A week later we went in to confirm the blighted ovum and we saw a yolk sac and possible heartbeat. I was crushed thinking about all of the alcohol I had consumed the week before (my 2nd week of pregnancy post-conception. My dr. made a huge error). Everything I read in the pregnancy books says that week 4 (2 weeks post-conception) is so crucial and that large amounts of alcohol can damage a baby's face or brain. I am falling apart and considering an abortion (it's so crazy to even admit that) as I am afraid that I damaged my child and its quality of life.
I have absolutely no problem staying sober from here on out, by the way. I do need a plan to stay sober after our child is born but have always known that I would be sober throughout pregnancy, no problem. This is why I am crushed that I drank so much last week.
PLEASE READ MY UPDATE in most current post 4-15-2011