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need help again
need help again
This is a must today its got to be the very last time I know Im going to lose everything I feel so desperate like Im spiraling down & cant find the bottom,every morning wake up thinking this is it not going to drink today then give in at the last minute how do I stay strong:upset:Tags: None
need help again
Hi Tara1,
The first time I visited this site I realized three critical things: one, nothing that I am experiencing is unique; two, I am no different than anyone else; and three, I don’t have to do this alone. The only thing you need to be successful is the desire to stop drinking. That’s it. The desire doesn’t mean that it will happen today, or tomorrow, or this year, but you have to keep hoping. That’s it… and one day (maybe today) you will be truly ready.
need help again
Hi Tara -
I can completely understand what you are saying! In the past, I made that pledge every morning...and my willpower would be gone by the time I got off from work.
I have found so much encouragement from this forum. I check in multiple times a day - to provide encouragement to others and to keep my determination. I can't say it has always been successful, but I CAN say that of the last 21 + days, I have been drunk only twice and AF the rest. It has been hard, but once you go AF, it feels so much better it has been my motivation. I know I didn't believe that when I was drinking a bottle + of wine each night - how could sober be better than this? IS.
I promise you - you CAN do this. The rewards of being AF are worth it. Please, do not hesitate to PM me if you would like to talk more.ODAT!
need help again
That could have been me writing that.... I can hear the self talk every morning of what a failure I am when I make that promise and break it everyday! I know I'm not alone and at least I found this forum.
I am feeling worn out and sad. You hang in there.. I'm right there with you.!May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise
need help again
Thanks to all for your encouragement well I did make it AF yesterday kept busy all day & was suprised that I managed to sleep,I will keep checking in daily ...One of the biggest things I find when I have tried to give up or at least moderatein the past is that of my friends pressuring me to have another or its only one etc. but that leads to ten in my case so I find myself making excuses of medication etc. any advice so I dont feel like the freak !! at the party
need help again
Hi tara1, it's hard to be strong in the beginning. Sometimes it's just best to avoid temptation until you get some solid AF time under your belt. I also tell people I am on medication, whatever works. It's still better than taking that first drink, which we know will be followed by a second and third in very short order.
Congratulations on day one!Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
November 2, 2012
need help again
hi tara,your not a freak,many have this ailment or we wouldnt be here,substitute the drink for water,and watch your friends ,and how they change,let me tell you ive watched many intelligent people look like they were crasy after having a few,mite open your eyes gyco
need help again
Managed day 2 thank god & went to pub as hubby wanted to watch the footy but I stayed outside with a friend & drank soda water got a bit of pressure & was tempted but I've really must do it this time !!!
sleep wasn't so good but that not a problem I will keep busy again today & everything crossed to stay AF