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Any Weight Watchers here?

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    Any Weight Watchers here?

    I have really been struggling lately to keep my eating and weight under control. I maintained my post-AL weight loss for over a year, but lately things have been creeping up. I know what eating plan works for me, I'm just not sticking to it.

    AA has been wonderful for me as a support system for sobriety. So now I'm thinking maybe weight watchers would make a good face to face support system for my fitness and weight goals.

    I'm just curious if there are any Weight Watchers participants here to "weigh in" on what you think of Weight Watchers. (bad pun intended!)

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    Any Weight Watchers here?

    Sheri I am also hypo. So I have to be very vigilent with diet, exercise, med checks, etc. or I will blow up fast. I would like to get on top of my maintenance issues (well, now need to re-lose about 10 pounds) before things get out of hand. The idea of face to face support sounds good to me.

    I think I'm going to sign up. I like the "monthly pass" concept that gets me whatever meetings I want to go to plus the on-line tools for one price. (about $40) It also looks like the cancellation policy is very reasonable if that "monthly pass" plan turns out not to be the best plan for me.

    Anyway....let me know if you decide to give it another whirl! Weight management + hypo sort of stinks. Sort of??? It stinks. (she says with a smile and the best possible attitude she can muster up! )

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Any Weight Watchers here?

      Doggy, I tried weight watchers long ago.... I didn't really like it's. It's probably much better now. Coincidentally, I just started Nutri System today. It's always helped me lose a few pounds in the past. So far, so good. It's amazing how much you get to eat, even if your on a diet, as long as you don't include alcohol in the calorie mix. I'll let you know how it goes.


        Any Weight Watchers here?

        Oops.....I just realized I somehow put this in "Need Help ASAP" instead of General Discussion. Maybe my weight concerns are more urgent than I thought!! :H

        (my apologies to the admins - feel free to move the thread!)

        Looking, keep us posted on how nutrisystem works!

        I went ahead and signed up for the Weight Watchers Monthly Pass. That gives me access to whatever meetings I want to go to + their web site for about $40. No long term committment - the cancellation policy seems very reasonable to me. So I'll try a bit of everything and then see where that leads.

        Now off to Curves for some abbercise!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Any Weight Watchers here?

          Hi Doggy Girl!!

          I think Weight Watchers is definately one of the best programs there is, and I have tried them all!!!

          I also think that losing weight and quitting drinking work PERFECTLY together!!!

          I am currently "trying" to quit drinking and also at same time on a diet program. I use the strength from gaining control over my alcohol, and gaining control of what I put in my mouth. For me, it goes hand in hand. For me, its ALOT about control, self discipline, and self discovery.

          Funny, when I screw up and drink, Well theres a trip to McDonalds not too far behind!!

          Good luck to you in your goals!!!



            Any Weight Watchers here?

            Hi DG,

            I did the WW programme to lose the post baby weight and was happy with it. At that time, I don't think there was any "after" support so I put all the weight back on and more.

            As part of this journey, I am addressing my overall health and fitness. I am more aware of what I eat and I am choosing to do that bit on my own as it has to be a complete lifestyle change rather than a diet.

            I excercise regularly and have lost 15.4 lbs since starting here on 25 Jan.

            A few of us informally track our progress in the "Focus on Fitness" section on a thread titles "I'm on a Mission.." or something similar to that. We simply note our excercise, weight loss and give each other a bit of support.

            Anyone is welcome to join us.

            Spam xx


              Any Weight Watchers here?

              Thanks Spammy. I'm going to check that out.
              I have joined weight watchers a couple of times, but have never had enormous success. It's certainly not as fast as the likes of Atkins, and I do seem to need a fast result. I have the dietary attention span of a goldfish.
              However, it (WW) certainly is the money shot for long term success and positive lifestyle change, which I begrudingly admit is what we're supposed to be shooting for.
              I have also tried every bizarre regime short of standing on my ear to eat.
              Here I am. Still fat. So that's worth reflection.
              Let us know how you get on ladies.
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Any Weight Watchers here?

                I tried WW about 10 years ago. I remember my athletics/fitness training didn't fit into their points system and actually allowed me to save points for my drinking. Apart from that I remember being looked on as 'weird' since I was naturally very active. I was introduced to the group as "she actually enjoys exercise".....I didn't attend again.

                So far I've lost 6 lbs and know as long as I return to healthy eating and my old fitness routine plus outdoor interests I'll drop the weight. Suppose I'm used to it!


                  Any Weight Watchers here?

                  Hello again! Thanks to everyone for your comments and Spam for the very kind invitation!

                  I went to my first meeting today and I liked it. I was pretty amazed at the large attendance given the mid-morning time of day! A wide variety of ages and sizes and all of that. The person leading the meeting (coach? Can't remember what they call themselves..) was great and upbeat and kept it "real" and interactive.

                  I hated that weigh in, but it's clear I need to do something different so I don't gain all the weight back. (I lost about 60 pounds when I quit drinking, and have gained a little over 10 back now)

                  UK I can see what you mean about the points and the sort of diet for a serious athlete. It's interesting - when the coach met privately afterwards with me and one other brand new girl, she mentioned that for anyone who has a special diet from (as an example) a personal trainer, she can help do a point conversion so the tools can still be used - just with different (higher) point targets to accomodate more protein, etc. I will probably be eating less carbs and more protein and have to make some adjustments for that. Mainly, I need the weekly accountability. And the bottom line is that if the scale continues going up, then I'm eating wrong / too much anyway and need a change.

                  I was :H because I couldn't help mentally noting the similarities and differences between this WW meeting and the AA meetings I attend. I'm glad for all these meetings as it is definitely breaking the severe isolation I developed in my later drinking years.

                  Oh. And there are prizes. I LIKE prizes!! I hope I can earn a sticker next week for the walk a thon program.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Any Weight Watchers here?

                    Hi dg, just want to point out that the low carb/high protein diets can backfire when stopped. I did Atkins several years ago then gradually became friends with white carbs again (can you say mashed potato and gravy?) I gained about fifteen lbs, then to top it off I quit smoking and gained eighty lbs. That was two and a half years ago. I've lost 35 lbs, but being over 55 it's a massive struggle. Diet and exercise are my friend, I can lose 10-12 lb, then I plateau, maintain for two or three months, then ramp up again. My best advice is to get to an ideal weight before ending menopause then work like the dickens to maintain. Good luck with WW. I'm all for whatever works. Xo beth
                    vegan zombies want your grains


                      Any Weight Watchers here?

                      Thank you Beth. I have no doubt that menopause doesn't help any of this. I appreciate you sharing your experience and wisdom! I pulled out my "before" picture and just got sick with the thought of going back there. This is important.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Any Weight Watchers here?

                        Here's an LOL to share. I went off to Lane Bryant last weekend for some nicer clothes than I usually wear (I'm DOWN to size 16) and saw that the storefront located next to the store had finally been See's Candy!

                        No, I didn't go in

                        And I'm with you dg, I'm not going back to the place where I'm so huge I can't properly clean myself. I'm now "rested" for five weeks so I can go back to reduced calories and increased exercise and know I can drop another 10 lb. In six weeks.
                        vegan zombies want your grains


                          Any Weight Watchers here?

                          Oh dear !
                          I also checked out my local Weight Watcher's meeting today.
                          The leader looked like Cruella De Ville and was dressed in head to toe leopard print.
                          She glared at me as I walked in. Obviously a new person was not good for her chi today.
                          She actually wasn't THAT small herself either actually (shoudn't she have successfully completed the programme herself first ?)
                          I think I'll drive a little further afield and try another location.:H
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Any Weight Watchers here?

                            LOL at Bridget! I love the visual of Cruella in her leopard print. Maybe she's there as a "just be glad you don't look like me" incentive??

                            I love Weight Watchers. I am not currently on it but I was recently. I am too lazy right now, it's a great program but does require a lot of preparation and planning. Although I'm sure it would be easier now that I don't have to figure how many points of alcohol I'm drinking every day (believe me, I'd skip lunch AND dinner to make sure I'd have enough "points" to cover my nighttime activities!).

                            Let us know how your Weight Watchers progress goes, you may inspire me to get back into it!

                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Any Weight Watchers here?

                              Hello to all weight watchers no matter what direction it's moving.

                              I still have a stash of Green & Black's organic 85% dark chocolate and that is going to be a problem I can tell!! :H I got into that last night but honestly recorded my points so I ended up using 6 of my extra 35 bonus points for the week. Oh well. That's what they are there for, right? This point thing is certainly driving my behavior in terms of eating more fruits and veggies! I think that is a good thing. I need to make sure I'm getting enough protein. (so no room for my new AL equivalent of things....CHOCOLATE!)

                              LOL on leapard lady!! I will confess that I'm secretly thinking it would be all kinds of fun to wear a leapard print outfit and lead a WW meeting someday.

                              I'm thinking about getting one of those walk meter thingys and signing up for the 5K walk on June 6. Is that a US thing or a world wide thing? I think it will be cool doing a walkathon knowing there are people all over the place doing the same thing on the same day.

                              I made some sugar free jello but with stevia today. (I won't eat stuff with aspartame in it) Hopefully that stuff with some berries will help me wean off that chocolate in the evenings! I'm going for 20 points only today.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

