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Enough is enough

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    Enough is enough

    Well passed the 7 day mark Sunday. This weekend was a bit rough but I made it through. Really wanted to drink but didn't. Eating right definitely helps a bit. I hear the day at a time or hour at a time advice. That's how I did it this weekend. Still trying to find a balance and not push too hard at catching up with all the things I neglected while drinking.

    This ain't easy but it can be done.


      Enough is enough

      Time, you have inspired me. I have been trying to moderate drinking for about 40 years and so far it has resulted in disaster after disaster. I totally need AF but I find that very, very hard as all around me also drink and often heavily. But not like me. I am world class in that area. Am now on Day 3 and doing okay. Trying not to think about forever. That has NEVER worked for me. Once I had a year but it was a tough year -- felt very isolated around lots of social, sometimes "heavy social" drinker friends. I realize this time I need to approach it differently. It sounds like you will make Day 30 and then some. Congratulations and keep up the good work.


        Enough is enough

        this is great ... makes sense ... I'm starting today ... thanks!
        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!

