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Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

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    Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

    Hi I've just been on a 5 day binge and want to stop. They Withdrawals get worse every time.
    Anyone ever stopped by cutting down , if so does that ease the withdrawals.

    Thanks Trevor

    Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

    I went on a long binge and then went from 2 plus bottles of wine per night to one and a half, then a couple nights of one bottle, and then I quit. I have to say I felt bad even doing it this way. I have n o way of knowing how much worse it would have been if I hadn't kind of tapered. I felt I needed to do it this way because I was very scared of withdrawal and it gave me a little bit of confidence that I wouldn't be desperately ill. Most people recommend cold turkey if you can do it, because it's easy to drink more than you had planned if you are trying to taper.

    I know that's not much help. If I had to do it again, I'd still taper, over four or five days.



      Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

      Hi Trevor,

      Once I determined exactly how much wine I was ingesting on a daily basis I did put myself on a weaning schedule. As much as I just wanted to quit altogether, I thought it would be safer to taper gradually over a few weeks. The hardest part was choosing a stop date - I feared throwing away my crutch.........
      But, it worked fine, I am now close to 30 days AF and loving life again. I think you know yourself better than anyone, you need to devise a plan that will be comfortable and work for you.

      Whatever you decide, welcome and best wishes.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

        Hi Trevor,

        I was on a long, hard vodka binge, almost a litter a day. I did pick a quit date. I switched to beer and then tapered off over that last week. My last day I was still drinking half a case of beer so the withdrawal was still...unpeasant but I managed it. It all worked out and I have 3 months AF.

        I agree with Lavande, you need to devise a plan for yourself. Good Luck and hope to hear more from you.
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

          Dear Trevor, I think tapering down is the wisest way to stop if you are doing it without medical assistance. i think drinking a large glass of water in between weaker drinks may be a good plan ???
          Get a plan .... make yourself a schedule and then stick to it. Read the tool box thread and make sure you have everything gathered that you need to support your decision to get SOBER and STAY SOBER. You can do this and we are here to help.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

            Trevor;595754 wrote: Hi I've just been on a 5 day binge and want to stop. They Withdrawals get worse every time.
            Anyone ever stopped by cutting down , if so does that ease the withdrawals.

            Thanks Trevor
            Hi Trev. If you're anything like me then you'll probably know yourself (deep down) that any kind of harm reduction with your intake is not going to work. I tried to on many occasions to rationalize my thoughts concerning my alcoholism/addiction and it's just kept me in denial for many years. It's very hard I believe to accept that you may never be able to drink EVER again. I STILL haven't fully surrendered to this idea but I've started the process of admitting it to myself and getting help through a treatment center and the various fellowships where I'm addressing my addiction. I'll be honest I wasnt' going to mention the fellowships as I know a lot of people run a mile when they hear that word mentioned!. What works for me may be different from what works for others. I know the only way I can start to get well though is with a 12 step program in my life as I've tried most other methods to stay clean and sober. I've had periods of abstinence over the past few years but I've always relapsed as I've been nothing but a 'dry drunk' who has not accessed the feelings and emotions that come with all the underlying problems I have in and out of addiction.

            What I will say though Trev is if you are self medicating with the drink to wean yourself out of a binge I would seek medical advise as you may need a detox under medical supervision if it is that bad.

            Love and Happiness
            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

              You know your strength and weaknesses...are you capable of tapering down? I could have never done it because after that 2nd drinks and I dont give a crap if I get drunk or not. I am then in AL's hands. No matter what route you will experience WD.....I wish you much success.
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                Anyone Cut Down Gradually?


                I think Brit is right, you will experience withdrawal regardless. I don't know if tapering helped me or not, but it reduced my fear to some extent. I still felt like crap; I just kept my head down, pushed forward, knowing that in a couple of days my stomach would at least feel better, and then over the NEXT couple of days, my body and emotions would settle down. It's really no fun, but as many people say, it's like a bad case of the flu, and we all get through that.

                You just have to keep your eyes open to how you are feeling, and get medical help if you feel too bad or too scared.



                  Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

                  ditto what all have said above.

                  in my experience I've successfully tapered-down to reduce withdrawals several times but the last time I tried I ended up just prolonging the binge. I'm lucky I had my wife to drive me to detox when I asked her to (in between hallucinations). if you can get into a detox program or even an at-home detox that's the best bet after a 5 day bender, especially since you have had withdrawals in the past.
                  keep us posted Trevor! and hang in there man.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

                    help me people immm lost


                      Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

                      Whats up Lady Oz?
                      How can I help you?
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

                        Lady Oz
                        Whats wrong, talk to us.


                          Anyone Cut Down Gradually?

                          Hi, I am new to this website. I thought I had it under control but I see that there is more to it. MY husband , all he has to do is get me pissed off and then I just don't care to better myself. He was married to somenone before me who had alcohol problem and I think he pushes me. I didn't think I had a problem until now. He is my trigger point. Help, how do I deal with this. I really do want to get better without blaming him. I know I have control not him. Help!

