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Husband wants divorce

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    Husband wants divorce

    Not that this reflects your situation in any way..but something I heard the other day really struck a cord with me!

    A woman had lost her children,killed by her own father! When they asked her if she had the chance, would she ask him 'why?' she said this:

    "even if he gave me the most elaborate answer in the world, it would still not be a good enough reason to kill my children",

    so maybe it doesn't matter 'why' your hubby wants a divorce? Maybe if you keep asking yourself why? that you've been a good wife, that any answer he could give you would still not be good enough to explain all those years of marriage and devotion? So maybe it is a matter of saying right, I appreciate me even if you don't!


      Husband wants divorce

      NO< I wrote emails to him. Some mad, some just saying WHY!!!!
      I live in a city, I can't go for a walk at 2am. I just needed someone to say, I hear you. I'm so sad, I can't quit crying. I know the real panic will hit tomorrow, when I really face this.
      I'm just going through the shock now. I did not expect this.


        Husband wants divorce

        Mario! Glad you are around!

        Saving I may have to go soon as my little 2 year old will be waking from her nap soon. Wanted to warn hyou so you don't think I am deserting you right when you need me! If I go, I will check back in later is 2:50pm here right now!


          Husband wants divorce

          Chicken 3
          I knew someone here would say something that I could hold onto . That is so good. Thank you so much. I just need someone to acknowledge I live and I am in pain!
          Thank you so much.


            Husband wants divorce

            I have heard you and am So sorry I can't help in any other way! But I will stay close by if you need me.
            Be kind to yourself tonight..sleep if you can, if you can't then cry and write and scream and generally VENT, if you are alone, then all the more reason to go for as long and hard as you need to!
            Above all keep safe now!
            You are NOT alone!


              Husband wants divorce

              Thank you, as I said. Just world know I am here.
              I tried and failed to make a marriage I wanted , work.
              God please don't desert me now.


                Husband wants divorce

                Sorry saving have to go buggaluggs is awake!
                Thinking of you girl!


                  Husband wants divorce

                  Chicken 3
                  Thank you dear one.
                  Some times we feel so alone.
                  I just needed to reach out. I am drinking a few beers. Thank God I don't have anything more or stronger.
                  It's just my world fell out from under me tonight. I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. Not this time.
                  Thank you all for just letting me know I am not so alone.


                    Husband wants divorce

                    hang in there grace you have got support & friends here

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      Husband wants divorce

                      Thank you Mario, you'll never know how much it means. When you are so alone, so far from home and family.
                      Thank you


                        Husband wants divorce

                        Saving, I cant imagine how you are feeling right now.
                        Just know that you arent alone
                        Big hugs and strength coming your way...
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          Husband wants divorce

                          OH thank you. Is anyone close to my age here? 59. Gee, I was supposed to be baking cookies and holding one of my 7 grand children now. Not doing this crazy divorce thing.
                          Thank you for thinking of me, it does really help.


                            Husband wants divorce

                            I looked in the refrigerator. I am so thankful there is not more to drink. If there was, I have to admit, I would drink it.
                            I'm now afraid. I hate to admit it but I feel like just drinking myself away right now.
                            I see people responding to me, are from across the pond, it's after 2am here. I live in a city where I am very frightened. I am from rural midwest. I lived where there were no stop lights, talk about culture shock! So I am not going anywhere tonight!
                            But, given the next few days. I have some orders I need to take care of, but I just don't care right now.
                            How do I stay strong enough? Maybe the fact I can't quit crying. But at the same time, I know this is how I got this problem. Drinking through pain. I'll admit, I am so afraid.
                            I cannot talk to my kids about this. I can't worry them. They have families. They cannot know this till the last moment, when I show up back in the midwest. I cannot worry them.
                            I need my friends here, to talk me through this. OK. I am getting tired, going to take some OTC sleeping pills and hopefully sleep a few hours.
                            I will never again in my life go through this. Put my whole life into a man and a marriage, at my age.
                            10 years gone, most I have to admit in pain. I would have stayed till my dying day. But. Now I will have to go alone.
                            I know , in the scope of life, so many have gone through so much worse. I am sorry for my pity party here.
                            I'll keep telling myself that. Thank you who responded, and thank you for maybe allowing me my moment of self pity.
                            Take care dear family. So wonderful to know, in our weakness we can reach out.


                              Husband wants divorce

                              Again, I just want to thank you all for responding.
                              I want to assure you I will be OK.
                              I didn't mean to worry anyone, I was just so overwhelmed.
                              As Scarlette said, tomorrow is another day.
                              Oh gee.....been in the south too long!
                              Just did not want to worry anyone. How many tears can we cry?


                                Husband wants divorce

                                Saving Grace,

                                So sorry to see you in so much pain. I wonder if it might not be a good idea to tell your kids about this - they will be a support for you, and they won't want you to deal with this alone. What do you think?
                                AF since December 22nd 2008
                                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

