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Endings and New Beginnings

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    Endings and New Beginnings

    Hi All-

    I am writing to get some things off my chest, and the strength to start over in a new city with a whole new life.

    I have had problems fullfilling my obligations due to AL over the years. I have lost a few friends, disapointed many, and part of me despises myself for it.

    I was living with a man I no longer loved until Jan. of this year. I left him for another man, who though he is wonderful, drinks a lot. I didn't need any encouragement to dive right into the habit of drinking every night with him out at the bars and whatnot. Even so, I doubt he is an alcoholic. I doubt he has the urge to wake up and have a drink just to calm shaking hands, feel a little better.

    I am still young, and my life is not irreversably screwed. I have a chance to make a new start in a brand new city and earn a PhD, which is my life's dream. Unfortunately, my fear and uncertaintly put me in a dangerous tailspin in the past couple months. As the move date approaches, I find myself terrified of loneliness and failure in my new life.

    The anxiety became unbearable, I took to drinking liquor all day instead of going to work. Someone said that alcohol abuse is supremely selfish, and I believe them. I missed days to weeks of work as the situation escalated, ending in an uncerimonious leave of abscence to end my days in a professional job I had for 6 years. The people I care about think I could care less about them, and they have had to work harder because I was to hung over/depressed to get out of bed. The panic just washes over me in waves as I lay there, unable to stop it.

    I told my manager that I had a nervous breakdown. Not far from the truth. I can't make amends with most of my collegues, and I have to live with the guilt/hurt over that. My manager suggested I contact those I considered to be my friends, and I plan to do that, ask for their forgiveness. The parties they planned to throw for me have been cancelled, and I am leaving in shame. I even have to pick my stuff up in the middle of the night, rather than face them.

    All of this, AL has done to me. I let AL do this to me. My worst fear was losing my job over this, completely falling apart. I am fortunate that I have the chance to get a fresh start while getting a PhD. My career should be just fine if I can pull it together. IF..IF..

    So today I have drank one beer to stave off the worst of withdrawls. Eating is difficult, and not eating makes me weaker. Tonight I will stay home, or make a run for protein shakes. BUT NOT AL. I want to turn this terrible experience to motivate me to start a new life, a better life, with a happier/healthier me. All I ask is for support, as there is no one in the world I can be honest with outside of this site. Everyone is just too fed up.


    Endings and New Beginnings

    Hi Liath, you radiate pain - it becomes all consuming (the alcohol) when you get to the stage you are at. Yes its a bummer that you have lost your job, and friends, but none of these things are as important as getting sober. I remember in the depth of my drinking I could see nothing but problems, worries, and no way out. Everyone was disappointed in me and cross, I knew they were talking about me I felt so unhappy and sort of ...cornered. What I didn't realise that virtually EVERYTHING, every goddamn problem hassle was fixeable by not picking up a glass. It was THAT easy. Giving up isn't that easy - but it's not that hard either, a few days of feeling really rotten, and then day by day this sort of magical recovery takes place and after as short a time as a week you start feeling human again and nothing seems unfixeable. Ok the job is gone, prob nothing can be done about that - put it behind you and when you DO feel strong enough, go look for another job.

    It is so much easier without booze - really
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Endings and New Beginnings

      Thanks Molly,

      I actually have a full ride in my PhD program, which includes a stipend, and student loans just in case I can't live on what they are paying me. Its all lined up, my apartment, movers, everything. I was quitting this job anyways, but I certainly found a way to burn bridges. Sober, I will eventually be able to forgive myself for that, I hope. But luckily, I don't need to look for another job and I shouldn't need the reference where I am going.

      And yes, the pain is almost overwhelming me. But I could be on my way to the liquor store right now, just to numb that pain. Instead I am reading, sitting by the computer, and checking it for replies to my post, reading other stories. I am impressed, sober since May! Great job.

      Always in the past I was able to get myself feeling better in a couple of days, but this time a dangerous coctail of anti-anxiety meds and AL sent me into a major tailspin. Though I tell myself, these things happen, people break down, lose everything (I have not lost all, thank god. Still have family, friends, a boyfriend (all of whom drink, unfortunately) and I am grateful for that. But my last days in this lovely city I live in have been filled with depression, guilt, feeling just awful physically. I just can't stand it anymore, and I don't want to die either, so the AL MUST GO.


        Endings and New Beginnings

        Hi Liath,

        I just sent you a PM.

        I agree with your manager: send letters to the co-workers and friends you felt you disappointed, and apologize to them. You don't have to be specific about the AL issue. Just say you respect them, you're sorry and you really wish to be forgiven. I did that with 2 of my colleagues and some family members and it really worked volumes, plus it was therapeutic for me and I was able to forgive myself when I realized they had forgiven me.

        You have a chance at a new life! Good for you....and you CAN do it without AL because I speak from experience, AL will only add to your problems.

        Do you feel comfortable confiding in your boyfriend about your desire to quit drinking, or is he not part of the picture once you move? If he's still drinking, then maybe letting him go will be part of your healthy recovery.

        I know you're afraid of the loneliness, etc., but just think of the many opportunities you will have to make NEW friends who have no knowledge of your struggles, and if you're AF, they will see your best side.

        PM me if you need to and we're all here for you.



          Endings and New Beginnings

          Rusty, I just PMed you back. As for the guy goes, I am not ready to tell him about my struggles. All of my friends (including him) know that I drink a lot, but that is socially excepted for the most part here. I'll be leaving very soon, just over a week, and then my BF and I will only see eachother once a month or so. I have all the space I need to get a handle on things without any negative influences around. I will probably have to say something to him about it if things go long term for us. He surely needs to slow down as well, but is not screwing up work or any other rock-bottomish type of thing, so he probably does not see it as an issue. For me, for certain, its a BIG issue. I am trying to be AF for the rest of the day. ODAT, right?


