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son getting high

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    son getting high

    My 16 year old son is away at camp and I went into the bathroom he shares with his younger autistic brother. Well I found his stash of pot and other paraphanalia. bong, pipe matches cigars, pot brownies. He was hiding the stuff in his brother's closet, knowing no one would check his stuff.

    I am very upset and don't know what to do. I haven't told my husband because we are supposed to leave for a 4 day vacation to Bush Gardens right after camp on Sunday. My autistic son has been looking forward to this for a year. My husband will punish him severly. I am very scared for him and don't know what to do. I have found a couple of empty listerine bottles that he used to make a bong (I can't say that he hasn't drank the listerine... I don't know). I also found some model glue. Idon't know what to do.

    I also found 2 rolls of electrical tape and he has been buying packing tape. I found a bag with a receipt for the tape. Does anyone know what kids are using tape for these days?

    Depsperate for some help!

    son getting high

    Looking, I'm so sorry you are faced with this. My guess is that the tape is used in the making of something for the glue sniffing. It's disturbing that you feel you can't share this information with your husband. I would think punishment is in order, but not knowing your family dynamics, I don't know what "severely" means either. I can see that you feel trapped and scared. Can you call narcotics anonymous and get some advice? :l
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      son getting high

      Looking, Greenie gave some very powerful advice in one short paragraph. I think staring at NA will be the best first step. And of course your hubby will need to know. If you're scared have someone from NA help you.
      I'm so sorry to hear this, but remember, most kids grew out of it quite soon.
      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


        son getting high

        My heart goes out to you. If it was just the grass I wouldn't be overly concerned, but the glue. Take action quickly. huffing is extremely dangerous. I hate to say it, but IT IS! I hope this is not to deep a problem and it can be resolved quickly with the appropriate intervention. God bless...John
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          son getting high

          Oh Looking - I am so sorry that you have to deal with this - I called my daughter and has no idea what tape is used for - I agree with the others - call NA and talk to them - Glue sniffing can be fatal! Can you have someone around when you tell your hubs? Call NA and see what they say.

          Hugs to you, Sunshinedaisies x
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            son getting high

            I suggest having the cops come and talk to him. Should scare the you know what out of him!


              son getting high

              Hi Looking for Peace,
              Well, I am much more in agreement with what Greenie said. NA sounds like a great start. We know that a great deal of substance abuse comes for emotional issues and sometimes mental issues as well. We also know that severe punishment and fear often do nothing but cause the "addict" to go deeper into abuse.

              Please do contact NA and perhaps even ask them for a therapist that deals with this issue.

              Best wishes with this!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                son getting high

                I agree with Zen, take it all and throw it away. He'll know you found it...but I'm sure he won't confront you about it. I would let him sweat it out for a LONG time.
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  son getting high

                  Looking for peace
                  Can you talk to your son alone.. I hate to say it but the pot seems to be usual for teenagers to experiment with.. the glue is the worry
                  Hope you can get it sorted, thinking of you


                    son getting high

                    I searched for an answer to the tape mystery, this was ALL I could find, and it's not really that helpful:

                    How is 3m Scotch tape used as a drug? | Ask MetaFilter

                    It did mention the tape is used in the construction of the bong, which makes sense.
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      son getting high

                      Hi LFPeace,

                      Maybe the tape is for attaching the little offshoot to lysterine bottle where the dope/tobacco is lit up. The glue may also be used to seal this attachment? From my experience, a good honest, upfront talk is a great place to start. A gentle but firm, non judgemental, informative, educational talk, and put it out there to him, that you are there for him, and want to hear what he has to say, or if anything is worrying him. Draw him in, and try to understand. Careful you don't push him away with a heavy handed approach. Tell him you love him, both of you, which i'm sure you do.
                      Just some thought's since you asked.

                      Best wishes.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        son getting high

                        Busted and totally busted you have to be like the FBI and get your hubby on board. I was a product of very good upbringing and good sensible parents and I still managed to get my self here. If I had not had the parents I had dog only knows. Its not the end of the world. BUT ITS NOT OK.



                          son getting high

                          Ditto, and ditto - ditto, if that's possible . . . Guitarista's response.

                          Please, LFPeace, find out what is actually happening. Breathe deeply. Let your loving presence be more powerful than your fear. Then you'll know exactly what to do. Or not to do. Moment to moment.
                          "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                            son getting high

                            I think most of you guys are way over exaggerating. I would be much more concerned if you found an empty bottle of vodka. Pot is less dangerous than alcohol by far. My suggestion: tell him that you find it and take that opportunity to get closer to him. Do not call the cops, that would destroy the trust and make things worse. I would keep it between you guys. It is not the end of the world. I smoked pot when I was younger and turned out just fine. Like I said, take it as an opportunity to get close to your son.


                              son getting high

                              Guitarista;927633 wrote: Hi LFPeace,

                              Maybe the tape is for attaching the little offshoot to lysterine bottle where the dope/tobacco is lit up. The glue may also be used to seal this attachment? From my experience, a good honest, upfront talk is a great place to start. A gentle but firm, non judgemental, informative, educational talk, and put it out there to him, that you are there for him, and want to hear what he has to say, or if anything is worrying him. Draw him in, and try to understand. Careful you don't push him away with a heavy handed approach. Tell him you love him, both of you, which i'm sure you do.
                              Just some thought's since you asked.

                              Best wishes.
                              Having had... and still have teenagers in the house, I would totally agree with Guitarista.
                              I have found over the years it is better to come out honestly, directly and simply just ask...
                              After the question is asked, important then to listen...really listen (I say this because this is something I had to learn and still am prone to jumping in with my opinions and it really annoys them as to them it sounds like they are being judged before they have had a chance to explain!)

                              just my thoughts...for what its worth,
                              Its not easy..Let us know how you go
                              30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010

