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I am at the end of my rope!

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    I am at the end of my rope!

    Have you let go the end of that rope yet?!

    Just checking your thread to see how you're doing .... your last post seemed to give the indication that you'd accepted what a lot of your friends had been saying to you.

    More importantly, how are you feeling?

    If you feel like it, keep us posted on how you're doing. Hope the puppy's doing OK too!!!!!


      I am at the end of my rope!

      i think your fiance liked it when you were dependant on drink. She probably felt powerful while u were weak but now you are gaining control over your life she doesnt like it and prefers u in a weak state its a control thing me thinks! you look after yourself and remember you are doing this for you. keep it up. stashia


        I am at the end of my rope!

        If there are so many problems now.....throw in a marriage and a couple of kids and you will really have problems. She does sound controlling. Best of luck.

        Everything I need is within me!


          I am at the end of my rope!

          yeah the medical issue is insecurity on her behalf,,,,, Sorry babe but why be with someone so controlling, She is who she is,,,, either u go with it orrrrr U take responsibility for what u want

          U are not a victim and u deserve better xxxx


            I am at the end of my rope!

            Iruin (sorry but do NOT like your name!!)...

            My ex-husband sounds a lot like your fiance. One of the signs of Abuse is when your S.O. tries to isolate you. It is not healthy!!

            I don't want to sound crass, but is she worth it? Or maybe better put: Aren't YOU worth it??

            I used to think (before I was married to husband) that his jealousy was kind of "cute". I thought that after we were married, his insecurity would get better, but it got Worse. If I said "hello" to male neighbor, he would accuse me of having an affair!

            It took me too long to get out. Wasted a lot of time. "Possession" is NOT love.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

