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dont judge me

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    dont judge me

    can anyone chat now

    dont judge me

    Sure, for a few minutes. Be right there.


      dont judge me

      hi bella whats up im at chat its 516 here


        dont judge me

        ive made so many bad decisions in my life. I never used to be an alco...f*****ing holic. im quite a nice al makes me such a saddo..There r going to be some things said about this post, or it will be ignored. It doesnt matter. Its just a bit hard being a fellow of the wine.


          dont judge me

          Bella, come on in to chat, hon. A couple of us are there.


            dont judge me

            Sorry Bella, Ripple is tired tonite from not sleeping last nite. I am going off the computer after this post. I hope you find someone to chat with.. i don't see anyone judging you, i understand your desire for company. Stick around, someone nice here will be able to chat with you soon.. Take Care and have a good nite..

            Be safe if you can .. :l Ripple.


              dont judge me

              Heloo Bella,
              I am the last person to judge. I would like to know you a little better. Even if you think anyone judges you, come back. It's anonymous here and it works. I hope to hear about you. PM me.


                dont judge me

                Bella, I have thought this over for the past couple of days. I am not sure if you even come back and read responses to the threads that you start. First of all, no one is judging you, but there are grave concerns about your behavior and well being, as well as the health and well being of your small children. You seen to only come here after you have been drinking and want to chat. People do reach out to you and try to help you, but lets face it, talking to a drunk person just does not work as when one is intoxicated there is no reasoning or common sense in order to have a real conversation. Another thing, nearly everyone when drinking becomes defensive and irrational. this is a big reason why drunk posting and drunk chatting is highly discouraged here.

                Bella, keep in mind, this site is here to help people stop drinking and turn their lives around. People are in various stages in their recovery. Chatting with a drunk person does not help anyone, including the person who is drunk. Chatting with somone drunk and threatening suicide is particularly frightening and disturbing! Drunk chatting is a lot like, drunk dialing and drunk emailing.........things are said that simply would not be said if sober!

                Yes, I know, many here have on an occasion or two, drunk posted and/or drunk chatted. But, most of the time these are isolated insidents that are not repeated. It seems the only time you show up here is when you have already been drinking and you continue to drink while you are here. Then the accusations of not being supportive and being judgmental start. No one here is either to you. But, we also cannot enable your drinking. Enabling anothers drinking is harmful to one who is in recovery.

                Bella, many posted to after your visit while drunk a couple of weeks ago. A lot of deep caring and good advice was offered to you. Did you bother to read those replies to you?

                Bella, I truly hope that you seek out some help. Come here sober and see the response that comes your way! Most of all, accept that you are powerless over alcohol and that you and you alone are responsible for your drinking and you are also the one with the power to change this.

                I hope that you read this, I hope that you are sober if you do read this.

                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  dont judge me


                  No one is here to judge you. We all want to help you. Read Kate's post again. She couldn't have said it better. Please come on here when you are not drinking and post and will make a difference. I'm not telling you or anyone else not to post while goes with the territory, but those who do must realise the response they receive from AF members might be different than if they posted sober. That's just the way it is. We're all here to help you......



                    dont judge me

                    Bella, I think Kate and Don have stated it best. We are not the cure here, only the support praying for the best for you and your children. Take the next step for yourself, then share your success with us, okay?
                    LTG AF January 13, 2011


                      dont judge me

                      can i say something?

                      When we feel judged we are actually guilty and we know it.. thats how i feel. I cringe when i go to an AA meeting knowing i drank on the weekend. Everyone knows it just by the way i look and act.. People who are trying to quit drinking stay away from the 'drinker.' Thats a fact, as they know you are not true to yourself or them. Don't get me wrong Bella, i have learned by making a complete fool of myself using and going into a chat room. I really don't see me doing that again. All it does is waste everyones time.

                      Hugs to you Bella.. :l


