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    Just seeing this now...

    So sorry Red... it sounds like you definitely did the right thing.

    It's scary to think of divorce and all the consequences, no matter how bad the relationship is; I think, many here have been there. Just know, that the fear of the unknown is very temporary. Also, please (Zenny, I SO know what you mean) arm yourself with all the paper/proof/documents you can - don't think for a moment that he won't play dirty.

    Good luck... and like many others, I'm also here for you anytime :l

    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013



      sending you strength again today red...i'm proud of you for doing the right thing and being strong!




        Oh Red, What a horror you are going through. Mine happened thirty some years ago when my 3 kids were small. And I went through it again when they were teens. All of the love and energy you have put into getting them into their mid teens should be of benefit and help to you now. You'll have to talk to them pretty much frankly about what's been happening and what might happen. They're going to have a lot of say about what will become of all of you. Try and work out a plan for the future with all 3 of you being together. It doesn't have to be sugar castles and ice cream; just try and give them a plan to hang on to.
        Don't drink. I could die from wishing that I had not wasted so many years. I've been saying everyday that there are still many good times ahead. The days are getting precious and ODAT for sure! My heart aches for you but I think that you have a warrior's heart: just don't give in. Vodka is such poison. :l g

