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Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

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    Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

    ;937668 wrote: I have never posted before, but I am also so scared and don't know what to do. I am considering an abortion and I am 39 years old and wanted a baby. My doctor told me I run the risk of not being able to get pregnant again as well. I drank quite a bit in the 2nd and 3rd week after conception as I was on vacation and really did not think I was pregnant.
    I think that if you read some of the other posts that mention pregnancy you will see that many of us drank too much at the start of our pregnancies and our kids are fine.
    Having an abortion is heart renching even when you really don't want a child. I can't imagine how aborting a baby that is highly likely to be fine and wanted is likely to feel. Yes there is a slight risk that something is wrong and that may or may not be caused by what you drank, you'll never know but I found that the best thing was to get over the guilt and do the best I could in the knowledge that if there was something wrong with my child I would love and treasure it anyway. Good luck.
    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


      Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

      I'm happy to see that you got a lot of good advice already. Folic Acid, take good care of yourself now, and don't worry!
      The blog:


        Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

        My sister in law drank a lot (and I mean A LOT. She also did drugs) during the first two months of pregnancy. She then stopped. Two years later they have the most beautiful, bright, joyful little girl. Don't worry. Just take care of yourself from now on. (Hugs)


          Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

          All you preggers ladies, rejoice! There are many ways to test later, if you want assurance. (My daughter delivers babies every day!) They actually recommend women late in pregnancy who are showing signs of pre-term labor to have a glass of wine to relax their muscles, and nerves. Of course, they would never do this for someone who is a problem drinker.
          Our (adopted) grandson, Ry, was born to 2 confirmed, imprisoned meth addicts. He tested positive at birth, and we didn't get him for almost a year, when he was removed from his neglectful aunt. We had a lot of concerns at first. He was sitting and rocking, hitting his head on the wall, when he wasn't clinging to my daughter. He still wets the bed, at 5 1/2. But he is the most FABULOUS little boy you can imagine. A head full of blonde curls, one of the smartest in his class, and my sweetheart. He dispels every myth about drug-addicted babies. We are lucky, yes. But there was a time when women didn't know about the dangers, and the dangers are largely from continuing the use. Again, you can find out more later, if you want to. But now, bask in that glow of the life you've wanted and have within your reach. You will handle anything that comes up. Babies of tee-totalers sometime come with problems, too. Just treasure each moment now. It goes by SO fast.
          There was a baby next to me in the restaraunt this morning. I couldn't see his face, only his dimpled little arms and legs, and it brought out so many memories for me. It wouldn't have mattered what his face looked like, he was beautiful, perfect. Both of yours will be too. And they will be YOURS!
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

            :applaud::applaud::applaud:i am a man so find it less easy to empathise ....... my ex and me didnt realise she was pregnant for 2 months (2nd born within 11 months of ist!!) she drank vodka throughout these 2 months ..... our children are fine ..... foetuses are incredibly resilient ....... dont panic and enjoy this time .... its magical PM
            I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round .... really love to watch them roll .... no longer riding on the merry-go-round ...... I just had to let it go

            Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans


              Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

              Well, my beautiful baby was born in January. We knew it was a high risk pregnancy (unrelated to alcohol) and I did indeed develop preeclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension) and we had to induce 4 weeks early. My little boy spent a week in the NICU and has been thriving ever since. He weighed 5 lbs 9 oz at birth and was 19.25 in long and 13 weeks later weighed almost 14 lbs and measured 24 in long!

              I am sad to admit that I still am paranoid that his central nervous system/brain was affected by my heavy drinking in the first trimester. He has no physical features of FAS/FAE (he's so handsome!), is growing very well, and has a perfectly normal head size. He does tend to get fussy and since I am a first time mom, I never know what degree of fussiness is "normal".

              Apart from some fussiness, there are no signs that my drinking did any damage, in fact, he is very social and appears to be bright. BUT, I will anxiously wait for the next 5 or so years, praying that he develops normally and is indeed very bright and capable of learning and getting along with others.

              I still welcome any stories from women that consumed a similar amount of alcohol (6 f'ing bottles over 5 days! I try to comfort myself by reminding me that that's about 5 glasses over a 24 hour period) at about the same time in pregnancy who had healthy, intelligent, happy children.

              I love my son and motherhood more than anything and regret that I can't forgive myself nor let go of the fear that something could be wrong with my little boy's CNS/brain.


                Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                Congratulations Hopeful,

                I still welcome any stories from women that consumed a similar amount of alcohol (6 f'ing bottles over 5 days! I try to comfort myself by reminding me that that's about 5 glasses over a 24 hour period) at about the same time in pregnancy who had healthy, intelligent, happy children.

                Just thought I'd quote myself in answer to you question, hun. Although it needs a bit of updating as she 24 now and good Lord she's 25 in September. I drank exactly like you.

                JackieClaire;937673 wrote:
                I can't give medical advice, honey. But I conceived my daughter over the Christmas holidays 1985 and partied right through until early 1986. Born healthy 9 months later and now 23 years old with a university degree.
                J x
                BTW I also have a great big strapping son of 22 standing 6' 2" in his stocking feet with a University degree. I didn't know I was pregnant then either and drank up until about my 10 week. Not as heavily but still two or 3 times a week more than I should have.

                Back then there wasn't so much pressure or research done on drinking in pregnancy and I know it may be easy for me to say. But try and enjoy your baby, even at 3am when he's screaming for a feed. These early weeks and months are precious. I would do it again in a heart beat.

                Mind you keep coming back and tell us how your little bundle is doing.

                J x
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                  I am sure you are scared but think about it-- that averages to a bottle a day-- I drank every single day after conception for the first week (did not know I was pregnant obviously)-- I was on vacation in Mexico and had way way more than a bottle average-- I never drink spirits and had martinis, tequila, champagne and all that. And my son is awesome. Take this as a sign-- for 9 months you will not drink adn this may be the break you need to stop once and for all. Good luck!


                    Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                    Oops -- just saw the update-- I am sure any issues with your child are more related to being born a bit early--my son is now 5 and is very smart and great-- so don't worry-- I am sure things will be awesome!


                      Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                      I did the same thing, I drank like crazy before I knew I was pregnant. I was about 6 weeks untill I figured it out as I felt I could not drink and fell asleep at 7:30 p.m. I remember thinking something must be wrong and then realizing I must be preg...anyway my daughter is now 14 and has always excelled. She has been in the gifted program for years and has all AP classes. I was very worried as well but it did turn out fine.


                        Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                        Hello Hopeful (and everyone)!

                        I am new, but have been reading the forums for a couple of weeks now. I came upon your post and wanted to congratulate you on your beautiful son How very awesome!

                        My son is now in his early 20s. I didn't know that I was pregnant until he was about 7 weeks in utero. I drank sometimes heavily during that time. I totally freaked when I found out I was pregnant. I came totally clean with my doctor and she wasn't happy, but she also gave me a lot of support in terms of moving forward with a healthy pregnancy. I was beyond grateful to her.

                        My kid was actually born two weeks late and after 27 hours of labor, just in the nick of time, I was able to deliver vaginally. I was very close to a C-section, which is not a bad thing, I just wanted to give birth vaginally.

                        Anywho, my kid was born as perfect as perfect can be, and he is not only bright, but was diagnosed highly gifted (via various IQ measures) for the specialized program at his school, that he started in early elementary way back when. He started college early and is finishing off a triple major.

                        I got lucky.

                        I will say that what a kid will want going forward, it a sober parent/parents, something I struggled with for his first 8.5 years, then was totally sober for his next almost 9. The last 4 years have been on and off. I am disappointed that I ever picked up again. You have the incredible gift of being able to give your child a consistently sober parent! Congrats on that too

                        Be well, be happy and ENJOY that baby!


                          Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                          Congrats my friend - he sounds wonderful. With my first daughter, I did not know I was pregnant for 4 weeks and I drank daily. She is a honor student now, a wonderful young woman and just turned 17. I have heard stories of people that did DRUGS in their first trimester and their kids are fine (not condoning at all) - babies are very resiliant, you would be surpirsed. Please do not drive yourself crazy in the next 5 years watching for things. You will miss out on the joys of your first child. You will never get that back. Enjoy the gift of your son. Keep thinking postive and just love that child - that is the best thing to do. Again, congratulations. If I wasn't 46 I would pop out about 5!!
                          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                            Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                            Thanks everyone for these posts, especially hopefulwoman! I am right in your shoes and I needed to read these. It is comforting. I've not read of any bad outcomes so far, so I guess I am safe. I was about 2 weeks before knowing that I was pregnant during my very last drink. So, I guess I am about 5 weeks now (stopped drinking last Thursday when the pregnancy test was positive). I still worry and pray though.


                              Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                              Hi Gracerain. We can't change what is in the past, but we can make a choice about what we will do today. Congratulations on the good choices you have made since finding out. If you need help and support making that daily choice, we are here to support you.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

