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Bah Humbug!!

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    Bah Humbug!!

    I am more than ready to have Christmas over this year!!! I have had THE WORST Christmas ever this year. :durn:I cannot wait for tomorrow as to return back to normalcy!! Go to the gym, off work, looking for an apartment??? (YAY!!!:wd::yay The entire family is out w/ family gathering, I have(THANK GOD, much needed rest...........) slept all day!!! I feel good physically, but mentally and emotionally this is just too much!!:upset: Just had to get that off my chest........................thanks for listening!!!

    hugs and lots of love to all you fine friends out there, thank GOD I a not drinking, as that (we all know well) would only make matters worse!!!

    MA xoxoxo:l:h
    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

    Bah Humbug!!

    Hey Cowgal,

    Sorry it has been a tough Christmas. Kuddos to you on being AF though. Tomorrow will be here before you know it and you will hit the gym running. Just wanted you to know you are not alone!


      Bah Humbug!!

      See my other post cowgal, about this subject. I just went walking with my 24 year old son who out of the blue said I can't wait til tomorrow so we can all get back to normal. Guess my bah humbugness is contagious.


        Bah Humbug!!

        Cowgal, that sucks! Congrats on staying AF though. I figure there is no worse way I could beat myself up to a silly pulp than to drink over stuff. I know it can be hard though.

        I just started a new workout program but tomorrow is a "day off." So I'm jealous you get to go to the gym! Onward and forward with normalcy...

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Bah Humbug!!

          MA, you got through it though so WELL DONE!!
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Bah Humbug!!

            It's over! I'm relieved, too. Christmas can create so much pressure and craziness. It really got to me this year. Suddenly I was questioning my marriage, my life choices, my future happiness...YIKES. Here I am, awake at 2:40 am on the day after Christmas. I still feel the stress...But it will ease up now.

            Here's too getting back to "normal" life!
            "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


              Bah Humbug!!

              Thankfully its over now - sucks to be on your own on Christmas day though, I feel for you.

              Here's to a much brighter 2010
              Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
              :h ya


                Bah Humbug!!

                Thanks guys!!!!

                I actually wanted to post this on general comments, there goes my ditzyness, that w/ all my stupid typos makes me crazy, BUT I am heading straight to the gym......was actually feeing the "f-it's" and contemplating drinking, but won't now that I poppd over her and felt the love!!!!:l:h

                Thanks again all of u,:thanks: was going to try to delete this cuz I felt so stupid?!

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Bah Humbug!!

                  Well done Cowgal!!


                    Bah Humbug!!

                    not really

                    bad day and night.........................we'll see...................tired of, living situation, just everything is sucky right now, but thanks EVERYONE, will check in much later xoxo MA
                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Bah Humbug!!

                      Hugs MA! I just went through a lot of changes myself...changed jobs, living situation and now the stress of the Holidays. It's hard to tackle everything and I know that feeling of exhaustion. Hang in there, brighter days are around the corner for you and me!

                      Everything I need is within me!


                        Bah Humbug!!

                        Dear Cowgal...
                        When the holidays are done, it'll be the same old...same old... for all of us (problem drinkers or not) but for now, extra time off work and extra time to think about whatever....usually family and relationships, or maybe not...being there and seeing this one, or that one that you haven't seen for God knows how long.

                        Things don't drop into our laps.
                        They happen because we make them happen; good or bad.
                        I'll stand up and fight with anything if I know that I'm right, but if I'm wrong, I'll take whatever I deserve.
                        So I don't want to be wrong

                        Make good things happen (like waking up early, sober and guilt free tomorrow, or whenever something nice pops into your head; smile and remember it) and then set yourself on your own journey.
                        Other people have theirs, I have mine and all I can do is my best.


                          Bah Humbug!!

                          Thank you Popeye,
                          Things happen because we make them happen. I let things, expectations, stuff kind of pull me down yesterday. Today I got up, ran 5 miles in 15 degrees..brrrr...drank my coffee and am ready to spend some quality time with my sons. Can't tell you how many days after Christmas I've spent so hung over I couldn't get out of bed. I made that happen but today my journey's going in a different direction.
                          Hey, you are getting close to a year!!
                          Shelley Happy Boxing Day or is it Boxers Day


                            Bah Humbug!!

                            spedteach;780156 wrote: Thank you Popeye,
                            Things happen because we make them happen. I let things, expectations, stuff kind of pull me down yesterday. Today I got up, ran 5 miles in 15 degrees..brrrr...drank my coffee and am ready to spend some quality time with my sons. Can't tell you how many days after Christmas I've spent so hung over I couldn't get out of bed. I made that happen but today my journey's going in a different direction.
                            Hey, you are getting close to a year!!
                            Shelley Happy Boxing Day or is it Boxers Day
                            Lovely to hear.
                            I'm smiling a bit more today.
                            Thank you Shelley.
                            It's Boxing Day in Scotland. That's when all the boxing starts.


                              Bah Humbug!!

                              Things don't drop into our laps.
                              They happen because we make them happen; good or bad.
                              I'll stand up and fight with anything if I know that I'm right, but if I'm wrong, I'll take whatever I deserve.
                              So I don't want to be wrong

                              Make good things happen (like waking up early, sober and guilt free tomorrow, or whenever something nice pops into your head; smile and remember it) and then set yourself on your own journey.
                              Other people have theirs, I have mine and all I can do is my best.

                              I really like this way of thinking Paul. Accountability for creating your own shite is essential to moving forword, denial gets you nowhere,hope its a great year for you and I both Pops!

