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Can't get past 48 hours

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    Can't get past 48 hours

    Right got an answer on the migraine front, firstly they are 'Focal' migraines (will be looking that up later) and secondly I have to stop my combined pill NOW because the risk of a stroke is significant. Can't tell yet but could be simply body settling down/getting used to long term sobriety, could be the pill itself or could just be my migraines changing. If they continue the Dr said to come back and they will try me with beta blockers. Came home with a load of leaflets, brain buzzing and guess what?My little brain said go get drunk this staying sober and being responsible lark is too much hassle you might die anyway.

    Great. Made it home but had to walk past about half a dozen pubs as well as an off-licence.

    Anyway I'm still sober so I've achieved something!


      Can't get past 48 hours

      Hello DB and also UK and Snap! Just wanted to say that I think you are all doing FABULOUS despite "life" which has a wonderful way of just going on despite our struggles and victories with AL!

      Interesting the subject of "normies" (normal drinkers) being baffled by our affliction and saying "why don't you stop..?..." etc. I've heard this explanation given back: "try swallowing a whole box of ex-lax and not taking a crap. That's similar to what you are asking me to do when you say just don't take a drink." :H When I drink a little, I HAVE to drink a lot. It's not a choice.

      Well, if I don't get my rear end out the door to Curves I will miss my window of opportunity. Have a great day fellow travelers!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Can't get past 48 hours

        DG, you are hilarious!! I am so going to use that line about the exlax ~ that is just too funny, though sadly too true as well...... still, thanks for the laughter tonight =0) Life just does seem to go on doesn't it doesn't it? .... how was Curves? do you go every night? I thought about going to curves but the one close to my house has bankers hours....

        Hi UK! That's a good thing that they gave your migraine headaches a name. Focal headaches... I'm confused on why the beta blockers though? Do you have high blood pressure? and when you say combined pill, what is that (if you don't mind me asking...) did they do a CT Scan of your head? Do people who go AF usually get these headaches?

        You acheived a lot this evening UK ~ you won over temptation!! Awesome!! I had a very long day at work ( I work 4 ten hour days a week, so my days are generally long).. I am ready to get some sleep ~ rest well and don't forget to check in tomorrow =0)

        You too DG =0)

        Day 7 Sober


          Can't get past 48 hours


          Well I think I said I've always had migraine from a very young age but they come and go - might not have one for a year or two which is how I got onto the combined pill because they mostly disappeared.

          The C pill contains Estrogen and Progesterone. Estrogen can increase blood pressure and the risk of blood clotting. Migraine with Aura (which is what I get - Aura is what you get as the headache comes on involves tunnel vision (feels like someone is putting their finger in front of my eye) and a psychadelic squiggle lasting about 30 minutes) is thought to be something to do with blood vessels pressing on nerves in the brain I think. Combine that with the bloodpressure/clotting and you have high risk of a stroke. Did some reading and found I should have reported the sudden re-emergence of the Migraines months ago. Oh and being in my mid 30s I'm also at an age where the risks start to increase too - gosh I'm old now.

          So far we aren't sure if it's the AL that's set them off - cider, red wine and AL in general can be a 'trigger' plus migraines can be linked to stress. AL is essentially a sedative when you remove this from the body the nervous system rebounds leading to that restless, anxious feeling, panic attacks etc we are all familiar with during withdrawal. Beta Blockers not only lower blood pressure but help with anxiety/stress without being addictive sedatives so would be useful for me should the headaches continue. They've put me on the progesterone only pill for now(lower risk) until I decide which alternative method I wish to use (coil or implant).

          Now that's the science bit! I used to be in the science field (chemistry) with an interest in physiology via my athletics so sometimes am a bit of a walking encyclopeadia at times.

          This is Day 15 for me and we are both doing just great. Off to see my counsellor today and I've been writing things down about issues/feelings that come up during the week. Never thought I'd ever keep a diary but it just sort of happened.

          Enjoy your day.


