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Need Help

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    Need Help

    glad to hear from you....feeling better?
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Need Help

      Not yet still tapering am a nervous wreck
      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


        Need Help

        do you have an anxiety medication???
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Need Help

          No Dr. won't give it to me cause I drink When I had Xanex I didn't drink and it took me forever to finish a vile of it I never abused it, but was so much calmer ... so ridiculous
          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


            Need Help

            Janka, it was so nice talking with you in the chat room last night. We've all been where you're at. I did not think I could ever stop and the truth is, I probably never would have if it hadn't been for all the friends I have made in here. Keep coming to this site, read as many post as you possibly can. A really good one that touched me was "attitudes and feelings" by hippie. Come in the chat room at night and you will find many encouraging wonderful people there. We are all here to help you. Just try to get through TODAY without drinking, no looking back or forward, just focus on today. You can order some things on this site to help you, kudzu, L-glutamine, etc. I have heard so many good things about baclofen. You can order it from this site at Rivers pharmacy without a prescr, I think. I have an abusive husband, also, but when I'm in here posting and chatting, he doesn't bother me much. Best of luck to you! We all love and care about you! Hope to see you in chat tonight. :l:l:l
            I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
            but I'm sure not who I used to be!

            There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



              Need Help

              I would find another doctor........
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Need Help

                I've had a few that did the same thing
                Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                  Need Help

                  ok....well....have you ordered the clams forte or googled something natural that reduces anxiety????
                  I battle thatand I swear I will either kill someone or jump out a window some days!!
                  How are you feeling tonight??
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Need Help

                    Janka, Omega 3 Fatty acids. or Omega, 3, 6 and 9 help enourmously with anxiety! Vit. B Complex also really helps! Also, you need not fear any side affects with alcohol. Honestly, drinking really makes anxiety so much worse!

                    Hope that you find relief soon!
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      Need Help

                      Hi all,
                      Janka you doing to right thing coming and talking to everyone here, you mustn't fear judgement or shame..
                      as what was said earlier,AL doesn't have a "stereotype victim" old, young, rich, poor, well educated or not, sucessful or not, male, female..etc...

                      the title of a person being "alcoholic" sadly has a bag image..the "normal" people have an image us, as dirty old people drinking from a bottle hidden in a brown paper bag..

                      NOT normal people that have fallen into it's snare for so many, many different reasons...
                      it is an evil trap that we all have, or are still struggling to get out of...!

                      I know if it wasn't for this site I would've lost my young son forever..but now he will be back home with me come June...
                      it is hard, it is a rollercoaster ride, you will fall at first maybe several times..but DON'T give up
                      just pick your self up, dust yourself down and go for it again...

                      btw way I too was in detox 3 times and each time slipped, I found this site as I was desperate to stop or NEVER to have a chance to get my son..
                      NOW I am 2 months AF...
                      I swear by Baclofen, L-Glut & milk thistle..

                      sorry Kate I disagree with you saying there are no side effects from could be dangerours to give that it does have side effects..and as long as caught in time are repairable..
                      I say this from experiance, they were talking liver transplant.. until I stopped....but now it has healed..


                        Need Help

                        thanks so much people!!!! I am so sick of this ... need to get back to work ... I was tapering for 3 days now ... am still afraid of withdrawal and seizures
                        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                          Need Help

                          Good Morning Janka....still herer for you
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Need Help

                            janka;815422 wrote: thanks so much people!!!! I am so sick of this ... need to get back to work ... I was tapering for 3 days now ... am still afraid of withdrawal and seizures
                            Hi is good that you are aware of the dangers of seizures etc.
                            but not that you should be frightened of them...and get ino a state with fear..

                            my seizures were because I tried to go it alone.. my consumtion was very high
                            I was drinking nearly a litre bottle of vodka per day....
                            if I couldn't get vodka it was min 2 litres of wine....

                            then I tried all of a sudden to stop, the first day of not drinking I didn't notice too bad as there was so much in my system,
                            it was the following day I felt like I was gonna die..
                            sweat, palpitations, nervousness pains finally tried to lay down..

                            my older son found me convulsing on the kitchen floor at midnight..
                            was taken to hospital, but the damage was done, I have a blood clot in my brain and had 2 further seizures and am now on treatment for the rest of my life..

                            I tell you this not to scare you.......
                            but that you must be careful, you have not said your consumption???
                            if you are feeling bad as you try to stop, continue as you are going with the is a good way to wean off..
                            read the thread about the meds, they do help...
                            take care and if you have any worries do NOT hesitate to go to your doctor...
                            they don't bite..


                              Need Help

                              thank you ladies today I will drink 2 beers
                              Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                                Need Help

                                Yeah! Janka.....I hope that you continue with this progress!

                                By the way, I did not mean to imply that alcohol has no side affects. I was speaking about taking the "Natural vitamins and remidies for anxiety" and that you do not have to worry, should you also consume alcohol with them. Yes, we are all well aware that drinking in excess, can and does cause multiple health problems, including death.

                                Keep up the Good Work!
                                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                                AF 12/6/2007

