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Colbe's Sunday thread
Colbe's Sunday thread
Colbe's post on yesterday's thread
This is colbe's post from yesterday's thread. With care and concern I moved it here. I hope that is alright.
Good morning everyone. My husband asked me if today was the day...meaning, no more drink. I did find away (counting change) to get a little more last night. I have done this before..."well, I may as well just finish it". I just checked...there are probably about 8 left in the box. I love that we alcoholics are so creative...(had to preface that before typing my next sentance to avoid the deserving eyes rolling when you read it...I am sure you have all been there too). I will use the remaining beer to "Wean" off to avoid a seziure. I still heard all your eye roll. It is almost 10am here, and no beer yet. This day is going to be hell. I will check in later and let you know how it goes. I will put my AA book on top of my head and hope osmosis works like it did in science class.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Colbe's Sunday thread
Colbe, If you don't mind, I'm going to copy and past you to the colbe sunday thread. If you mind, pleasc do not take offence and continuue here. This is a new day. How aout if we treat it as an new day and start fresh. Nobody is rolling eyes, colbe. We feel with our heart and soul and reach to you with outstretched arms. This is your fight. I wish you well and will continue to check in.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Colbe's Sunday thread
I am here. It is now 11am. No beer yet. No shower either...oh, DeeBee? I plan to sit on my arse ALL DAY (only showering if DeeBee makes me) and read posts and read my AA book. I have a friend (kinda like a sponsor) here in TN that I can call now since I downloaded Skype. I think I will try to eat something. I hate food (long time eating disorder there!). I am vegitarian on top of that (I just hate meat, nothing against it...alway did even as a child). I am in the mood for pizza with an egg on top...over easy for dipping. The eggs are right next to the beer though. I'll be checking in often today. Thanks Green for starting this thread for me...I know I am going to need like hell today. I hope one day I can get over this and do the same for someone here.Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.
Colbe's Sunday thread
See! Keeping an eye out colbe! You're doing good! Tell you what. Pretend I'm deebs and get your arse off the couch and get a shower. Shave your legs, lather up your beautiful hair and then do your toenails! Take a shower. Really. The pestering has begun.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Colbe's Sunday thread
Colbe, here are your instructions for the day.
1. EAT and drink LOADS of water
2. SHOWER - you will feel better
3. SLEEP - if you can. Sleeping rests your mind and gives you a break from thinking.
4. Read and post here.
5. Give yourself a huge pat on the back for deciding to give this a go. It cant have been easy.Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009
Colbe's Sunday thread
That's a lot of instructions. Well, I was going to eat but mysober friend called and instead of it making me feel better (she was trying to make me feel better) it hashed up this crap with my girl. There are still 8 in the box. It is now noon. Going to shower now. I will shave, but the tonail thing is pushing it Green. Not really sleepy, maybe I'll have sex insteadI'll be back after my shower.
Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.
Colbe's Sunday thread
Well, now I do feel better. Oh, and shower was ok too.
Yes, he sees the cuts. How dumb. I can't even do that properly. He knows it was the AL. Between thinking about what my friend said on the phone earlier (I didn't tell her about that) and something about sex...I realized that all these months that have passed without my girl and ups and the horrible conversations I have had on the phone with her...are all self inflicted. I AM DOING THIS TO MYSELF, and it's NOT about me, it's about her. If she thinks she hates me, then I have to let her. She is 13yo and I do not have custody or any control over her anymore. I think it was Sunshine that said to me on the phone one day that my girl is "driving the bus". It is so true and it is a tragedy that our children whom we love so much know how to use the system (in the states, anyway) to get whatever they want. My girl was a sweet, polite, respectful and way to damn gorgeous for her own good. She looks like a 22yo model, I hate it! Long natually wavy brown, red and light blond hair, boobs that no 13yo should have and dimples. I HATE IT!!!
Sorry for that rampage. I think my point was, I have to give her up for now so that I can move on and not lose anymore than I already have. Completely changing the subject for a sec...I have a question.
For those of you that think I am lying about my shower, I have proof and here it is. I DID wash the hair, I DID shave, I didNOT do my toes, however (Green) I DID floss. Flossing was a bad comes some more insanity...I was shaking SO BADLY that I had a hard time flossing. So my question is this: I absolutly HATE taking any pills even for a headache. They MADE me take valium when I went to that stupid 5 day detox...I kept trying to hide it under my tounge like a kid. Anyway, my husband has some muscle relaxers...I forget what they are called. I took 1/2 to see if it will help with the shakes. I do not want to trade AL for a drug habit, but I refuse to go back to Rehab, I mean hell.
Just looking for opinions on that decision. Arse back on the couch.
I am going to attempt to make a stew for my husband to try to keep busy. I don't have a clue how to make stew. The animal that I bought at the store said "stew meat", and that's the only reason I knew to buy that. Does that come from a stew animal? This crazy meat world. Anyway, if anyone has some secret recipe PM me before I ruin a bunch off food and a perfectly good dead animal.Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.
Colbe's Sunday thread
Lord colbe. You rock, you clean girl! OK. Lets help you cook. What do you have on hand?
Cream of anything soup?
fresh or canned anything? what? Give us a list. We can make a stew here.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT