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Worried Pregnant Lady Again...New News

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    Worried Pregnant Lady Again...New News

    Haven't women been getting pregnant forever? Isn't it a natural process and experience? This pregnancy has seemed to be anything but normal. A little background...I have a drinking problem (never seem to stop after the first sip). I have struggled with infertility for three years. I finally got pregnant. OB couldn't find baby on ultrasound so said it was a non-viable pregnancy and discussed miscarriage options. I fell apart, couldn't even believe that I was pregnant in the first place, and drank 5 or 6 bottles of wine over the course of 5 days (I have not had a drop since). I was 6 weeks pregnant when I drank. Three weeks later (I was waiting to miscarry naturally as it was a D & C that had caused my infertility and had just been surgically corrected), surprise, there really is a baby in there.

    I fretted over the binge drinking and debated terminating the pregnancy because I couldn't imagine how a little teeny-tiny baby developing so rapidly at 6 weeks could survive all of that alcohol and be born a healthy person with a healthy brain and body. Thanks to you ladies, I couldn't completely let it go, but my hope was renewed as was my faith that there is a very good chance everything would be just fine with this little person inside me. Your personal stories of similar situations gave me so much hope and I thank you again for sharing them.

    Last week, we did the NT scan (screening for Down Syndrome). Baby looked good (growing so much! This little one is measuring further along at each ultrasound!) BUT one of the blood test does not. I went from having a 1 in 300 chance of having a baby with Downs to a 1 in 30. I will have an amniocentisis the 20th to get a diagnosis.

    I'm not so worried about the results from the amniocentisis as the odds are in my favor, however, the abnormal test that concerns me is the low PAPP-A. My placenta is not producing enough of this protein which is a red flag that I may have complications later in pregnancy (not at all related to my drinking). Low PAPP-A levels are sometimes linked to chromosone abnormalities and are also associated with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), low birth weight, preterm birth, placental abruption, preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, or a stillbirth.

    That is difficult enough to swallow, but then the Children's Hospital at Standford called to set up an appt. for a fetal echocardiogram per the perinatalogist's recommendation. The genetics counselor is aware of my binge and I'm guessing that is why we will be looking at the baby's heart. We will also be doing non-stress tests (ironic, "non-stress") and extra ultrasounds throughout the pregnancy.

    I don't really have a questions, just a request for prayers and positive thoughts. I love this little baby so much and pray that my drinking didn't harm its brain or body. I am visualizing a healthy baby born at term but I am still so scared. Worrying about all of that alcohol that I consumed and all of these tests is taking the joy out of pregnancy.

    To top it all off this is already a stressful time as I'm returning to work next week, had to change grades and classrooms (still setting up the new room), will have 10 more students in the class due to budget cuts, and already have to take time off for the amnioncentists, echocardiogram (out of town), stress tests, and extra ultrasounds. I'm thinking I will need to take more than a month off before baby's due date to reduce stress and also to reduce the risks of all those above mentioned possible complications that tend to begin (IF at all) after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

    Sorry so long. Your prayers and positive thoughts will be so greatly appreciated.

    Worried Pregnant Lady Again...New News

    Hi Hopefulwoman, of course my thoughts are with you - don't pray a lot but I'll try a wee one for you! I know nothing about all the tests and stuff you are going for, you sound very knowledgeable yourself which is good. All I can say is what I think I said to you last time. These little babies are very strong resilient (sp.) little creatures and how often have you seen beautiful, healthy children born to people with appalling lifestyles. I'm not condoning drinking in pregnancy - not at all, however it happens, and more often than not the child will be absolutely fine. No point in beating yourself up now, enjoy your pregnancy as best you can - you are doing everything you can now, and a first pregnancy is a very special time. I was exposed to german measles (rubella) when I was expecting my second child, and I worried the whole time so I know how you feel.
    Be gentle with yourself
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Worried Pregnant Lady Again...New News

      I will be praying for you and the health of your little one...I am sure all will be well!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Worried Pregnant Lady Again...New News

        Hello hopeful woman,

        So glad to hear that your little baby is growing at such a rate. There are so many tests out there these days, and personally I feel that they can cause more harm than good.

        Your little miracle has outfoxed these doctors before and will do it again. Keep calm, and keep visualising that healthy baby. I will as well.
        While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
        Benjamin Franklin


          Worried Pregnant Lady Again...New News

          Hopeful, medical science has gone a long way, but I believe God's hand is still there. DON'T drink. Hold on to hope. If you can live with a child with problems, or can't, this is the time to decide. But we have an adopted grandson, from to meth addicts, and aside from the neglect he suffered at their hands for the first few months, he is perfect. The light of our lives. Not saying there cant be problems, but what child doesn't have them? Hold on. Pray. And expect the best. Let me know, OK?
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            Worried Pregnant Lady Again...New News


            my prayers are with you. i know exactly what you are going through. my first child was born near death due to a major heart defect. i was told she wouldnt live through the night, then she was put on life support where she stayed for four weeks. we celebrated her 10th birthday 6 weeks ago. she also has autism but i cherish that baby everyday even through the tough parts. when i fell pregnant with my second i was petrified. i thought they'd watch me like a hawk during the pregnancy in case baby had the same heart disease. not so. i vomited and worried my way through for 9 months then gave birth to a perfectly healthy little girl. i want to say too that being a mum of a disabled child is not as horrific as it seems. its harrowing at times, in fact i get downright worn, but so rewarding. all the worrying in the world won't change the outcome and you certainly don't need the stress in your condition sweetie. they are monitoring you very closely, thats a damn good thing so try and relax, some nice meditation music, plenty bubble baths, anything to keep you calm. do keep us posted and i'm praying for you and your little bundle.

            gw xxx:l:l:l
            The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


