Yea, me too, I am feeling better, but the rough part is coming. I will be alone in the house tomorrow and it's 50 cent drafts on Mondays. I could not do this with all this incredible support from you guys. And on top of all of that, I am going to have to shower AGAIN! Like I have to do that every day! Hand in the air with a BIG WhatEver! I still refuse to do my toes.
No announcement yet.
Colbe's Sunday thread
Colbe's Sunday thread
Yea, me too, I am feeling better, but the rough part is coming. I will be alone in the house tomorrow and it's 50 cent drafts on Mondays. I could not do this with all this incredible support from you guys. And on top of all of that, I am going to have to shower AGAIN! Like I have to do that every day! Hand in the air with a BIG WhatEver! I still refuse to do my toes.Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.
Colbe's Sunday thread
sign of relief, for some reason. Now, what about the muscle relaxer question? I just took the other half from this am...should I do this tomorrow or is it a bad idea?Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.
Colbe's Sunday thread
What type of muscle relaxer is it? I don't necessarily think it's a bad idea if it is helping with the withdrawl.Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
Colbe's Sunday thread
And by the way, sometimes people watch a thread and care, but don't know what to say. Right now, 435 people cared enough to look at Colbe's Sunday Thread. You are loved colbe!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Colbe's Sunday thread
It is called Soma.
Soma Information from
yes, it is making me feel better. Due to my own stupidity the other night with beer and a knife, he has them hidden. I really do not want to let this get out of control given my (apparent) addictive personality, helped today and I slept last night really well. I can almost feel when it wears off. I only took half at a time (making 1 for all day but I do not know the MG because he said he threw out the bottle so I couln't find them.Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.
Colbe's Sunday thread
Colbe, somebody once gave me this when I was in alot of emotional pain and it helped, now my gift to you 'There are times when I have to hurt through a situation and when this happens, the choice is not whether to hurt or not to hurt, but what to do while I am hurting'