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Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

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    Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

    Just like when I was overweight, Dr's blamed everything on my weight, I think I am blaming everything on alcohol withdrawal. I am still abstaining. This is day 16. Still not having cravings. I have felt like a bit of an agnostic for the last few years and now I am beginning to believe a Higher Power has helped me. All last week, I had headaches. Now this week headaches and nausea. It's pretty bad too, I've been off work for a while. I rarely had headaches in the past (except hangovers), so I am wondering if this can be a symptom of alcohol withdrawal.

    The dr. gave me percocet & naprosyn & some anti-nausea meds. The headache goes away temporarily any movement, loud noise and it is back full force. Even sitting here looking at the computer screen the lights are causing the throbbing to begin. I never wanted to admit to my dr. my alcohol problem, but if you all think this is withdrawals I will do it so that she can give me something to help. The headaches are bad and when I look at things, they look kind of hazy and cloudy. I have been taking my thiamine and went off the benydryl in case that was it.


    Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

    sounds like migraines????
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

      Don't think Percocet & Naprosyn will do much for a migraine headache.
      Call your Doc for more appropriate meds.

      Hope you feel better very soon
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

        Hi Xwino
        I was on Percocet before & that actually gave me really bad headaches. You might want to get a Doctor with a 2nd opinion. Good Luck.


          Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

          XWino;944469 wrote: Just like when I was overweight, Dr's blamed everything on my weight, I think I am blaming everything on alcohol withdrawal. I am still abstaining. This is day 16. Still not having cravings. I have felt like a bit of an agnostic for the last few years and now I am beginning to believe a Higher Power has helped me. All last week, I had headaches. Now this week headaches and nausea. It's pretty bad too, I've been off work for a while. I rarely had headaches in the past (except hangovers), so I am wondering if this can be a symptom of alcohol withdrawal.

          The dr. gave me percocet & naprosyn & some anti-nausea meds. The headache goes away temporarily any movement, loud noise and it is back full force. Even sitting here looking at the computer screen the lights are causing the throbbing to begin. I never wanted to admit to my dr. my alcohol problem, but if you all think this is withdrawals I will do it so that she can give me something to help. The headaches are bad and when I look at things, they look kind of hazy and cloudy. I have been taking my thiamine and went off the benydryl in case that was it.

          hi X,i find it odd to that your doctor woud give you an antiinflamatory for a migrane , to each there own,as far as perks,its a great way to numb ones patient,from alchohol abuse to one of the best narcotics on the market,some people hav a heck of a time gettin off of them,id get a second opinion,myself,i do so alll works out for you gyco


            Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

            I hate to ask this but please wait one more week before going to the doctor.

            Sheri is right. It takes time for our bodies to adjust to being sober.

            However, if, after another week, the pain persists, I doubt it AW. It may be something else.

            I am not a doctor, so I can't prescribe.

            btw, the meds he/she gave you are bad. You should not be taking any meds that are addictive. At all.

            I laugh because I am very "true" to my doc, alcohol, but anything that alters your mood, such as percocet, is dangerous for us. A couple of my relapses were due to those drugs. I suffer from cluster headaches my my doctor prescribed similar meds. They did not make me love the drugs but they made me weak against the fight against alcohol.

            I hate to say that because I know pain. It is excruciating. But, I can't take the meds that make it better.

            If I go to the hospital and am given them, I say, "okay, just ensure you withdraw my @ss first before you let me go."

            Not kidding.

            Been there, done that.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

              Thanks, all. My dr. seemed to think it was a virus. She doesn't know about my alcohol abuse. She gave the percocet, because I was pretty much overdoing the extra strenght tylenol. I have been afraid that I will want alcohol once the percocet is gone. I actually am on tyenol 4 for chronic back pain anyway. I used to take breaks from it when I was drinking alcohol. It was pathetic that I would choose that and stayed in pain. I don't really feel any euforia from the pain pills, but they help me sleep, so I know that can be a problem with me. My mother was addicted to pain meds and constantly overdosed. She dr. shopped in the last years of her life even self-paying so as not to be caught by her insurance company. She could take 20 vicodin a day and be fine. Finally, a dr. gave her tramadol which she never had before, she overtook it and died. I always expected it. The Monday before I found her dead, I went to her home to check on her, because I had not heard from her. She was high on meds, but she was ok. The next Monday hadn't heard from her all weekend, walked in the home and knew that time it was not going to be ok. She was a functional alcoholic from 16 until 40, then she developed her back problems and became addicted to vicodin and stopped the drinking. I didn't drink till age 35, but I am so afraid I will follow in her footsteps.


                Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

                If she does not know about the AL then be very careful with the painkillers she may prescribe. Tramadol is one to watch out for since it has "do not prescribe this for alcoholics" written all over it - it's an opiod based drug only about 1 step away from morphine. Really messed with my head once that one, and the prescribing Dr KNEW I had AL problems.


                  Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

                  XWino;944469 wrote: Just like when I was overweight, Dr's blamed everything on my weight, I think I am blaming everything on alcohol withdrawal. I am still abstaining. This is day 16. Still not having cravings. I have felt like a bit of an agnostic for the last few years and now I am beginning to believe a Higher Power has helped me. All last week, I had headaches. Now this week headaches and nausea. It's pretty bad too, I've been off work for a while. I rarely had headaches in the past (except hangovers), so I am wondering if this can be a symptom of alcohol withdrawal.

                  The dr. gave me percocet & naprosyn & some anti-nausea meds. The headache goes away temporarily any movement, loud noise and it is back full force. Even sitting here looking at the computer screen the lights are causing the throbbing to begin. I never wanted to admit to my dr. my alcohol problem, but if you all think this is withdrawals I will do it so that she can give me something to help. The headaches are bad and when I look at things, they look kind of hazy and cloudy. I have been taking my thiamine and went off the benydryl in case that was it.

                  Have you looked into "stagnant liver qi", google it. It sounds like your liver is not functioning properly. It doesn't mean that your liver is over and out, many people have stagnant liver qi. It just means it is not functioning properly and the toxins are not being eliminated from your body like they should.

                  "Disharmony in our health can often be traced back to stuck liver blood and qi . Qi is the vital energy or life force that circulates in all our bodies. When qi becomes stuck due to negative emotions, trauma, cold or parasites, the result is that there is a snowballing effect throughout the body. Other organs which rely on the smooth flow of liver qi, such as the heart, lungs, stomach and spleen will suffer and their functions will be diminished."

                  I used to get miagraines a lot. What is your diet like? Do you eat lots of sugar, caffiene, cheese? Do you have a coating on your tongue? All those things are linked to miagraine and are not good for your liver.

                  I'm thinking of going on a liver cleansing diet. I've just started to eat more healthily, and when i get better (got a cold at the moment), i'm going to do the hardcore one, which entails eating only fruit for two days. I went on it years ago and i FELT GREAT!
                  One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                    Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

                    I am concerned and hope you are feeling better.
                    Those do not sound like alcohol withdrawal symptoms to me. They started sort of late and have lasted longer than the typical physical withdrawal. It could be a virus as she suspected.
                    Antiinflamatory drugs are often prescribed for migraines. The naprosyn is not addictive but it could upset your stomach if you have injured your stomach lining with alcohol. You had better come clean with your doctor about the alcohol abuse so she can treat you best. Is it possible you had a fall and hit your head? Could be more to this picture.
                    Best Regards


                      Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

                      what is liver qi?


                        Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

                        "the circulating life energy that in Chinese philosophy is thought to be inherent in all things; in traditional Chinese medicine the balance of negative and positive forms in the body is believed to be essential for good health".

                        I never used to believe in it, but a friend of mine gave me a shiatsu massage a few weeks ago (had problems on whole right side of my body - aches), and it cleared it up after a day or so. He told me i had stagnant liver qi.

                        I am going to book in for another one as soon as i get better (have the flu at the moment).
                        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                          Alc Withdrawal - Severe Headache

                          you make your own foot steps and then chose to retrace them or make new ones ...... all the best on this horendous journey ..... try to look after yourself ..... bottom line is no one else can do it for you .... best wishes PM ...... come ON a few days of shit and you can escape this hell xxx
                          I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round .... really love to watch them roll .... no longer riding on the merry-go-round ...... I just had to let it go

                          Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans

