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Assistance please!!

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    Assistance please!!

    GREAT post UK Blonde as always. I agree that long after the physical craving has dimished we still battle the inner voice. You'll beat it. You have a plan always the best course of action.

    Oh btw, dahling you look mahvelous!!!
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Assistance please!!

      Hi All
      UK great job getting al out of your life. The next part is just as hard living a healthy and sober life. From what I have read it is important to find a passion in life. This helps us over ride the al thoughts and longing for the old al lifestyle. Be it physical, mental or combination we need to replace our drinking with a positive passion.
      I read in your tread you might even consider competting again. I don't know what you enjoyed before but I am sure it was a passion in your life that requird training. Many of us had passions that went by the wayside as we got lost in our al world. We might never get back to the level we were at but having goals and working towards them is always rewarding. I have found one of my old passions and it has been a big key in my success. It helps me make decisions in many areas that then helps me in living an af life without realizing it. So my advice go compete again don't worry about were you place enjoy the journey. Enjoy getting back control of a part of your life that was out of control. Find your passion!!

      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      AF 5-16-08
      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      AF 5-16-08


        Assistance please!!

        caysea;922870 wrote: Hi All
        UK great job getting al out of your life. The next part is just as hard living a healthy and sober life. From what I have read it is important to find a passion in life. This helps us over ride the al thoughts and longing for the old al lifestyle. Find your passion!!

        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
        AF 5-16-08
        My thoughts exactly! The the "stinkin thinkin" or "the beast" is telling you to go back to the old ways. NOT! Pour yourself into finding the excitement and passion in your life. Put all of the energy you used to put into drinking to this! If you drink, you would not be celebrating, you would be regressing.

        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          Assistance please!!

          Thanks everyone. I've only managed to pop in twice during the day but reading your responses really helped me, and it got me through until my meeting.

          They asked me to be the main share - something I've never been asked to do even when I went to AA regularly. Even though it was last minute I managed to talk about my drinking, and of course, more importantly my recovery. They have asked me to go back next week as they are needing more support at the meeting. I had something planned for next Friday but might just find a way to fit it in.

          So another day AF and I got through it. It is possible and I've gained some more positivity whereas, if I hadn't bothered I would have been in a wasted mess. Not for me really.


            Assistance please!!

            UKBlonde - So glad you made it through today! There's too many good things about sobriety to throw it away. I hope you wake up tomorrow with a BIG smile on your face and know it was worth it....
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              Assistance please!!

              That's great UK!! What a suprise and honor to be asked to speak! It's that good vibe radiating from you
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Assistance please!!

                Hi UKblonde,

                I had such a similar pull yesterday when I was out with my sister and her husband. I will be 4 months on the 10th of August, and like you I am feeling and looking better, but yesterday when everyone was spilling out of the pubs, into the summer evening I had this voice asking me "why should you have to always go without? You have control over it now!" Fortunately my sister and brother-in-law do not drink so I was in good company. On the tube ride home I made a deal with myself that I would not have a drink that evening, because when I thought about having that one drink, what I really remembered was "what happens when I have finished that one drink?" It wasn't even in my hand yet and I longed for the second.

                That pull will come and go, it's how we deal with it. You have achieved so much!
                While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                Benjamin Franklin


                  Assistance please!!

                  I forgot to thank you for your post. I really needed to be reminded about the next phase which is staying sober.
                  While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                  Benjamin Franklin


                    Assistance please!!

                    Great stuff UK.

                    At around 21 month's, and a working musician surrounded by al, drug's, and 'good times', my mind does drift back to my old drinking lifestyle and what fun it could be. Of course, when the punter's have gone home, back to their families and 'social drinking', congratulated the band for a great night, i would continue on into the abyss. I know at the moment, this is where i would go again after one drink. But i'm noticing these thought's don't last long. I acknowledge them, but simply am not interested in going there. It's no longer much of a mental battle for me, i've just reached a stage through doing, living the life i want to, and the change in my being because of doing, drinking is no longer an attractive option.
                    A pro active attitude to our lives, living how we dreamed, and making this happen, and forging the path is the way. Through time, and being pro active with our lives, it get's easier and better and better every day.

                    Follow your bliss! G.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Assistance please!!

                      Hi UK,
                      Boy can I relate to this post. Same exact thing happened to me the other night (as you know). Is it something about the 4 month timeframe where we suddenly think we're "cured"? I also stopped taking my Antabuse because I just "didn't need it" anymore...but I started back on it again after I almost slipped. My daughter is at her dads house for a couple of days and I thought it would be OK to have a few beers, as long as she doesn't see me drinking, then no problem right? Because I know that I can never drink in front of her again, she's made too many comments (positive ones) about me not drinking anymore. And last night she sent me a text that said "I love you so much momma"...brought tears to my eyes just to think of all the nights I spent drinking. I'm still not feeling really strong, but I know this will pass. Your story is so similar to mine, I have lost weight, exercising like crazy, feeling great...and then Bam! the urge hit me hard. I'm so proud of you for making it through. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this struggle!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Assistance please!!

                        sorry ukb, i've just stumbled across this post or i would have been straight here with encouraging words for you. i'm sure your niggles have passed. and i'm glad you recognise the need to post even after such a reasonable amount of al free time.x keep your head high and clear xx
                        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                          Assistance please!!

                          That's ok. All I can say is sobriety is hard work, however it's not as hard nor as boring as drinking.

                          K9, when I was away from home on my own about 5 weeks ago that's when it started closing in. "I'm on my own no friends, family etc to see me so I can drink and get away with it" thoughts. But you can't because you will know in yourself.


                            Assistance please!!

                            Ukblonde;925781 wrote: That's ok. All I can say is sobriety is hard work, however it's not as hard nor as boring as drinking.
                            AMEN SISTA!!!!!!

                            I think it's awesome that the AA group asked to to provide the main share (I think that is what I'm used to hearing as the "lead?"). And also great that they want you to be more involved (regardless of whether you decide to be or not). You really do have an awesome story to share and a very good approach to your sobriety which includes a nice combination, IMO, of strength and humility.

                            You rock.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Assistance please!!


                              My main concern about going to AA was that I haven't done this via their meetings, a sponsor etc. I do however firmly believe in the 12 Steps and I think I have been working them to get and stay sober. Been discussing this with my Counsellor and I'm going to give her the Gorski "12 Steps" book to read.

                              My new 'friend' (boyfriend sounds daft) is coming over this weekend, we haven't seen each other for 2 weeks but I have told him I'm going to the meeting Friday night. It means he has to get here early before I leave, and I will have to leave him alone but hard luck. We both know if I drink there would be no "Us", and he really likes me so anything that helps is fine with him!!

                              One thing I did notice was the way in which I felt really connected for the first time in a meeting. Never had that before, it's as if I know where everyone is coming from. Amazing.

