I pop on this site frequently, have posted a few times but mostly read. I ordered RJ's book months ago, did my first 30 days in about 10 years, and on day 31 celebrated with beer "my favorite and only drink". Now I cant seem to get past 2-3 days. Often not that many. My husband is furious with me, my sons, although not spoken, are frustrated and have lost respect --their actions definitely show it. Their Dad makes sure everyone in the house and family hears his rants and criticism over everything I do or do not do. I feel pretty helpless and out of control. I do not want to play the victim, but I can not get my head in the game. I always have some excuse. My drinking is physically showing on me lately, I can tell at work and not sure how long before someone else will. I feel like I have a secret life. I do not know why I am so refusing to make changes. I have very little 'extra" money. If I could do one thing to help, any suggestions on a med from online or a supplement. Any ideas on the best defense for me. I am ashamed to say, I left work today, hungover from last night, fought with my husband (who by the way is being a total jerk lately) and what did I do? Had to buy a six pack so I could feel a bit better.
Sorry for so long, just need to talk.