            Can't get past 48 hours

            Hi Disco have you considered baclofen ? I was in the same place as you for many years. I have been taking it since last Aug and its changed my life. Good luck


              Can't get past 48 hours

              Thanks Braveheart ~ I'm using the vitamin and L-Glut alternative, so far its helping a lot. Thanks for the suggestion, I will keep the bacoflen in mind...

              UK~ I kind of figured you had some expertise in the physiology of your migraines. I've never had the aura migraines, I don't imagine they get any easier to cope with even with your history of off/on migraines. You are fortunate to be so well educated and knowledgable about the possible effects of the headaches and factors in your medical history. I had forgotten that they use beta blockers for anxiety. Did you experience any of the respiratory effects from the beta blocker?

              Congratulations on Day 15! Way to go!! I had a very aggressive craving on my drive home from work today and usually I would give in to these cravings, it was a close call but I forced myself to drive straight home..... so day 8 for me!

              Have a peaceful, quiet, headace free evening... hoping your meeting with your meeting with your counselor is very productive tomorrow. I hear keeping a journal can be very therapeutic..... I should give it some thought... =0)



                Can't get past 48 hours


                How you doin'?I'm day 18. Had to do something I was a little uncomfy with today but I took it half an hour at a time. Worked I actually learned to deal with a situation instead of dreaming of AL just to get me through.

                I think this is definitely what they mean when they say you have to change the way you live your life. I faced something without the comfort knowledge of AL and got through it smiling.

                Hope your day is going well.

                R x

                ps country in chaos over here as all airports are closed for the foreseeable future.


                  Can't get past 48 hours

                  DB - come out come out wherever you are!

                  UK - sounds like you are making great progress in the "sober living" department!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Can't get past 48 hours

                    UK ~ You rock! 18 days.... that is awesome, Congratulations! I see how very strong you are and how much stronger you will get, especially after your confrontation with your uncomfortable situation. You didn't take the easy way out with al, you stepped up to the plate and that is absolutely fantastic!!

                    DG ~ Yes I am here, shamefully having to start over and back on Day 3. But I am here and I am here to stay. Goal ~ One freaking day at a time!~ =0)~

                    Snap~ Where are you?

                    Happy Saturday, hey UK what is going on with the airports? Just wondering from across the pond...



                      Can't get past 48 hours

                      Glad to hear from you keep at it.

                      Regards airports well a volcano has erupted in Iceland and is spewing out a big cloud of ash. This is passing over UK and European airspace and has been doing so since Thursday morning (early!). If a plane were to encounter the cloud it would clog up the engines and they would stop. So all flights are grounded apart from a very few internal ones that follow certain flight paths. So that's basically no flights in OR out of the UK and airports in some European countries are all closing down. This looks like it will go on into next week. Not sure how things will start to go regards supplies of goods, I hear 25% of certain imports come via air.......people have missed cruises, lost their holidays and some are stuck abroad paying for extra nights in their hotels. Oh and they probably can't claim compensation since this is an Act of God and out of the airlines' hands. So it's quite major really.

                      Just got through another Saturday it's still hard work but I am confronting things head on which is the only way. I used AL to avoid stuff or get me through things by dreaming about it - I never work or doing anything important under the influence I save it for afterwards!

                      Anyway my priority is my sobriety and stuff everyone else at the moment. When I've felt wobbly I've told the world to go away, stayed in the house with a hot mug of milk and either slept or posted on here as well as reading other postings. I would say the first 5-7 days are the most difficult, then you start living and having to work at things but the days fly by as they are full of lots of new things to see and do.

                      I'm off to bed and looking forward to a sober Sunday.


                        Can't get past 48 hours

                        Hi UK and Disco - you're both going great guns :goodjob:

                        I've had ups and downs - still struggling to get past 3 days, but have had more sober days in the last few weeks than I have in years. I just need to string them together without any gaps in the middle!!

