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Trying something new

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    Trying something new

    Going to AA in the morning...will go every day...morning noon and nite if thats what it takes. Didn't do so well tonight.
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

    Trying something new

    Good luck with AA. I hope it works for you.
    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


      Trying something new

      Good luck with it K9 we need to use whatever it takes to get and stay sober. I downloaded the Big Book last night and having read a book recently about the 12 steps I am considering giving AA another try too.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Trying something new

        Hope it goes well for you K9 :l
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Trying something new

          Good plan K9. I will be sending positive thoughts your way.
          While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
          Benjamin Franklin


            Trying something new

            Good Luck Sweet Girl!!!

            Please P.M. me if you ever want to talk about anything ok? I still dont know really what happened, please share with me anything you feel like ok?

            You know K-9, I really wish that I had gotton more involved with A.A. a long time ago. I had a friend in A.A. who I really connected with and she was more than willing to lead me into the whole A.A. world. I really think there is something very magical and connecting when you find a good meeting. Like here. I know that many people have found their true homes and real, deep, meaningful friendships in A.A. and its with people you can see and touch, unlike here (no offense, you know what I mean)

            So... This could be a wonderful new opportunity in so many ways for you! I really wish I had gotton more involved. Perhaps this is the encouragement for me as well to check it out too!

            Please keep us posted on how you are Sweet Girl! I think the world of you and really want to see you find what makes you happy!



              Trying something new

              K9, there was a time when I thought I would rather have a root canal (or 10) rather than go to AA and admit that I'm an alcoholic in front of a bunch of losers that had absolutely nothing in common with moi. I'm so glad I finally went. The principles and the fellowship have been a wonderful gift in my life. I hope you find something like that too. Even if not, it's worth a try. The sober life is worth doing whatever it takes to get it. I love your attitude about that.

              I always suggest trying a lot of different meetings to find what works best for you, and to find a group of people you connect with. AA groups are as diverse as life.

              I hope you find what I and so many others have found.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Trying something new

                Hi All

                K9 In reading about your bump in the road to recovery I was doing the "what ifs", as it would apply to me if I was in your situation. I looked at options an AA would have been my next step . You had some good AF time that was a result of your hard work. It is now time to take the knowledge learned from this relapse and move forward as you are doing.

                You will win this fight because you are doing what ever it will take. MWO has been a tool that has helped but I am so glad to see you looking for other answers. In reading about recovery you will find that not many people make it without a relapse. It is viewed as a learning experience. You are acting on this new knowledge in a positive way digging deeper to find and answer. I know i will be reading in the future about another member who has found the key to an AF life.

                Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                AF 5-16-08
                Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                AF 5-16-08


                  Trying something new

                  Hi K9,

                  Wishing you the very best and hope that AA is right for you. My former wife (I hate saying ex...just sounds icky to me) started AA last month and it has really been a boon for her. Finally got a sponsor, met some friends etc.

                  She,like yourself, is rather attractive and the only advice I'd have is what I told her. Just be careful with the men who will start circling around. I've seen it with here in the past and as soon as she'd get too involved with other peoples lives and then she's slide into alcohol.

                  Stay strong our newest SENIOR member!


                    Trying something new

                    P.S. K-9,

                    Might I suggest an all womens meeting to start with? You might feel a bit more comfortable with meeting just with the ladies?

                    The three or four meetings I went to were all ladies groups. It was really amazing to see all the faces of these women! Young women, women of social status, old women, the girl next door types, the rough life types, beautiful women! It was really an eye opener for me when I went. This problem stretches beyond race, class, social status, age. Were not alone.

                    Let us know how it goes!


                      Trying something new

                      I just started back at AA meetings and i find them quite helpfull. Everyone's in the same boat. I hope to make some friends and get a sponser. I was at a meeting today. Good to get meetings in over the weekend as its always danger time for me but the last two i have been sober. I'm on day 16 and going for the September challange. Good luck everyone who is struggling.


                        Trying something new

                        Go for it K9, that what I love about you, you want this So badly and are doing EVERYTHING in your power to get it.

                        The very best of luck to you hon x
                        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                        AF 10th May 2010
                        NF 12th May 2010


                          Trying something new

                          Honey, I did AA, church, and meds. FINALLY, something kicked in. Keep trying.
                          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                            Trying something new

                            Hi K9

                            I started going to AA again about 2 months ago now(after a one off when away from home at nearly 90 days). I just realised my head was getting muggy, same old thoughts etc and knew I wanted to just get to a place where I could be at peace with myself, as well as get some good support. So far I'm feeling a lot better and looking at step work with my counsellor, and perhaps a sponsor too.

                            This is all after swearing it wasn't for me, and getting sober alone. All I know is that AA is successful for those who get it, and best of all it's reliable and free.

                            Can't really go wrong.


                              Trying something new

                              Good Luck K-9er!! I'm thinking about it too, more and more these days. Please let us know how it goes. Big :l !!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

