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AF 3 days but pill free suffering

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    AF 3 days but pill free suffering

    I stopped alcohol last Fri. Still took oxycodone and adderral or I could never have done it. Yesterday, I took half what I might normally take. Today, I've taken nothing but cannot function much. I have two boys (6 &10). Can't drive my younger one to gymnastics today. Husband is away all week, as he has been the last 6, home on weekends.

    I know this is alcohol support site, but many people also take prescription pills. I don't know if I can make it or if I should even try as I need to function. Does anyone out there have experience with this withdrawl??? Please tell me if you do.


    AF 3 days but pill free suffering

    Nevertrulyclean, hello and "welcome: I know that a very high percentage of alcoholics in recovery also have issues with drugs - prescription or otherwise. I'm not sure how many on this web site are in that boat - I hope someone comes along who can relate more closely to the drug side of the problem than I can.

    I also go to AA and at the meetings I attend, there are a high percentage who have both alcohol and drug issues. That might be another avenue to explore for help and support. The combination of My Way Out and AA is working for me. I hope you can find what works for you.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF 3 days but pill free suffering

      Hello Nevertrulyclean

      Things are never as bad as they seem in your own mind (We think and stew about things too much)

      You should go and see your GP and talk to him about what is going on (Yes, a bit confronting but do you want to sort it out or end up a total junkie?)

      My best advise is DO something about it, make a start.. Get off your arse and get on with a proper life without drugs..

      David xxx
      What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


        AF 3 days but pill free suffering

        I have never had addiction problems with other drugs - prescription or otherwise because I was very much aware I could do and stopped before it became an issue. Unfortunately AL being sociably acceptable was able to creep up on me over many years - so I was in trouble before I realised it.

        I have met quite a few people in detox/rehab/AA etc who have dual dependency and more often than not it's sleeping tablets, uppers or downers - basically something that gets you through the day or night.

        They all managed to quit although the AL generally went first followed by the meds. They did manage to go completely clean and from then onwards blossomed. So it is do-able.


          AF 3 days but pill free suffering


          Getting off the AL is much more dangerous short term than the pills.

          But, from my rehab experience since I never did pills, I do know that the withdrawal from the pills lasts much longer.

          Is there anyway you can see a doctor? It would improve your chances of success greatly.

          And, yes, this is a site for alcoholics but many people here have dual addictions.

          :welcome: and I hope your being here will help you.

          AF April 9, 2016


            AF 3 days but pill free suffering

            Like ukblonde said, got to say when i first spoke at AA meetings i was surprise that one or two could relate to me ( self medicate while drinking) on getting through the day, or night for the next top-up....... like taking daynurse or nightnurse or sleeping tablets the lists can go on and on things you can get over the counter they should not be selling. If i were you i would go to your GP the best place to go if you need help to function to get through the day. All the best to you.x
            Formerly known as Teardrop:l
            sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
            my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


              AF 3 days but pill free suffering

              Thanks for reading and replying. My GP is my supplier and would tell me to switch to a different med. or taper over several months. I chose to try and rid my body of it all more quickly. It was, and still is, scary and uncomfortable; however, I believe that I've gotten through the worst this past week. I am now 7 days AF and 5 days "PF".



                AF 3 days but pill free suffering

                Hello NTC
                Thanks for the update - such great news! Fantastic job. Careful now or you may need to drop the 'Never' from your name ; )
                Keep your eye on the target
                Gold x

