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Librium Now - What to Do ?

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    Librium Now - What to Do ?

    Charlie, I agree with Jackie, it does get better ............

    You should be feeling really proud of yourself!!!!!

    Keep going Charlie ......... :l BB xx


      Librium Now - What to Do ?

      How are you doing today?
      Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
      AF since May 6, 2010


        Librium Now - What to Do ?

        Hey Charlie,
        Glad you made it to the hospital and that they said you were ok physically.
        Good on you for having some days AF too.
        Keep us posted on your progress!!
        How are you doing?

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Librium Now - What to Do ?

          Charlie Boy,

          I know how you feel....I was worried that if I quit cold turkey I would go through withdrawal, too, and I drink the hard stuff (vodka, scotch). My doctor told me to taper off for a few days before going AF and so that's what I did and I did not experience withdrawal....not even after 7 days of AF. I do not drink all day every day so that might have something to do with it. Good luck and let me know how you're doing.


            Librium Now - What to Do ?

            Hi Guys Thanks for all your support and concern - thats me into day 3 . I'm very tired a little spaced out and a wee bit shaky but it's all manageable. Tomorrow morning my christmas present to myself will be to start my Antabuse. Then i will read the book ( when it arrives ) and start working on my permanent recovery. Thanks again


              Librium Now - What to Do ?

              Hi Charlie,

              Keep checking back. You're doing great.
              If I'd known you were waiting I could have sent you my book. I've read the spots off mine. If it hasn't come by Saturday. PM your address and I'll send it to you.

              Stay safe.

              J x
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Librium Now - What to Do ?

                Hi Charlie,

                You inspired me! I quit today, too. I needed support today, too.....I was feeling really badly about the problems my drinking has caused in the last two years of abuse. My Xmas present to myself is to get back on the Campral.



                  Librium Now - What to Do ?

                  Wow Rusty way to go . Hope you're in a good place . everyone here want's to help. How cool is that.
                  Keep us informed


                    Librium Now - What to Do ?

                    Whether you go through withdrawal depends on how much you were drinking. If you drank daily and had quite a bit to drink daily, withdrawals of some form are likely. Withdrawals from alcohol can be deadly, which is why doctors don't recommend withdrawing on your own.
                    Over 4 months AF :h


                      Librium Now - What to Do ?

                      Good for you for opting for the antabuse, Charlie Boy...........sobriety is the present to surpass all a gift which holds a myriad of gifts within.

                      Sorry about the A & many docs there think us lowly.........wasting their time since our problems are self-inflicted and drawing on valuable resources which should be reserved for the `genuinely` ill. I think G.P.s are generally more sympathetic to our plight.

                      Glad to hear you seem to be over the worst of it. Is very tough in the beginning, but the rewards will make it all worthwhile.

                      Hang tough,

                      Star x
                      Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                        Librium Now - What to Do ?

                        I've also felt relatively fine after abruptly stopping drinking, but there is one agonizing alcohol withdrawal symptom that usually lingers on for me for at least 5 days; insomnia. Since you report not having slept in 2 days, I think the Librium would be a good idea. In my own case, I have used Ativan, which is a similar drug, and it has been incredible at eliminating the alcohol withdrawal jitters and insomnia.


                          Librium Now - What to Do ?

                          Insomnia after stopping the drink is very common. I believe it is one of the things that leads many back to drinking early on.

                          It goes away. Suddenly, one night, sleep comes again and it is blissful and restful.

                          It is worth waiting it out.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Librium Now - What to Do ?

                            Happy New Year, Everybody!

                            Well, I blew it. Did not drink Christmas Eve but went on a binge yesterday. I am so mad at myself. But today is a new day and I feel hopeful. I know I am drinking MUCH less than a year ago and the positive feedback from my family (who wanted me to go to rehab last year) is encouraging me not to drink. So my resolution for this New Year is to NOT drink today or tomorrow.....a first for me in several years. Thanks Charlie Boy and all of you for your means a lot! Take care!



                              Librium Now - What to Do ?

                              Hi Jim Beam,

                              My doctor prescribed Alprazolam, which is an anti-anxiety drug that not only helps with the jitters but will help you sleep. You might want to ask your doctor if he/she can put you on it.

