I also want to express an apprecitiation and understanding of Savon's original post. As a matter of fact, I believe we all can understand the spirit of her language. "Calling 911....at the end of my rope" is serious stuff and we should all take it that way! However, this type of wording rarely, if ever, especially if declared over the internet, means suicide is immenent. This language is usually a cry for help, and certainly in this case, being that we're we're all on an alcohol discussion forum, could be a declaration of a person in withdrawals needing emergency assistance (911).
Certainly, Colbe could have been more descriptive in her post, and this would have given those close to her on this forum a clearer direction to take. Even more, after some of the fairly "frantic" responses to this post, it would have been even better that a quick response could have been given by Colbe to explain her mindset. However, as we all may know that a person in the throes of withdrawal may not always think rationally. But this was offset by Colbe reporting that she aced an interview and other positive facts within relatively close timing to the "911" post.
In summary, we can all sympathize with Colbe, but we should all empathize with Savon.