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    Hi,This is my first time , I read the book but I have a problem with Hypnosis. I tried it
    before and payed lots of money but it did not work. It seems I can not get in to it,my
    brain does not let me give over controll.Do I need the tapes to succeed ?


    Does this help Macmon ...I haven't used the tapes myself but choose to meditate on my on. I do follow the other modalities. Good Luck & Welcome!
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read



      Hypotism is only the power of suggestion.........The rest is up to you ! IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss



        I personally do not believe in hypnosis. I paid TONS of money on various things. For me sobriety came when I let go and let God take care of it. (I relaize this is not for everyone)
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



          Welcome Macmon,
          No of course you don't need to do the tapes, you don't need to do anything except give up the grog in whatever way you can. I haven't got the tapes or the book or the meds, just using this site for guidance and help and support, and it gives you all that in spades!!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14



            Hi macmon - No, I haven't used the tapes. I did try the supps for a while, and do use some meds, but you don't actually have to do any of them - wander the site - read posts and get the feel for what other folk here do. You will eventually make your own plan and decide what is right for you to do. Once you do that, you will get tons of support in your choice.

            Welcome to the site - it is a great place to be with lots of help and support.


            AF since 1st week Jan 2010
            NF since 3rd week Jan 2010
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....



              I didn't get the hypnosis CDs until I'd been sober about 3 months since I couldn't afford them before. I got them as reinforcement, and they worked for me, but hypnosis works well on me from my own previous experience. From my understanding, hypnosis does not work on everyone. If you've tried it before and it hasn't, you may want to skip it.

              I did use supplements (L-Glute and kudzu), a good diet, exercise and all the various planning and distraction tools, always having some other alternative should I want to drink (see "Tool Box" thread - I think it's at the top of the monthly abs section - if not, I know someone else will know exactly where to find it).

              Good luck on your journey - it is worth it!
              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

              AUGUST 9, 2009



                The hypnosis tapes really didn't work for me. I prefer relaxation cds or ipod downlods... there are alot on itunes



                  I feel the cd's are working for me. I don't feel hypnotized at all. I just view it as deep meditation and believing in myself.

                  Having said that I'm struggling big time at the moment with some serious cravings. Must go to tool box I think.

                  If you don't believe in them, even if they are the "magic bullet" they won't work for you if you have already made up your mind. Since it has everything to DO WITH THE MIND.

                  Sorry not much help. I like them but everyone is different. Plus I am doing the supps, exercise, tool box stuff as well. Perhaps all of it together provides a better fight. Good Luck!

