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    Hi all, Have not been on in awhile but doing well. I have a friend looking for some advice on coming down from a week long binge. He said last night he would close his eyes and have weird images or hallucinations. He said he was not asleep. Any advise on withdrawal ? Thanks


    get into a detox center if he thinks he's in trouble, or at least talk to a doc who can get him some librium or valium for home detox.

    what he's going through is the normal horrors of withdrawal. I'd immediately have him taking 600mg or so of B1 (thiamine) in several doses of 200mg during the day along with Vit C 500mg twice per day and 200mg of magnesium twice per day also. he needs to drink water if he can also. it's just going to be a really crappy few days for him. Been through it several times and it just gets worse every time. ugh!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)



      Determinator, God Bless you for the reply. Your are proably one of the best folks for my friend to talk to. He is really interested in your Burning Man photos. I'm going to get him to get a user name and log one this weekend. Thanks.



        What happened My Fall? Check my post under General discussion, but I'm getting up and I will keep going towards my goal of quitting altogerther
        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.



          Jessie Hi, Thanks for the concern. I have been a member of this community since June of 2007 and AA since Sept 2008. I could not be where I am without the support of both of these. My husbands childhood friend called yesterday morning stating he had been binging since Monday. I have had binges and blackouts but none that ever lasted days with the symptoms he was describing. I am hoping he will get started on this website as there is so much experience and wonderful people here. We spent most of last night with him and he was drinking Gatorade and seemed to be getting better as he was finally interested in eating something. I'll check with him later today and see if he'll get a user name today. Thanks Jessie and Determinator



            thank you ariel and jessie

            thank you both so much for responding to me. not good at keeping up with "threads". new to me. tell you a tiny bit about me...which will not be news worthy.

            i'm afraid.. i'm afraid of not drinking. afraid of withdrawal. I'm afraid that no one will like me if i don't drink. i'm afraid because i don't know who i am anymore. i don't even think that i like myself. i just don't know what my life is anymore. help me.



              My fall, try to immerse yourself as much as possible with MWO and you will see how much you have in common here. we all have faced that terrifying moment when we realized that our 'old friend AL' had to go. find your way of mourning the death of this old coping skill as you develop new ones. to deny that we relied heavily on AL emotionally and physically would be a lie. we have to face these truths head on, and fill our lives with new healthy substance as we learn what that means. come on chat sometime's a hoot!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)



                I have had the withdrawals you talk about many times. Your brain is working 10000 miles an hour, shooting from one thought to another, and we can see images in our head. Horrible. Drink plenty of water, try and do as det says with the sups and try and eat something. Anything, just to get something for your stomach to digest.
                All the best.
                To Infinity And Beyond!!



                  my fall;587179 wrote:
                  i'm afraid.. i'm afraid of not drinking. afraid of withdrawal. I'm afraid that no one will like me if i don't drink. i'm afraid because i don't know who i am anymore. i don't even think that i like myself. i just don't know what my life is anymore. help me.
                  My Fall
                  I was terrified that no one would like me and that I would not be funny or fun any more.
                  20 days AF and ..... totally not true. Actually I'm funnier since my brain's in gear for once.
                  You'll be so surprised after the initial detox time, just how much fun you can have without a drink.



                    Have you tried a newish therapy called Somatic Experiencing? It was developed by biophysicist Peter Levine to deal with trauma and disruptions to your nervous system. Part reiki and part hypnosis it actually uses physical touch by the practitioner to "anchor" the felt-shifts you experiences during a session. Prayers to your healing, and may you be free of all suffering.



                      9Choirs, welcome! interesting treatment...I'll look into it.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

