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Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

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    Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

    My goodness, I am so nervous. I am 35 and have struggled with infertility. Now I am finally pregnant. At my first ultrasound we saw an empty sac and my doctor told me it wasn't a viable pregnancy (I had very high HCG numbers so she said she should have saw more than a sac). We discussed miscarriage/abortion options. I was devastated and binge drank (6 wine bottles over the course of 5 days). I just fell apart.

    A week later we went in to confirm the blighted ovum and we saw a yolk sac and possible heartbeat. I was crushed thinking about all of the alcohol I had consumed the week before (my 2nd week of pregnancy post-conception. My dr. made a huge error). Everything I read in the pregnancy books says that week 4 (2 weeks post-conception) is so crucial and that large amounts of alcohol can damage a baby's face or brain. I am falling apart and considering an abortion (it's so crazy to even admit that) as I am afraid that I damaged my child and its quality of life.

    I have absolutely no problem staying sober from here on out, by the way. I do need a plan to stay sober after our child is born but have always known that I would be sober throughout pregnancy, no problem. This is why I am crushed that I drank so much last week.

    PLEASE READ MY UPDATE in most current post 4-15-2011

    Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

    Hey Hopeful! Come on, calm down, of course it's not ideal bingedrinking at the beginning of pregnancy but hell - shit happens. I imagine loads of people drink to excess before they realise they are pregnant, ask your doctors advice but personally I think you should just move along with your pregnancy, just my 2cents worth and congratulations
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

      Hi there Hopeful,

      It's ok....just take a deep breath. You're OK. I'm 49 and I am the youngest of 5 kids. My mom is 83 and drank daily and smoked during all 5 pregnancies, as most people did between the 1940s-60s, and we are all FINE. We are all physical or mental abnormalities.

      CONGRATULATIONS! Please stop's bad for the baby. Hopeful, I have known a few people who drank hard liquor during their pregnancies and their babies were just fine. are blessed....imagine how much joy that new life will give you!!!


        Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

        Thanks ladies. I'm just so worried because it wasn't just social drinking, it was a binge where I stayed in my bedroom crying and sleeping for days. The more stories I read of women who drank similar amounts to what I drank and as pregnant as I was (4weeks) who had healthy babies, the better I will feel. It is much more comforting to read REAL LIFE stories than to read the scary information/guidelines in pregnancy books.

        I did indeed ask my doctor about it, but I did not disclose how much wine I had ("wine on more than one occasion"...sounds like a non-alcoholic drinker!) and she said replied, "Don't worry about drinking alcohol. It's fine this early in pregnancy." So WHY do the books warn about such awful possibilities? In one book it says specifically, "For example, binge drinking during the third week after conception [the week I am in now and completely clean and healthy] sometimes results in devastating damage to the area that will become the baby's face and brain"! This particular doctor called it "fate maps" of which exposures on which days are most likely to damage which organs. He says weeks three to eight (post-conception) is the time of greatest sensitivity to outside disturbances. Oh my goodness, I just took a big sigh of relief! I am so glad that I took the time to type this as it made me realize that it was the day that I hit week three post-conception that I quit the binge (my body told me to JUST STOP), started taking the prenatals again, and then went on a brisk 5 mile walk in the redwoods.

        Keep the kind words and stories coming! I hang on to them and they give me so much hope, they really do.


          Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

          Hi Hopeful,

          Your hormones are off the map when you're pregnant....especially your first....I think that's why you're so scared. To answer your question, WHY do they post those warnings? protect themselves from lawsuits, because they sure do happen, and frivolous ones at that. I know something about this because I've dated a few lawyers and I was going to go to law school once and learned this in my studies. My ex-beaus who are lawyers have affirmed that for me. Doctors/books never want someone to come back with a lawsuit in hand saying, "YOU NEVER WARNED ME!"

          Look at that elderly woman who sued McDonald's and was awarded millions of dollars because she claimed their coffee was too hot when served and it burned her. Now, there are warnings on the coffee cup that say, "Warning, HOT!"

          So much of this country has become revolves around CYA.

          Quit worrying and start thinking of baby's names and how you are going to decorate your nursery, ok?


            Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

            Hi Hopeful!
            I agree with the others, I wouldn't worry about it! I drank when I was pregnant, before I knew of course, but I delayed finding I'm sure I was probably farther along than you are. Just take good care of yourself from here on out, lots of fresh, healthy foods, plenty of rest, and of course, try to remain as calm as possible (hard to do with hormones, I know). My baby turned out perfectly healthy, as I'm sure yours will!
            Keep us posted on your progress!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

              Hi Hopeful,
              Whatever you do, don't Google for information on this! Get yourself a big bottle of Folic Acid and stop beating yourself up. I know more than one woman who did not find out about their pregnancies till much later into their first trimester, had been drinking, stopped when they found out, took care of themselves, and everything was fine. Congratulations, relax and enjoy your pregnancy.
              While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
              Benjamin Franklin


                Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                Hi Hopeful!

                First off, congratulations on your pregnancy! I know this is a time of nerves and stress and excitement for you. Being a mess is pretty normal feelings right now!

                I am on this site because I have had many issues with alcohol and want to stop. Anyways, when I was in HIGH party mode, drinking heavy and doing other drugs, I found out I was pregnant. I felt the very same way you did, Oh God, Did I damage my baby???

                I was drinking at LEAST a bottle of wine and more. Also was doing some other illegal substances. I had no intention of getting pregnant!

                I am happy to report to you that I delivered a very very HEALTHY almost 9 pound baby boy. Perfect health, perfect everything. He is 6 years old now, and one of the smartest kids in his classroom. No kidding!!
                Please dont let your fears ruin the best experience of your life. Chances are most likely your baby will be just fine. Its truly a miracle to have a baby and its miraculous how even when doing damage to our bodies how they can be tucked safely inside us.

                I hope I could be of some help to you, please let us know how things go for you and I wish you the VERY VERY best!



                  Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                  Hi Hopeful.

                  Welcome to MWO and congrats on your wonderful news.

                  Ditto ditto ditto.

                  When my sister was pregnant with her 1st she and I had big benders in the early couple of week ends, before she knew,
                  her little boy is now 3 and is the smartest little boy with the face of an angel.
                  Happy to be back


                    Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post


                    Congratulations from me also. Wonderful news. You have stopped drinking now, so dont beat yourself up. Enjoy your pregnancy. You have a fantastic support group here if you ever feel tempted to drink over the next 9 months.
                    Enjoy the wonderful experience you are embarking on.

                    Sober since 30/06/10


                      Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                      Hi Hopeful,
                      I also struggled with infertility. My ex and I went through 4 IVFs, the last of which resulted in triplets. They are 13 now and back then, I really didn't have an issue with alcohol. Didn't touch a drop during my entire pregnancy.

                      Fast forward 9 years, and I find myself VERY unexpectedly pregnant (at age 41) with my now-husband's child. At this point I had become very alcohol-dependent. I drank at least a bottle of wine a day and was in denial about the possibility of being I was 2 months into my pregnancy before I even dared take a pregnancy test. When it was positive, I was pretty devastated. My kids were almost 10 and I didn't want to start over with diapers and spit-up again. I really didn't want a baby.

                      I was in complete denial of my pregnancy -- so much so that I continued to drink a glass or two of wine every day (but never more than rwo.) I reasoned that my mom drank through her pregnancies and my sister and I were fine. Maybe that was irreponsible, but my now 4-yr-old son is completely healthy, happy and smart as a whip. Whereas my two triplet daughters (born at 34.5 weeks) have struggled with learning disabilites, speech issues and one was just diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

                      The fact that you partied before you knew you were pregnant is totally insignificant. Imagine how many women out there did the same thing!

                      Relax, you will be FINE!!!


                        Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                        I don't know much about the alcohol issue in relation to being pregnant, but one thing i do know is that you should be watching what you eat now. See your doctor re- this. Also, as somebody else suggested, eat lots of FOLIC ACID. Find out what foods folic acid is in and eat, eat, eat.
                        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                          Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                          I am an older reader. Doctors used to give different advice. "Two drinks a day" throughout pregnancy was advised, actually, to keep the appetite up and help with nausea--in my (senior) generation. It sounds odd to modern ears, I realize. No one would give the same advice today, of course.


                            Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                            I have never posted before, but I am also so scared and don't know what to do. I am considering an abortion and I am 39 years old and wanted a baby. My doctor told me I run the risk of not being able to get pregnant again as well. I drank quite a bit in the 2nd and 3rd week after conception as I was on vacation and really did not think I was pregnant.


                              Binge Drank 4 weeks Pregnant 2010 Post

                              I can't give medical advice, honey. But I conceived my daughter over the Christmas holidays 1985 and partied right through until early 1986. Born healthy 9 months later and now 23 years old with a university degree.
                              I sure there'll be more along with advise soon.
                              J x
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

