Therefore, as Part 1 of my plan to overcome this mess I am going to start a list of reasons to live no matter how trivial they may seem. Hopefully the outcome will be conditioning my brain to change the way I look at alcohol and what it can and will do to me should I not quit. It's really getting to the point of being a major priority. I cannot keep slipping like this. I must muster my resolve and inner strength. I've done it before, but this time I really think I need to create a proactive program for myself.
To keep things interesting and to help stay on track, I would like to ask for some other members reasons for living and not allowing AL to destroy their lives. Children and relationships are obvious... I would like to hear about all different sorts of reasons. Please chime in.
Well, tired again this morning ( another reason ), so I'm logging off. But, I look forward to seeing some responses.