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Husband wants divorce

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    Husband wants divorce

    I respect what my husband did in his career, and he is still very respected. I am not putting that down at all, hey what attracted me to him. He is very good looking, but he is a loser at life. He has nothing we all have as far as knowing how to love.
    He grew up in a very wealthy family, very!
    So he has been spoiled his whole life.
    He has told me his goal was to die a writer/musician alcoholic. His goal. He lives on Xanax and alcohol also weight lifter/ no kids..The epithamy of self seeker! And he did it all. He had all the major stars! Yes, I feel unworthy in a way.


      Husband wants divorce

      One very successful brother committed suicide a year ago, the other brother ran through the family fortune in two years. Four sons, no kids. His brother told me, who is very wealthy, we can't have kids or hardly marry, we are so self centered, we can't do that. His very beautiful girlfriend sat there next to him and said nothing! She is successful in her own right, but how she could put up with this is beyond me.
      A son bought his mother a very NICE Place with pool etc. The father died. They are spoiled rotten, and just can't imagine thinking of anyone but themselves. Just shocks me.


        Husband wants divorce

        Yes I'd love to chat!


          Husband wants divorce

          MWO is a blessing, thank you.


            Husband wants divorce

            I went there, no one there?


              Husband wants divorce

              I don't know how to get into chat?
              MWO is a blessing, thank you.


                Husband wants divorce

                I believe you just go to live chat at the top of the page, although I am surprised on Saturday night there is no one there?


                  Husband wants divorce


                  I think he was treating you like crap a few months ago. Why are you still cooking for him? I am far from knowing everything but I was granted a divorce on Aug 27, 2009 ...after just 2 mo shy of 20 years of marriage..(from a cheating middleaged, not the prince I thought he was)....while liberating, it is lonely and scary, but the feeling that is most noteable is peace....Get your self respect back and tell him to go to hell. You are worth so much more than sitting and waiting for his cheating ass to come back to you so he can wipe his feet on you yet again. PM if I have not scared you off.....I am not on alot but will reply when I come back. Best of are definately worth more than what you are gettting...:l
                  Finally Free


                    Husband wants divorce

                    Grace, your life is NOT over. Please don't think that way. It will be different - but it could even be Better! Life is strange that way - we never know what may happen...

                    Hang in there! It would be easy to just dive into a bottle - but that really won't solve anything. You know that. And (from my experience) life gets better when you're sober enough to enjoy it.

                    I have to Drill that through my head!

                    Keep posting and reading... and Good Luck!
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      Husband wants divorce

                      Thanks again.
                      Not drinking from the bottle. That's good.
                      Will update rest later.


                        Husband wants divorce

                        Strength to you

                        Good to hear it Grace.....hang in there and stay strong. There is a whole world out there just waiting to treat you much better than you have been used to in the recent past!:l
                        Finally Free


                          Husband wants divorce

                          Hi Grace, It is a terrible thing to feel helpless. Have you thought about working toward your own autonomy. Assess your job skills, update your resume and find a job. Perhaps even a temporary holiday job. Also, I hope that you are getting out of the apt. spend some time at Starbucks, or Barnes and Noble. Do you have close friends? Build your support network. Taking action, any action can really be empowering. Also, if your husband has you convinced that he is "hiding all the assets" and therefore you get nothing.......he needs to think again. This sort of thing can usually quite easily be discovered.

                          Take back your personal power! You are not helpless and hopeless. Take the steps you need to take to empower yourself and to gain back your self esteem.
                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007

