New here and feeling panicky and hopeless. I want to go to the store and buy some wine but I have a commitment this morning. Lately, I have been shirking the few responsibilities I have in favor of drinking. I've been drinking two bottles of wine daily and then trying to sleep as much as I can with the help of a bit of a sleeping pill.
I am sitting here thinking that as soon as I'm done with my commitment this morning I can go buy wine, but I know this is a vicious cycle that is going to kill me and soon if I don't stop. I've been at this for over 30 years now. I've tried several rehabs, psychotropic meds, shrink, therapists, self help groups and I keep drinking.
People have written me off now and I only have one friend who does not live here so I am completely alone, unemployed, and feel on the edge of going crazy. I wear the same clothes daily and don't even bother to shower unless I have to. Things have really gone downhill since November and I don't know if I can turn all of this around. I am becoming more of a shut in by the day and not wanting to do my commitment this morning.
Well, I just wanted to reach out to someone so that maybe I don't drink today. Thanks,