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    Hi folks...

    I am using my words carefully and treading carefully as i know i am a great one for posting when i am drinking. This place is somewhere to come to when we struggle. I am doing my very best to fight the fight. I am in strife. My triggers to drink are always when i feel stressed...and i am stressed in my personal life...not with my partner but my son...he is having a bad time at school and hes only 6. I am screwed up a bit but manage most of the time. This has thrown me...every new experience when bringing up kids is challenging. If anyone could spare a few minutes of their time..i would be very thankful. Love, Bella XX


    I'm here Bella, do you want to chat?
    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



      Hi Big bum..and Becoming...Im here if u r.



        Yes, we are here. Are you ok?
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



          Don't worry about typing perfectly, ok?
          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



            Ok..that word is so broad isnt it. Im ok, im not i reckon im



              My kids stress me out, too. I understand that!
              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



                im going into chat.....sunshineGG just pmed me....c u there XXXX



                  Bella, have you considered coming here before you drink? Have you reached out to get help? Not just a place to talk when you are drunk, but real help? There will always be stress in life, and we all know that drinking does not reduce stress, in fact it makes stress far worse and causes more stress.

                  Think of your little six year old. Children act out because of stress. They act out because they do not know what else to do. I feel badly for your little guy, I honestly do. Does, he have somewhere to go to deal with his stress? Does he have a message board? Think about it.

                  Bella, for well over a year many here have reached out to you. We have tried out best to help you. But, before anything we do can possibly help, you have to be willing to help yourself. I hope that you get the help that you need, before problems with your children get far worse. Bella, you are 40 years old, you have a lot of life ahead of you, but, you must stop drinking. Drinking is poison to you and it is hurting not only you, but your very young children who depend on you. Please, please take this seriously, get off the pity pot and get serious about helping yourself by reaching out and really working on getting sober!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007



                    Hi Bella.
                    Kids are a challenge, I know. I didn't have much to worry about with mine when they were little; everything just seemed to fall into place. When they got older and left school however, it became a completely different matter. My eldest completely rebelled, left home, wanting nothing to do with her parents any more. This lasted a long while, until she needed help. Since then, she's had two kids of her own and has grown into a loving mother and daughter. My youngest is going through his rebellion right now. He's 22 but still a kid emotionally. He's started drinking (socially), but far too much and far too often. I'll say something about it and he sort of sniggers 'Look who's talking.' I wish I could take him back in time and show him the route that led me down the hill and almost into the gutter. I'd drink to try an relieve some of the stresses and strains, but it never works like that. It fixes nothing. When I'd wake up in the morning, the problems are still there.
                    It's a struggle Bella, but I've been told things will get better, and I do believe they will.



                      hi bella, 1st never forget your a wonderful person drinking or not,i found you quite interesting last nt,you weren't belligerent,just concerned,you probably here it all the time, drinking my dear bella wont cure it anymore then over the counter meds,my dear i am living proof,my wife and i have 4 children,my drinking did not help the situation,it numbed it,it took years b4 i realised that,drinking is OK if you can have a few and stop,i could, but always fell victim to something more powerful then me,AL,what you do is quite normal,and id challenge anyone here to disagree,we tend to do as were shown, and society dictates its OK till we become a mess,which is one of the reasons we come here,even as drunks, were funny and are loving people,but remember were numbed out for many reasons,OK the child,maybe he or she is being hassled at school,my youngest girl went through that, was blamed for things she didnt do,the principle had to apologize to her, but in her mind even today has side affects,but even more so like my drinking, it has affected all around me, in the end i do believe it wont be worth the trouble,bella im always here for you,your family needs you alive not dead, gyco

