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Now I need your help

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    Now I need your help

    good advice G,all in how you let your thoughts govern your life , great book im reading rt now,adult children of alcoholics,plus healing the addictive brain and there are so many others to read,it gives you or me a sense that i actually am normal,just drink to much at times,you ll be fine,just keep coming here gyco


      Now I need your help

      Hey Joe

      No slaps here, just a big hug.

      "Don't mourn for the people in your past. There's a reason they haven't made it into your future"

      Take care, and I hope you feel better tomorrow.

      L GHE
      There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
      You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

      I didn't come this far to only come this far.


        Now I need your help

        We are all here for you BUT only you can do this and you can yes you can!!!!
        A big slap from South America.


          Now I need your help

          Have you thought about going to AA meetings, to get around people and support for your sobriety? Might be a good distraction for you.

          Try to be happy about your success.


            Now I need your help

            Hey Joe
            I hope you are feeling better. I know the pain of broken long term relationships and believe me you will heal. You have done amazingly well. Sending you strength from New Hampshire.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              Now I need your help

              The good news, Joe, is that you still have your sense of Humor!!

              You have been through, are going through, a lot of emotional turnoil.

              If you can muster the energy, get out & do something. Go see an Action movie (not a romantic one!).

              I know it's almost obnoxious to say, but Time does heal!!

              You should be SO proud of yourself for your 68 (or more now) days! Focus on that. Just don't get too sore patting yourself on back...
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                Now I need your help

                Joe, you are a very strong person. What you have done by going 68 days sober takes a TREMENDOUS amount of strength. More so than most people have. So, hang in there buddy. I know how you feel. Almost 20 years ago my fiance' at the time broke it off with me and I just couldn't handle the pain; that is when I began drinking (the first time).

                Time WILL heal all of those wounds that were opened up by her heartlessness. Trust me. Hang in there Joe, you've a LOT to be proud of.
                I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


                  Now I need your help

                  Hey Joe,
                  I am piping up with my 'do not drink' too. Yeah, yeah, easy for me to say I know, but from my point of view (just over 2 weeks sobriety), I know if I got to 68 days there is no way in hell I would go back to drinking. Go find a boxing club or something and beat the crap out of a punchbag....or your couch or even your pillows. Picture the punchbag/pillows as the booze and tell yourself 'I will beat aint gonna win!'.
                  Beat that sucker till its black and blue!! Then get yourself back on line and tell us all how well you are doing and how you are now at days!
                  Look forward to hearing from you.

                  Sober since 30/06/10


                    Now I need your help


                    If it helps my ex wants to file a harassment case over a text argument - all about the fact he's married, where I threaten to tell his wife.

                    Things may seem bad but they really aren't. As long as you are OK and not drinking that's all that matters.



                      Now I need your help

                      hi joe, I was like that in jan,broken heart,broken life and trying to stop drinking,it was terrible,but as has been said you have to start getting busy with yourself mentally & physically.there is such a thing as appropriate anger,anger that actually works to further a situation and resolve feelings,Your problem could be repressed anger & rage,I kept myself from feeling so much of my anger in the past that it stored up inside me,and waited for opportunities to leak out in tiny ways or to blast out in an uncontrolled fury.You need to recognise and own the anger that you carry and look for therapeutic situations in which you can dump it once & for all,when you get rid of it this way the deep reservoir of pain and lack of safety that you feel will be released. .......It is not irritating to be where one is only irritating to think one would like to be somewhere else.

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

