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To begin to beat this and now cancer

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    To begin to beat this and now cancer

    Great news!!

    My nodes were swollen because I have mono-- not that I ever thought that I would celebrate that but when the derm called and it was not cancer she told me to go to my family doc this morning and that is what they suspect (they did a rapid strept test but that was negative)-- but whatever it is it was not cancer! I did have another mole tested though while I was there when the nodes were discovered and it is pre-cancerous but I haev had a couple of those and she just went ahead and cut that out a couple of days ago (it wa the least of my worries given teh nodes and I was pretty sure that it was not cancer-- since I know what the malignant ones look like now) and the margins were clear on it. so to the ones waiting on their results becasue of weird moles-- yes I have had a malignant melanoma but I have also had precancer ones and nothing came of those so have hope. I am so so glad that I had you all to help me through and to encourage me to tell my husband.

    Oddly at some point and maybe it was your encouragement a calm came over me and I did not even want to see a drink during this. Let's hope it continues cancer is bad but really if I was to keep drinking and it got worse (which all alcoholics eventually do as it is a progressive disease) I would have been killig myslef slowly instead of more quickly. Plus destroying my family.

    Again thanks-- I know there will be troubles and struggles but you all have really helped.


      To begin to beat this and now cancer

      Congrats on your MONO!!!!!

      Enjoy your weekend!


        To begin to beat this and now cancer

        Oh thank God.....for once Mono is a good thing!!!! Rest and get well!!!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          To begin to beat this and now cancer


          i'm so glad it's "only" mono!



            To begin to beat this and now cancer

            Glad it was not cancer. Hang in there and try to get thru this sober. you can do it and we ae here to help.


              To begin to beat this and now cancer

              So relieved for you. NOT CANCER! That's great!!!

              Take very good care of yourself with the mono. It can really wipe you out. When I had it, I slept alot, drank a lot a fruit juice and ate as healthy as I could. I was better within 2 weeks.

              Hope you feel better soon!



                To begin to beat this and now cancer

                How sweet those words must have been! Congrats on your mono, LOL!


                  To begin to beat this and now cancer

                  hai cheer up u have all happines to live with ur child


                    To begin to beat this and now cancer

                    Hey ATL! Found you here. Man you've been through it, but congrats on finding this site to post and what WONDERFUL support you've been given!! :hug:
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      To begin to beat this and now cancer

                      I am a newcomer I just need advcice. I have been drinking since Saturday. I need help so, so, bad. I posted about a week ago. Only one person responded. Please I need someone to talk to.



                        To begin to beat this and now cancer

                        Hi Brittna,

                        I'm here for you! We are all here to help and NO ONE here judges. Click on Live Chat and see if there is someone there. Have you been drinking out of loneliness, anger, etc? How can I help you???? Private message me. We have all been in your shoes.

                        Sending you warm thoughts and offers of support,



                          To begin to beat this and now cancer


                          Pick up the Yellow Pages and look for Alcoholism Treatment. They have 24-hour helplines. Also, does your doctor have an after-hours number? Call it right away! Do you have a friend or close family member you can call? That's what I do when I feel like giving up.

                          Let me know what you're doing. I care.



                            To begin to beat this and now cancer

                            Good luck-- I know your feeling as we all do. There are soem great long term sober folks here-- as for me-- I am moving toward AF definitely -- more days than not I have not drank and I have decided that is what I am aiming for as the rule of zero is easier. I am not killing myself over one glass of wine or somehting because it is so much better, I recognize it for what it is-- not what I want but better and clearly moving toward it. The posting helped the anxiety and shame and guilt for me. I started some of the supps and definitely have been feeling teh whatever feeling about booze-- and I had gotten to a hiding the number of drinks or the bottle thiung from my spouse so I was totally there. Don't know what country you are in but here in the part of the US I am in I felt the guilt, judgment and downright rudeness of docs who I would tell they woudl basically tell me I was blowing it up-- that they had seen worse-- so WTH do you want me to do-- drink more so then you will help-- it was personally an issue for me and we are all here to help you. Good luck. If you feel you need a doc there are meds they can give at the ER for the first AL withdrawls that do help with anxiety and this might help you get to the poitn where you can plan. Good luck!

