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Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

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    Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

    Can anyone help me to understand why I feel so wretched! My darling bitch gave birth to 4 puppies on friday evening, two were dead but two lived. She didnt appear very settled which was strange as she delivered a litter of 6 2 years ago with no problems. She kept getting out of her box and crying and I assume looking for her dead puppies. We stayed up all night with her on friday but left her to it on saturday as all seemed ok. When I came down on sunday morning she had tried to bury one in the sette and it was dead and the other she was trying to bury unnderneath the coach but i rescued it, warmed it up, tried to get it to feed but it died 2 hours later. She is distraught as am I and my husband and son. I cant stop crying and havent been able to go to work to-day!! I know in the scheme of things it is minor but I just cant help hating myself for not staying up with her on the saturday night and then perhaps we would still have our lovely two boys!! Im crying as im typing and hate myself for it, I just feel like getting avsolutely legless! I wish i could turn the clock back but i cant. I should be strong for my husband as he is gutted but here i am wallowing in self pity. When will i feel better????????? Has anyone had an experience like this or can anyone offer any advice. Not been here for a while but glad i can vent in safety!:upset:
    Keeps x:happyheart:

    Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

    Oh KW. Its not minor at all. Whilst it is awful now, you will feel better with time. I think you need to concentrate on the Mom dog, is she ok physically? Maybe have some sort of memorial for the pups. I'm sure you'll get great advice from other MWO people, but just wanted you to know I had read and was thinking about you.

    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

      I am so sorry KW. I have no experience in this area, but just wanted to give you a :l
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

        KW........I never lost any litters but have lost dogs. It's like losing one of your family. Feel for you, take care ( remember alcohol is a deppressent...drinking will only make things worse, keep strong. IAD )
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

          I am so sorry for your loss. I raised bassets and have had similiar things happen...I will never understand. A bitch would whelp a big litter and everything would be perfect and the next litter everything would go wrong. It made me so afraid to breed her again. I did and the next litter I whelped in my bedroom instead of the kennel and she did fine...6 healthy puppies.
          All I can say is I was afraid to have another litter but it turned out great. Don't let this keep you from trying again. We showed and trained for years and had 13 adults and over 100 puppies over the years but that one devastating litter will never leave my thoughts...
          I know you will never forget it but it does get easier with time..Prayers and healing love are sent your way.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

            I'm so very sorry for your tragic loss as well as your dogs loss.... What terrible saddness in your home... Have you ruled out a possible infection that may have claimed the lives... As a dog breeder you I'm certain understand that you want to "better the breed" and in doing so weak pups would never do this.. Sorry to sound harsh because I do not want to come off like that atall Hon xxx Sometimes terrible things happen and you wonder why such a tragic thing could possibly happen when you have done SOOOOO much to make things 100%... Please don't blame yourself although we all do at a time like this... Please feel blessed that you still have your beloved bitch that will need some extra comfort at this time.

            Our... "If only I would have"... and our... "If only I could have continued what I was doing for just one more day"... Won't bring the little fellas back as ultimately they were doomed to not live as something was terribly wrong with them as well as the whole litter...
            Be well and keep the faith that all things happen for a reason..
            Sending you love, encouragement and strength,
            Big Hugs, XXX

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


              Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

              Oh, KW, please don't hate yourself for these feelings! I am near tears, myself, reading about it... Just spend as much time with your mama dog as you can and grieve along with her... OK? Nothing else really can be done...


                Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!


                Please try to hang in there for the Mom dog, she needs you right now as much as you need her. Don't turn to AL, IAD's right, it'll just make you sadder. You're right to feel this way, it's very sad, you must be so tired. Take care of yourself.

                Thinking of you,
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!


                  It's okay to cry and grieve. I'm so sorry. Thinking of you.:l:l:l


                    Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

                    oh how terrible, i'm so sorry kw.

                    cuddle that mama and help each other through your sorrow...she needs you now.



                      Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

                      Hey Keeps, glad you found your way to MWO to vent, so much better than getting legless as you say. I'm so sorry for your loss. Stick around and keep posting, we're here to listen. xo Beth
                      vegan zombies want your grains


                        Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

                        Hey Keep,

                        I am very sorry for your loss.

                        Sometimes (you may think this is gross) it works to leave the dead puppies with the mom for a while (like a couple hours to half a day) so she realizes that they are not alive and then SOMETIMES she can deal with it. Then you can slowly replace them with a stuffed animal to keep her calm. If that is not an option try giving her a stuffed animal or two to cuddle with right now. I didn't read what you did with the dead puppies but if they or thier placentas are still around and not all nasty you could rub the stuffed animal on them to get the smell of the puppy and then give her the stuffed animal. This is what I've seen done before for babies who have lost their mom to be grafted onto another mom. If not, just try the stuffed animal on its own with lots of comforting for mom.

                        Next, you have to realize that there is some reason that some where born dead. Reasons can be many (genetic, congenital, developmental, infectious) and you should try to find out what the reason is before you breed your girl again. If the mom had killed one puppy after birth it is likely that something was wrong with it and she knew it. That is what happens in nature. (Sorry if that is too blunt but it is the truth.)

                        Do you still have the bodies of the dead puppies? If so you should take them, along with the mom to get looked at by a vet. My biggest worry here is that this is an infectious disease (which your vet can test for) and that your dog may not be well until it is treated. This may seem harsh ahead and ask how the vet wants you to bring in the dead puppies. If it may be infectious he/she may ask that they are in a sealed container so that other pets at the clinic don't get sick.

                        Your vet will have more and better recommendations for you so please give them a call asap.

                        The loss of the pups is tragic but in all of this you can't forget about the health of your momma dog. So please call the vet if for no other reason than to get your precious dog checked out and make sure she is not sick.

                        Wishing you my best.



                          Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

                          thank you so much

                          i cannot tell you how much your responses have meant to me to-day! it has been a very difficult time and logging on and reading your messages of support, help, excellent advice and simple warmth has made a big difference. I am now more accepting of the fact that EVERYTHING happens for a reason even though i do not understand the reason at the moment! she has been to the vet, thanks dove and no sign of infection, she has had lots of tlc today and some tasty treats.

                          i have dusted myself down, shaken myself up, had a cup of tea and feel stronger to embrace tomorrow! Thanks again, you are all so kind, caring and practical when needs be.

                          we will be ok:thanks: - you have made a big difference xx
                          Keeps x:happyheart:


                            Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

                            thanks one2 means a lot. Nice to see kate back xx
                            Keeps x:happyheart:


                              Puupies died and I feel desperate - HELP!

                              I'm so glad to hear your dog is okay! You sound like you are getting on as well as can be expected too. This, like all other loss, will have a time of mourning...just let it happen, don't fight it, and you will get through it.


