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Enough is enough

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    Enough is enough

    Congrats to you, Timetostop. That would have sent me to the beer joint down the street for a six pack in the past. Today is day two. Woke up, expect some big stress at work. Scared, fragile, but have all the resources in the world. For the first time in a long time, have to remember that God is with me, with us. Telling myself that every hour is a celebration, and that it will be ok.

    Cool, koi pond, that will be so lovely!


      Enough is enough

      Hi Time and RW,
      Well, I reckon congratulations are due for both of you!


        Enough is enough

        Thanks Rags. Day 2 AF was pretty good. Still feeling a little bit off but some of that is due to me still having a hard time sleeping. I have been working in the yard and doing some exercise and that is starting to help though.

        Have a lot of catching up to do lifewise but I am taking it a little bit at a time and trying not to get overwhelmed. I do find that I need to write everything down because my memory is not very reliable right now. I am figuring that will get better in time.

        Anyway I am going to watch a little TV and then hit the hay. Good night!


          Enough is enough

          Oh geez, had a bad day the other day and drank all evening. Tried it again last night, but drank moderately (for me). I suppose I'll take that as progress. No alcohol tonight. Wish me luck! I wanted to do the 30 days, but better concentrate on one day at a time, the way I'm going.


            Enough is enough

            Dear enough,
            Hi Im on this site to ouit my own drinking but my oldest son is also an alcoholic. He also was drinking a handel of vodka a day when he went cold turkey. WE had no idea what was going on, but it was bad.
            Please please be careful if you dont feel right go to the hospital. I dont know what your situation is and I dont want to sound too drastic. Im not a doc or anything but Ive heard thar AL detox can be dangerous.
            My son ended up in the hospital, rehab, and to make a very long story very short, He now has about 2 years of sobreity under his belt.
            You can do it! My prayers are with you!



              Enough is enough

              Great to hear how well you are doing.


                Enough is enough

                Thanks everyone!

                Still sober on day 5. Feeling more and more normal every day. Was very hot today and I really wanted to have a drink but decided against it.

                Sparrow: I tapered pretty quickly however I am out withdrawals now and am just trying to get healthy again. I consider myself very lucky and would have gone to the hospital if I felt I needed to. For some reason the withdrawals weren't that bad after the first 3 days or so tapering. It is not for everyone, but it worked for me.

                Other good news is that I actually have an appetite for the first time in a very long time. I estimate that I was drinking anywhere from 1700 to 2000 calories a day, so no wonder I was barely eating. That and the nausea and diarrhea didn't help matters much.

                This weekend should be fun, we were planning on going to a friends party but instead we will go to an Independence Day family festival which will culminate with fireworks. Our son is almost 5 and should enjoy them I hope. He was a bit scared of the noise the last time.

                I am going to stick with the 30 day plan and then decide if I want to attempt drinking like a normal person. If I can't then I know what I have to do and I won't allow myself to get to the detox stage before I make the decision to quit. I would like to be able to drink every now and again but I may not be able to do so. We will see.

                A little background: The last time I was sober for this long was 14 years ago.

                Anyway. Great to hear from y'all and thanks again!


                  Enough is enough

                  You're doing great and your entusiasm is shining through your post.
                  Enjoy your weekend.


                    Enough is enough

                    Greetings, Time to stop.
                    Great going on 5 day's. That is a huge achievement. Well done! Now, you're going for 30 day's af? Good plan. As you say, you'll soon get to know where you're at. Moderation doesn't work for me at this point. For me, it's all or nothing. The only way to learn this for ourselves, is to experiment with some af time, then trying modding, etc, etc, until the truth/evidence cannot be ignored, and is irrefutable. If you end up being able to mod on your terms, great. And if not, great also. Your plan is a win win situation for you, because your attitude is realistic, and you are onto it. i.e. you're onto yourself.
                    Best wishes, and it just get's better and better! Do it! Check out the 'toolbox' thread in 'monthly abstinence' section, if you haven't already. Bravo!

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Enough is enough

                      Well done time! if you read your first post and then your last its clear what an amazing difference you are making to your life. I am starting day one today and look forward to being able to write about my day five. Keep up the great work - you are doing so well!


                        Enough is enough

                        im new to this site

                        i googled stop drinkin last nite for some woeds of wisdom. im so pleased i did its my second day of not drinkin .its just usually bottle wine . but ive a daughter thats just come out of rehab . who s doin fantastically 1 year on. when ive read some of the posts i think ur all amazin . you ve all inspired me that i can do it


                          Enough is enough

                          I have been reading this thread, but not poated as yet as I had no advice to give. All the times I tried tapering off I would never do it - I would drink everything in the house until I had no choice but 3-day withdrawal. So I just want to congratulate you on doing so very well and being so determined to stick with your plan. It's great to hear that it's paying off and you're feeling much better.

                          And what a nice post from Peachs to see that you've inspired another person to go AF. Welcome Peachs and well done for taking the first step - you will find a lot of support and advice on these pages.
                          Recovery Coaching website

                          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                          Recovery Videos


                            Enough is enough

                            :new: Hi Time, I've been following your thread - good job sticking to it. You're inspiring me to try harder - was 5 days A/F and feeling very, very good - then July 4, but only 3 drinks and stopped. I will start again today because I was really beginning to be happy again and aware of the possibilities.


                              Enough is enough

                              Same here, AF for two weeks, then something came over me, drank too much for no reason and feel sick today. I felt great not drinking. Alcohol really is a poison and a waste of life!
                              "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
                              Ralph Waldo Emerson


                                Enough is enough

                                Hi Time -

                                First I should say, I am NOT an expert! But one thing that makes me not want to drink is eating. I don't mean a small snack - I mean a real meal. Not only will that help if you're feeling nauseous, but it's hard to drink on a Full stomach! Don't let yourself get hungry. I don't know if you're watching your weight, but even if you are, calories from food are much better than from alcohol...

                                You already mentioned drinking water. Same thing. No room in tummy for AL! Plus, it's just good to cleanse out the AL. If you get tired of water, I like either Minute Maid or Tropicana lemonade. It's non-fizzy and not too sweet. (Comes in diet, too.)

                                My other "words of wisdom" is to take Baby steps. Don't think forever. Think "one day" (there's a ODAT thread)... or even one hour.

                                All this is easy for me to say. It works WHEN I Choose to do it!!
                                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