                        Disco - thanks for your support and sorry I haven't posted much in the last few days. It's difficult to get onto the computer at weekends - ours is in the kitchen and my kids and partner are constantly hovering around looking over my shoulder!! Despite your minor blip - you are doing great and every day AF is a huge feather in your cap.

                        UK - I have to say, I am so impressed with your progress - you are so strong to have got to this point and it's great to hear your positive experience of being AF - keep it up. You are an inspiration to us all!
                        Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                          Can't get past 48 hours

                          Thanks Snap. I've been at this lark for around 7 years now - trying to sort out this problem. Having tried most things and having the odd period of sobriety, I guess I've had plenty of practice. I do feel as if this time I've really turned a corner.

                          How do I know?

                          Because I'm putting my sobriety first that has meant pushing 'well meaners' away. I have found the best way for me to get through the evening when I'm finding it difficult is to stay in, make a meal, do some chores and sit on the internet/watching iplayer. It's working during this initial period and I feel safe doing it. I have however on several occasions, turned down other's offers to take me out including another non-drinker as I know I need to avoid too many 'situations' were I could be at risk as much as possible. It's narked those others but then again they were both chaps after my heart so I'm sure they'll get over it. Main thing is that a month or two ago I'd have gone out of my way to go accept their offers to spend time with me, or beaten myself up over it. Right now I don't give a stuff so long as I keep 1 more hour sober, that's all that matters. I can build friendships and relations when I'm stronger.

                          Keeping things simple seems to work and it's great!Even if I never make another friend again, this life is better than what I had when I was drinking.


                            Can't get past 48 hours

                            Ukblonde;840265 wrote: How do I know?

                            Because I'm putting my sobriety first that has meant pushing 'well meaners' away. I have found the best way for me to get through the evening when I'm finding it difficult is to stay in, make a meal, do some chores and sit on the internet/watching iplayer. It's working during this initial period and I feel safe doing it. I have however on several occasions, turned down other's offers to take me out including another non-drinker as I know I need to avoid too many 'situations' were I could be at risk as much as possible. It's narked those others but then again they were both chaps after my heart so I'm sure they'll get over it. Main thing is that a month or two ago I'd have gone out of my way to go accept their offers to spend time with me, or beaten myself up over it. Right now I don't give a stuff so long as I keep 1 more hour sober, that's all that matters. I can build friendships and relations when I'm stronger.

                            Keeping things simple seems to work and it's great!Even if I never make another friend again, this life is better than what I had when I was drinking.
                            Fabulous, fabulous post. FABULOUS! This should be a sticky. You are doing what it takes. YOU GO GIRL!!!! :yougo::yougo::yougo: Shoot, this one deserves the half nekkid boy cheerleaders!!!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Can't get past 48 hours

                              Ukblonde;840265 wrote:

                              How do I know?

                              Because I'm putting my sobriety first that has meant pushing 'well meaners' away. I have found the best way for me to get through the evening when I'm finding it difficult is to stay in, make a meal, do some chores and sit on the internet/watching iplayer. It's working during this initial period and I feel safe doing it. I have however on several occasions, turned down other's offers to take me out including another non-drinker as I know I need to avoid too many 'situations' were I could be at risk as much as possible. It's narked those others but then again they were both chaps after my heart so I'm sure they'll get over it. Main thing is that a month or two ago I'd have gone out of my way to go accept their offers to spend time with me, or beaten myself up over it. Right now I don't give a stuff so long as I keep 1 more hour sober, that's all that matters. I can build friendships and relations when I'm stronger.

                              Keeping things simple seems to work and it's great!Even if I never make another friend again, this life is better than what I had when I was drinking.
                              Fantastic post, UK. You nailed it. :wave:
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Can't get past 48 hours

                                Heck. I woke this morning thinking "oh dear what a load of waffle I posted last night" and seems I've got it afterall.

                                Thanks. I'd been pondering this change in me for a while because it does feel 'different'. I suppose it's like the Baclofen 'switch' I've reached, except it's all my own mind.

