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In the morning...

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    In the morning...

    Hi Schaefer,
    How are you feeling today? It is better to ask for help than to be all alone and fall deeper into the whole. DG I like your thought on that digging. That's something to hold onto.
    SG - I feel for you girl. I too made a big mistake this weekend and feel terrible about it. But we must go forward. I hope your husband will help you, and be honest with himself.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
    AF since May 6, 2010


      In the morning...

      Hello Everyone,

      I just wanted to chime in and say thank you for honesty, wow it's so overwhelming. Schaefer - Hope you are feeling okay.
      SG - I too, have a boyfriend who drinks and it's tough. But lately we have been working on moderating but we slipped and we are back on track starting our AF day count. And I too, got drunk at my sister in-laws aunt's house, luckily my boyfriend had regulated his drinking and had only two beers, so he was able to control me but gosh I felt so bad.

      Anywho, back on track and glad to be AF today and tonight : )

      Best of luck to everyone here and look forward to hearing your updates especially through the holidays.

      Lots of hugs,
      AF Since May 2nd 2012


        In the morning...

        Schaefer: You can do it. Tomorrow is a new day. I am back after coming here for a little while and doing 30 days sober. I tried moderating but couldn't do it. I now have 2 days AF.

        Drink lots of fluids, take your vitamins, eat well and listen to and use your support system.

