I haven't heard from her.
I can only hope she's all right.
Many moons ago, when I was younger and more foolish, I slit my wrist in the belief that the world would be a better place without me. I couldn't find my station in life; my purpose. Drink and stagnation had numbed any feeling and there seemed little point in going on. However, since those days, I have led a life. I have done more and seen more and loved more than I can tell you. There have been days so dark that no way forward could be seen and days I wished would never end. I've learned that nothing is insurmountable and that even the worst days pass and there is always more to seek out and enjoy if we could but find it. Nobody can lead my life for me and I don't have to lead it for anyone else. It's been amazing and I'm glad that I'm still here to witness it all.
I wish you well.
Go grab some good times.