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    Need Help

    Janka! This is great news! Well done! Each day you will feel physicly better and stronger. You do know what you need to do, you have done it before. have a wonderful life ahead, that is yet to be discovered! In clarity and healthy you will discover it!

    XXX Kate
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      Need Help

      I am so happy for y ou Janka.....keep talking to us!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Need Help

        Thanks Ladies!!!!! Hope everyone is well today. I actually feel NORMAL now on Day 2 AF ... my seizures/faints were often a result of low blood sugar (not eating -- I'm a poor eater-- I often didn't eat for a whole day for many decades), high blood pressure, huge stress and pulling all-nighters for work (never did that before!). They happened over the past two years, mostly having zilch to do with AL withdrawal (one time yes tho). Sleep deprivation is one of the main contributors to seizures ... thank god I slept last night. Seizures attributale to alcohol withdrawal usually occur 6 to 48 hours after abrupt cessation of AL. Just relaying what happened to me, maybe it can someone. LJ please get your sleep in order. Love, me
        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


          Need Help

          Hiya Janka and ladies,

          Janka you really sound great kiddo....I've seen you posting in other threads well done..:goodjob:
          shows you lifting out from the black cloud you was hiding under...!!
          really cool..great..
          keep your spirits up and you will find you will be so much stronger and cheerful...
          eating is something else you will have to sort out coz a good diet is important to you health as you know..

          but one step at a time..lets hope you get the munches, as you get more days under your belt..
          I know I did..a night time fridge raider..!!!

          gonna try the melotonin tonight so lets see.... I'll let you the morn..
          if not during the night for a chat....!!!!!:H

          take care my friend..


            Need Help

            Hope all is well for everyone. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for pulling me thru! bbl Take good care.
            LG good luck tonite
            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


              Need Help

              Oops I meant LJ not LG above
              Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                Need Help

                Janka, my husband had seisures when he detoxified five years ago,He has been sober ever since. Can you believe that living with me! It's a God-sent. For him, they put him in a hospital for 1- week. They kept him sedated too keep all his vitals under control. Sometimes people don't understand how difficult it is, (physically) on some people. I wish you all the luck, if you ever feel like talking just give me a pm. runningwind :
                The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                  Need Help

                  Thank you rw ... im ok ... made sure I ate and am going to sleep a good 8 hours ... far more steady than yesterday. Take good care and good nite! Peace
                  Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                    Need Help

                    Thanks, for checking in Janka. Rest Well!
                    xx Kate
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      Need Help

                      Hiya Janka,
                      howz it going????
                      are you still winning ???


                        Need Help

                        Yesserie!!! Thank God! How did you sleep?
                        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                          Need Help

                          Janka, I'am glad you got some much needed sleep and are feeling better. Hope to see you posting tomorrow! Have a great night and you are in my thoughts. runningwind :l
                          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                            Need Help

                            janka;817554 wrote: Yesserie!!! Thank God! How did you sleep?
                            hiya pussy cat...
                            I love your cat...I got two doggies, but before I always had'em..

                            so independant only love you if you deserve their love and they reckon you're ok...!

                            yep got two great night sleep now thx..
                            gave in and took mething called "dormidina" in spanish "dormir" is to sleep,
                            contents are antihistamine I believe..
                            it worked great,slept till 7:30 in the morn and could've slept longer if I didn't have to get up to pick up my Ollie..
                            why don't you join us in the Army thread???
                            it's a great bunch of friends and from all parts of the world.. so some one is always about..
                            come have a look, I think now you are out of the panic part of the woods you would fit fine, and if you feel shakey one day there's lots of lovely friends to hold you up..

                            it's in the general discussion, under army thread.. dated the change of day each day..



                              Need Help

                              I have just found this website.
                              I need help. I have been in rehab & councelling but nothing Please


                                Need Help

                                Hiya vistmar,
                                start a new thread and you will find lots of old hands will jump in to help you, we've all been there and lots are still there..
                                there's zero judgement just lots of support and care..
                                jump in and start a thread..

                                Janka.. how are you holding up??
                                not heard from you hope it's going well..