            Endings and New Beginnings

            Good for you Liath, you'll be ok, and I'm delighted the job isn't such a biggy. Best of luck and keep posting!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Endings and New Beginnings

              Liath;929554 wrote: for certain, its a BIG issue. I am trying to be AF for the rest of the day. ODAT, right?
              best of luck to you and remember you can and will do anything you set your mind to
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                Endings and New Beginnings

                Hi Liath,

                I just sent you another PM. It sounds like you're making good decisions regarding your BF. I know where you live drinking is socially accepted, because I used to live there.

                Keep posting....we all care about you.



                  Endings and New Beginnings

                  Hi Liath. I hope that a great and wonderful thing comes out of this recent difficulty - your sobriety. Each day is a new day for us, and a chance to live it sober and therefore, better than we can ever live a day if we drink.

                  I think the letters sound like something that could ease your mind a lot. I hope you consider doing that. We can't change the past, but we can own our responsibility for it. And the very best amend of all is living better going forward, and not making the same mistakes again. That has been a very important component for me in forgiving myself.

                  Good that you will have some distance and time to think things over regarding the BF. I will only say that alcoholism is progressive. Just because a person is not *f*ing up their job, etc. today doesn't mean they are or are not an alcoholic. There was a time when I didn't *f* up my jobs either. But things just kept getting worse until I did. I would also encourage you to think about how easy it would be to have a close relationship or even marry a person who is a hard partier when you are addicted to alcohol and bad things happen if you drink it. Some people are already in marriages so must face that situation without having much choice. Since you do have a choice, I'll just mention that. I cannot imagine myself living sober along side a hard partier (married or not, family, room mate, etc.)

                  I wish you well in your studies and hope this change is a real turning point in your life.

                  Strength and hope,

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Endings and New Beginnings

                    Oh well, baby steps. I just went out to get something to eat. I told myself on the way that I would NOT stop at the liquor store. Halfway to my destination, my mind started sneakily trying to justify it. How can I taper down if I have nothing to drink? Never mind that I would have a couple beers around had I not drank all 6 beers I bought yesturday and then bummed a 7th off my roommate. I remember when a few beers after a hard day was enough. Now they just go down so fast...

                    In any case, I had to ask myself, if you need this so badly then you are obviously addicted, on a very dangerous path. So DONT go to the liquor store. Resist as long as you can because AL is destroying you. I did not stop. So there is one tiny battle in a great big war which I have won for right now.


                      Endings and New Beginnings


                      Yes I must admit that my drinking has increased since getting with the new BF. We usually get rounds of drinks, which means I am often matching him drink for drink. Not a smart thing to be doing when you are barely 100 pounds. But I chose to do it, cannot really blame him as he does not even know how bad it is for me. Take care and thanks for the support.

                      Rusty- you are a godsent!


                        Endings and New Beginnings

                        Hi Liath:

                        The one thing that made the biggest difference for me was to clearly understand that I had to make a 100% commitment to be AF. I abused alcohol for 30+ years and made a few attempts during that time to control and/or stop drinking with limited success. I am now 26 days AF and it has never been clearer to me that this is where I want and need to be.

                        You have my support here, along with all many others who face this challenge every day.

                        If you make the commitment and continue to come back here, we will all be here to support year.

                        Best wishes... John
                        AF since 7/13/2010


                          Endings and New Beginnings

                          Liath!! :l :l :l

                          I have been off the boards for around 6 months so have not been keeping up with what's been going on with everyone.

                          I , too, have had my troubles and eventually quit my job in February in order to get treatment and get my head together. Luckily I did not burn too many bridges as when I was there I was a good worker - and my old boss called me last week asking when I'm coming back! But I left basically because I was stressed out and using drink to cope - and they sure knew that (I went in inebriated :blush After a rocky 6 months of waiting for therapy and counselling I am now 3 weeks sober

                          I think this could be a great time for you to make a fresh start. You have so much going for you and a brilliant opportunity now to change your life for good. I know you have the strength and wisdom within you to do it, Liath.

                          If I can recommend you to do anything, it is to stay close to the boards and to read a book - No Room To Live by Wynford Ellis Owen. I don't set that much store by 'recovery' books, but this one has changed my attitude to my own recovery and made me realise some things that I hadn't before. There are some real insights and pearls of wisdom in there.

                          I hope the withdrawals aren't too bad hon, and you can PM me anytime you need to. Have another :l and keep your goals in mind through this difficult time. When you stick with it, the anxiety will start to melt away and hopefully you can plan for what it going to be a wonderful time in your life. Go girl! And take care,

                          K x
                          Recovery Coaching website

                          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                          Recovery Videos


                            Endings and New Beginnings

                            Hi Liath,

                            I hope you're feeling better today. I am sending you another PM. I was just wondering if maybe you could speak to your BF about your concerns and maybe he will at least not drink in front of you while you're trying to recover? Just a thought since you will be moving away....



                              Endings and New Beginnings

                              Still here but struggling, 3 drinks yesturday, which is down from the usual 6+. No response yet from the
                              emails I sent to coworkers. The day started off poorly w a message from my Bf saying he had to push our date back till tomorrow. He is meeting me to explain but I need human companionship so badly right now!

                              Kim, yeah! We are back! Thanks for the kind words, let's talk more soon.

                              Rusty- looking into the Bac and I think I might need it.

