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    the drug and al team have let me down. they have decided i dont need thier service only a local alcohol councelling service that can't prescribe because i don't drink enough. i've had manic episodes today and been crying all morning. i've been trying to get through to the docs, cant get an appointment until monday to review my anti d's. my sisters just been whilst i was in such a state and told me in all her wisdom that i've not drank before, i don't need help, and have i any idea what i'm putting her through. told her to leave. can't believe she screamed at me in the state im in. i yelled back that if i topped myself today it'll be her fault. she and my hubby are all i have in the world. cant believe she'd kick me in the teeth in this state. i know everyone hates me for my drinking and obesity. told me to sort myself out. i'm trying, but doors are just closing in my face everywhere i turn. i have to see the counsellor in a couple of hours. i feel manic, out of control, like i'm insane. i can't cope. i won't do anything silly though.
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



    I had similar experiences with the Drug and Alcohol team. In fact one of their Keyworkers told me to exercise control over my drinking, as I did in other areas of my life. These services are often underfunded, limited to those who are extreme cases and the workers haven't often been alcoholics/addicts.

    I still managed to stop drinking, and if I can you can. There is other help out there;

    This forum
    Drug and Alcohol charities(we have CADAS around here)
    'Vulnerable' people organisations(we have a christian charity who work with addicts including drinkers)
    Private Counselling(I started this just before I stopped in March and still attending 4 months on)

    Some of the above will offer support to family members as they really do get it in the neck from us, yet we think it's only us that suffers. I can't start to think how much I must have put my mother, father and brother through all these years.

    You can do this and the ability is within you. Whilst it's very frustrating getting angry won't help. Yup I've done the ranting at them and it got me no-where. But I did stop in the end without any help - which was mainly because I'd tried everything!



      Girly , as common as mental and or alcohol fueled states are, most people, including Doctors and D&A teams really don't get it, as they haven't been in our/your positon...

      Keep trying, you WILL find someone to help you...

      Been there, done that...

      DAvid x
      What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....



        What I'm saying is "NEVER give up"

        Giving up is the end, so we have no choice unless we want to slowly destroy ourselves....
        What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....



          I've just Pm'd you a phone number.
          Please ring it.
          J x
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009

