However, I must stop killing myself too. I can't believe I haven't ended up in detox. Today was the first day a headache really hit me. I am at the bottom in my life. No friends where I live, no job, no family where I live (and I can't turn to them anyway). I just sit in this house day after day. I've gained so much weight and cleaning and showering aren't happening very much. I hate to think about what all of this is doing to my insides too.
At any rate, I could sure use someone to "talk to." I have to get a grip and get on some kind of track or I am on the way down. Well, I have been for quite a while but now I am wondering if I can climb out of this hole. Plus, my therapist called me the other day concerned over some claims not paid and to let me know how much I'd owe her if I couldn't get the authorization backdated. It's her job to do this, not mine. After this, I've decided to stop seeing her, so there is one fewer support. Thanks for reading.