy, so as not to interfere with his job.

        Alcohol is a depressant so the antidepressants are not going to be of much use. I would also recommend seeing an addiction therapist and discussing medication options. I would recommend medications for people with severe problems. Check that section. Options include Campral, Chantix, Topamax, Naltrexone. Of course I don't know if they would conflict with what he is taking or if it would harm his liver but a doctor could tell you that. seek specialist help instead of going to some general doctor.


          in need of serious help for my roomie. 911

          In my opinion, Starting Over said it all. It sounds like something needs to be done and done right away! If your friend does not get the help he needs, he will loose his job and maybe even his life. He definitely needs professional and medical attention. I would not suggest more meds, meaning the ones offered here, without a doctors advise, as Nancy mentioned.

          Good luck and best wishes to all concerned here, Maxie. Keep us up to date on how this all unfolds.
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            in need of serious help for my roomie. 911

            Thank you so much for all your suggestions. I will do the research and let you know how it's going.


              in need of serious help for my roomie. 911

              Maxie, His drinking is probably not letting his Meds. do what they're suppose to do. Drinking delutes they're effectiveness. If he's on anti-depressents and useing alcohol, which is a depressent, well....anti-D. are'nt going to work. IAD
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                in need of serious help for my roomie. 911

                Maxie, what everyone has said so far makes perfect sense. The inpatient rehab probably FAR best option for someone as far gone as your friend. Drinking on antidepressants just makes the meds null and void - Al is a depressant. Quite likely too, his emotional problems/upsets are mainly a direct result of his drinking and not the other way round.
                As already wisely mentioned - intervention is necessary ASAP - he will have NO job and NO real life even if he does not actually die, otherwise.
                You are a good, true and wise friend. Hope you are looking after yourself as well in this hard time =,

                Bless you and all very best x
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  in need of serious help for my roomie. 911

                  why dont you introduce him to this site? he will be able to get lots of help if he wants it here, its lovely to see a friend care so much, good on you!

